[R] using residuals of binomial GLM

2009-03-24 Thread Yuval Sapir
f the residuals model for plotting the separate lines for the probability (logistic) curve? Thanks in advance Yuval -- Yuval Sapir, PhD Porter School of Environmental Studies Dept. of Plant Sciences Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978 Israel Mobile:054-7203140; Lab: 03-6405877 http://www.yeruka.or

[R] modify a data.frame within a function

2007-12-15 Thread Yuval Sapir
f the single column within the function. removedata<-function(datafull,var.removed) { attach(datafull) NArandom<-rnorm(n=length(var.removed), mean=0, sd=1) for (i in 1:length(var.removed)) if(NArandom[i]>0) var.removed[i]<-"NA" datamiss<<-datafull d