[R] Help with Tinn-R

2010-06-09 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
I have just installed the latest versions of R and Tinn-R (running Windows XP prof.) R 2.11.0 Tinn-R version Everything seems fine, except for the following: I usually do this: Open Tinn-R and click on the R icon to open R - this splits the screen into two parts horiozontally, with Tinn-R

Re: [R] Proxy settings

2010-02-11 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Thanks, especially to Greg for the help with the proxy settings required for Windows. I have managed to solve the problem, with Greg's latest suggestion. Jacob Jacob L van Wyk Department of Statistics University of Johannesburg (APK) PO Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006 Office ph: 011 559 3080 Fax: 0

[R] Installation require proxy settings (2)

2010-02-10 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hi Thanks again to Greg, and Prof Ripley. Greg, I was trying to send you an email, but has been unsuccessful. Speaking to someone from our IT deparment, I am trying to follow your advice to implement the settings to my computer (using Windows), by using Control Panel. I have selected System in Con

Re: [R] Installation require proxy settings (continued)

2010-02-08 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Thanks to Greg and Michael for their advice. I have tried all these possibilities (and other); nothing seems to work; I persistently get the message: In open.connection(con, "r") : cannot open: HTTP status was '407 Proxy Authentication Required' It seems as if "proxy authentication required" is

[R] R installation require proxy setting

2010-02-08 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Could somebody please assist with the problem I have now. At our university certain changes have been made to users regarding accessing the internet. I have re-installed the (current) version of R, using custom settings (for Windows XP), choosing amongst other things "Internet2" somewhere. Now, w

[R] The Claw Density and LOCFIT

2009-06-26 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
I am trying to reproduce Figure 10.5 of Loader's book: Local Regression and Likelihood. The code provided in the book does not seem to work. I have managed (a while ago) to get the accompanied R-code for the figures in the book (file called lffigs.R) from somewhere - cannot find it on the web an

[R] Studentized intervals

2009-06-12 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
I am trying to find studentized bootstrap intervals for the skewness of a data set. I have tried the following (nerve.dat is a set of data containing observations on one variable) (using Windows XP): x <- scan("e:/Flashbackup2009/Nonparametrics/nerve.dat") n <- length(x) library(e1071) skewness(

[R] Graphics: Improving a Lattice plot - can it be done ?

2008-09-03 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hallo all I realise this might be a "too much to ask" question, but can I improve the Lattice plot produced by the following code? The type of figure I would like to produce in each segment of the plot appears below the code. library(reserving) # http://toolkit.pbwiki.com/RToolkit

Re: [R] Simple estimate of a probability by simulation (sender)

2008-08-20 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Thank you for all the responses! It turned out that my "theory" contained an error - the answer is 0.2544, and this was confirmed with the simulation in R. My students will be impressed - and I will quote where I found the great help. Regards Jacob Jacob L van Wyk Dept of Statistics Univer

[R] Simple estimate of a probability by simulation

2008-08-20 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hallo I would appreciate any help with the following. Problem: Suppose A, B and C are independent U(0,1) random variables. What is the probability that A(x^2) + Bx + C has real roots? I have done the theoretical work and obtained an answer of 1/9 = 0.. Now I want to show my students to get

[R] gam.check in gam (mgcv)

2008-08-19 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hallo I need some help with the output provided by gam.check after a gam fit (using the package mgcv). To give a brief description of my data, I have claims: a vector of values, which include NA's and one large negative value - otherwise all positive (55 values in total that are not NA). origin:

[R] Help with matrix

2008-07-25 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hi I have 3 vectors, say g1, g2 and f, where g1 and g2 contain the row and column indices of a matrix, with corresponding elements in f. How can I create a matrix containing the values in f ? For example: g1 g2 f 3 4 10 2 1 30 4 4 50 How can then get a matrix that looks as follows: 0

[R] Help with rep

2008-07-25 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hi Is it possible to use the rep command (or maybe some other "shortcut") to create a vector with the following format: 4 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Any help is much appreciated. Thanks Jacob Jacob L van Wyk Department of Statistics University of Johannesburg, APK Box 524 Auckland Park 2006

Re: [R] R version 2.7.1 (warnings)

2008-07-20 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Thanks, Mark, for the response. The problem is vith SciViews. It is not stable under the latest version of R. I found a solution by downloading the latest version of Tinn-R, which communicates with the latest version of R, and now I can carry on like normal (with both windows tiled horizontally).

[R] R version 2.7.1 (warnings)

2008-07-19 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hi I have installed the new version 2.7.1, and get the following messages. Is there some way I can "fix it" ? I use SciViews as well, so the problem may be with one of the libraries that is loaded at start-up: Start-up: Loading required package: datasets Loading required package: utils Loading

[R] GAMs

2008-03-21 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hi I have been searching for goodness-of-fit tests (or lack of fit tests) for GAMs and cannot find anything. My problem is: after fitting a GAM to mortality data (smoothing crude estimated rates of mortality - a process called graduation in the actuarial literature), (1) how to assess the fit of

[R] GAMs

2008-03-21 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hi I have been searching for goodness-of-fit tests (or lack of fit tests) for GAMs and cannot find anything. My problem is: after fitting a GAM to mortality data (smoothing crude estimated rates of mortality - a process called graduation in the actuarial literature), (1) how to assess the fit of

[R] Help with "old" function in "base"

2007-09-28 Thread Van Wyk, Jaap
Hi I think there was a built-in function (perhaps C-code) called "band_den_bin" in the base library (used for kernel density estimators). Is there a newer version of this function. I have an old routine using this but it won't run in the newer version of R. Any help is much appreciated. Jacob