[R] Small p-value good or bad?

2010-10-01 Thread T. Smithson
Dear R-community, I have a short question: How do I interpret the result of a likelihood ratio test correctly? I am fitting a parametric survival model (with aftreg {eha}) and the output tells me the overall p-value of my model is < 0.001. My simple question is: Does the result mean my model fits

[R] eha aftreg overall p-value

2010-09-29 Thread T. Smithson
Dear useRs, I am currently fitting an advanced failure time model using Göran Broström's excellent "eha" library with the "aftreg" command. My question: How do I interpret the "Overall p-value", that is reported at the very bottom of the output? I already figured out it must be a chi-square test,