Re: [R] How do I assign boolean (o,1) values to a column?

2011-05-25 Thread Xenimes
Thankyou very much, I managed to count he numbr of Markers 2 linked to Markers 3. And Markers 1 to Markers 3 with the aggregate function: with(data,aggregate(Marker1,list(Marker2=Marker2),length)) data2<-with(data,aggregate(Marker1,list(Marker2=Marker2,Marker3=Merker3),length)) So, now is easy I

Re: [R] How do I assign boolean (o,1) values to a column?

2011-05-24 Thread Xenimes
Thank you David and Steve, Yes all this data are already in R and in csv files. Sorry for not being clear. I have this: Codes1and3[1:5,c(1:5)] Mark_2 pop Mark_1 Mark_3 age 1 P A1 139 alpha 2 2 P A1 140 alpha 2 3 P A1

Re: [R] How do I assign boolean (o,1) values to a column?

2011-05-23 Thread Xenimes
Thanks for the tip!!! I read the R manual and some other basic helps. The problem here is I dont know even the name of what I´m looking for -- View this message in context: Sent from the R hel