Hi there,
I am sure this question has been posted a couple times before but I could not
find a good solution on the web.
Is there any way to get png() support in R on SUSE linux? We want to run
GenePattern on that server and some workflows use R scripts plotting into pngs.
Best wishes
works precisely, just zoom in far enough so that your screen is able to
display the gaps, e.g. by zooming in by 6400%
Uwe Ligges
On 17.04.2012 15:53, Unger, Kristian, Dr. wrote:
Thanks Uwe. Please use the following below to reproduce the problem. Also, find
the plots as I get
netik / Research Unit of Radiation Cytogenetics
Tel.: +49-89-3187-3515
Am 17.04.2012 um 14:47 schrieb Uwe Ligges:
On 17.04.2012 14:35, Unger, Kristian, Dr. wrote:
Thanks Petr. Unfortunately this does not help.
In that case, we need a reproducible example.
Uwe Ligges
Am 17.04.2
Thanks Petr. Unfortunately this does not help.
Am 17.04.2012 um 14:18 schrieb Petr PIKAL:
> Hi
>> Hi there
>> is it possible that pdfs generated using the pdf() function with default
>> settings leads to loss of information? I was plotting copy number
> changes
>> from Agilent
Hi there
is it possible that pdfs generated using the pdf() function with default
settings leads to loss of information? I was plotting copy number changes from
Agilent 180k data in form of rectangles (rect()) while each rectangle
represents one region of copy number change. When plotting into
ld be
>printed, but
> an executable named "mtest" should have been produced, which could then
> be run typing ./mtest. If the link process failed, then the openmpi
>installation was
> inconsistent.
>Kind regards
>On Wednesday 15 June 2011 17:45:4
id this. On successful completion, no message should be
>printed, but
> an executable named "mtest" should have been produced, which could then
> be run typing ./mtest. If the link process failed, then the openmpi
>installation was
> inconsistent.
>Kind r
>the link phase succeed? Compile & link using
>$ mpicc mtest.c -o mtest
>Presumably you have already tried to run install.packages("Rmpi").
>Kind regards
>On Wednesday 15 June 2011 16:22:07 Unger,
OPENMPI -I/usr/local/include-fpic -O3 -pipe -march=core2 -
>mtune=core2 -ggdb -c internal.c -o internal.o
>x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -o
>Rmpi.so RegQuery.o Rmpi.o conversion.o internal.o -L/usr/lib64/openmpi
>-L/usr/lib64/R/lib -lR
>--with-Rmpi-libpath=/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/lib64 --
>with-Rmpi-type=OPENMPI" Rmpi_0.5-4.tar.gz
>On Wednesday 15 June 2011 14:25:46 Unger, Kristian, Dr. wrote:
Hi there
I am trying to install Rmpi (version 0.5-4) on our 8-core SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 11 SP1. I read all I could find about Rmpi installation
but still cannot get it working.
Here the last command that I used:
Arbeitsgruppenleiter Integrative Biologie / Head of Integrative Biology
Abteilung für Strahlenzytogenetik / Research Unit of Radiation
Tel.: +49-89-3187-3515
Mob.: +49-160-90641879
Am 12.06.11 18:05 schrieb "Prof Brian Ripley" unter
>On Sun, 12 Jun 2011, Unger, Kristi
I try parallelising some code using the snow package and the following lines:
cl <- makeSOCKcluster(8)
pfunc <- function (x) (if(x <= (-th)) 1 else 0) ###correlation coefficient
cor.c.f <- parApply(cl,tms,c(1,2),FUN=pfunc)
The parApply results in the error m
Hi there,
I wonder if there is a way of efficiently generating a correlation matrix of
two expression matrices. I want to correlate miRNA and mRNA expression and used
the following code:
##dat.mi miRNA expression matrix, dat.m mRNA expression matrix
nc <- nrow(dat.mi)
cor.mat <- data.frame(rep(N
Hi there
I recently got some affymetrix human gene 1.0 st array. I only get out the
probe level data and I wonder if there is a function that is able to average
the probe level data for each gene?
Best wishes
Kristian Unger
Helmholtz Zentrum M?nchen
Thanks Isa. I will post my request to the list that you suggest.
Best wishes
Sent from my HTC
- Reply message -
From: "Ista Zahn"
Date: Wed, Mar 9, 2011 22:49
Subject: [R] R console Mac
To: "Unger, Kristian, Dr."
Cc: "r-help@r-project.org"
Hi there,
I recently switched to Mac and I wonder if there is any way to get the R
console to autocomplete names of list objects or slots of objects. The
command line version allows to type e.g. list$ and two times the tab
button and then comes up with the names of the list objects. Same for slots
Dear Terry
thank you very much for this. The number of events in my data is well
above the suggested size. What concerns me is the fact that a very high
proportion of probes comes up as significant when I just randomly select
them. This just seems not be biologically meaningful. Do you know of
Hi there
I want to test the expression of a subset of genes for correlation with
patient survival. I found out that the coxph function is appropriate for
doing this since it works with continuous variables such as Affy mRNA
expression values.
I applied the following code:
cp <- coxph(Surv(t.r
I would like to select probes (affy expression set) of genes that are
"cancer-related". Conventionally the decision whether a gene is
cancer-related or not is made by looking up the literature. Since this
is not possible for all genes on the array I wonder if there is a way of
doing this
I would like to select probes (affy expression set) of genes that are
"cancer-related". Conventionally the decision whether a gene is
cancer-related or not is made by looking up the literature. Since this
is not possible for all genes on the array I wonder if there is a way of
doing this
Hi there!
I wonder if anybody has some script for updating the annotations of
Agilent custom probes. I want to update the annotation file of a custom
180k array.
Best wishes
Kristian Unger
Imperial College London
, Kristian
Cc: 'r-help@r-project.org'
Subject: Re: [R] Sweve/cacheSweave
On 11/02/2010 6:06 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> Unger, Kristian wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I have a problem with using Sweave in combination with the option driver =
>> cacheSweave.
Hi there
I have a problem with using Sweave in combination with the option driver =
Whichever code I try to run - when it comes to converting the tex file into
pdf it comes up with the same errors (\csname \endcsname errors). Does anybody
have an idea what it going wrong?
> Swea
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