[R] Install Windows/R/.zip package under Linux/R

2014-05-27 Thread will . eagle
Dear all, how can I install the Windows/R package http://www.ssg.uab.edu/bhglm/files/BhGLM_1.0.zip under Linux/R? There is no CRAN package. Simply, applying gunzip, tar -czvf, R CMD INSTALL *.tar.gz did not work. Thanks in advance, Will _

Re: [R] Full Documentation of R analysis

2013-04-05 Thread will . eagle
Dear all, thanks for your help which solves the problem! However, I would like to remark that I find the R CMD BATCH command options inconsistent and incomplete, since the .RData path and file name is not (always) the same as the R script and there is no easy control over the path

[R] Full Documentation of R analysis

2013-04-04 Thread will . eagle
Dear all, I would like to fully document an analysis in R including script, output and workspace data. To do this I currently run under Linux $ R CMD BATCH myscript.R This command combines and saves only the script commands and the output ./myscript.Rout. To save the workspace

[R] predict.lme() gives missings for new subjects

2011-01-19 Thread will . eagle
Hi, why does predict.lme() give missings in the "predict.Subject" column for Subjects which are not in the original training set? library(nlme) example(predict.lme) ## c.f. Subject=="F30" has missing values. How can I predict/impute values for such "new" Subjects based on the fitted model? Th


2010-10-07 Thread will . eagle
Dear R users, I am wondering about the following results: > p.adjust(c(0.05,0.05,0.05),"fdr") [1] 0.05 0.05 0.05 > p.adjust(c(0.05,0.04,0.03),"fdr") [1] 0.05 0.05 0.05 Why does p.adjust(..., "fdr") not adjust p-values, if they are constant? Does somebody have an explanation or can point to a ref

[R] Residuals of mixed effects model

2010-07-29 Thread will . eagle
Dear all, how do I get the residuals from a lme() output objects which are adjusted for fixed AND (!) random effects? I tried residuals(), but it seems they just give me the residuals adjusted for the fixed effects of the regression model. The model I use is: lme.out <- lme(data=MyDataInLongFo

[R] Win Server x64/R: Memory Allocation Problem

2010-07-14 Thread will . eagle
Dear all, how can I use R on a 64-bit Windows Server 2003 machine (24GB RAM) with more than 3GB of working memory and make full use of it. I started R --max-mem-size=3G since I got the warning that larger values are too large and ignored. In R I got: > memory.size(max=FALSE) [1] 10.5 > memory

[R] Set resolution of embedded plots in pdf() or CairoPDF()

2010-05-27 Thread Will Eagle
Dear all, how can I set the resolution of embedded plots in PDF using pdf() or CairoPDF() to a value of e.g. 600 dpi to meet journal requirements? Thanks in advance, Will __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-

Re: [R] p-values < 2.2e-16 not reported

2010-05-20 Thread Will Eagle
On 2010-05-20 08:52, Shi, Tao wrote: Will, I'm wondering if you have any insights after looking at the cor.test source code. It seems to be fine to me, as the p value is either calculated by "your first method" or a .C code. ...Tao Dear Tao, I think the described problem of p-values < 2.

Re: [R] p-values < 2.2e-16 not reported

2010-05-19 Thread Will Eagle
Dear all, thanks for your feedback so far. With the help of a colleague I think I found the solution to my problem: > pt(10,100,lower=FALSE) [1] 4.950844e-17 IS *NOT* EQUAL TO > 1-pt(10,100,lower=TRUE) [1] 0 This means that R is capable of providing p-values < 2.2e-16, however, if the valu

[R] How to look up source code for cor.test()

2010-05-19 Thread Will Eagle
Dear all, how can I check the source code for a hidden function like cor.test()? At the moment I get ... > cor.test function (x, ...) UseMethod("cor.test") Thanks in advance, Will __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/li

[R] p-values < 2.2e-16 not reported

2010-05-19 Thread Will Eagle
Dear all, how can I get the exact p-value of a statistical test like cor.test() if the p-value is below the default machine epsilon value of .Machine$double.eps = 2.220446e-16? At the moment smaller p-values are reported as "p-value < 2.2e-16". .Machine$double.eps <- 1E-100 does not solve th

Re: [R] sum() returns 0 not NA

2010-04-27 Thread will . eagle
>Exactly the same question was asked, in exactly the same words, 5 days ago: >https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-April/235337.html Dear all, sorry for reposting. I thought my first mail had been bounced off since I could not find it online and no answers on my email account. Problem sol

[R] sum() returns 0 not NA

2010-04-20 Thread will . eagle
Dear all, just a stupid R question, since the results puzzle me a bit: > sum(c(NA,NA), na.rm=TRUE) [1] 0 > NA + NA [1] NA > NA + 1 [1] NA > Why does sum(c(NA,NA), na.rm=TRUE) return 0 and not NA? Thanks in advance, Will __ R-help@r-project.org