Re: [R] Where to download R .xls sample files?

2010-11-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 28 Nov 2010 03:46:45 -0800 (PST) wrote: SL> Hi folks, SL> SL> Which R packages containing sample .xls files? TIA Help yourself! Create your own! If you do not have Excel use OpenOffice and save as xls! Stefan __ R-help@r-pr

Re: [R] How to remove a package.

2010-11-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 27.11.2010 09:48, schrieb Stephen Liu: > I found the datasets of AER cool. > detach("package:AER", unload = TRUE) detach(package:AER) works for me. > data() > still found "car" there. you mean "cars" ? This is not part of AER but in a base R installation. >> install.packages("EcDat") >

Re: [R] hi!! please help me!

2010-08-06 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 06.08.2010 07:31, schrieb leepama: > > I made some anonymous function which performs some process in matlab code.. > But I want to perform it in R program... > Is there any method??? You have already got answers to this. Please read the posting guide and please stop using an unspecific subject

Re: [R] Reshape? I need it?

2010-08-05 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 05.08.2010 12:57, schrieb spigo: > I don't know how to do it. I need to use reshape? how? > thanks for your reply. example(reshape) Stefan __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting

Re: [R] Problem with "par" and "bubble plot"

2010-07-30 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 13:30:35 -0700 (PDT) Filoche wrote: F> par(mfcol = c(3,3), mar = c(3,3,3,3), oma = c(0,0,0,0)); F> F> However, when plotting the bubble plot (gstats package), it plots F> the graph on a full page. I tried to plot something else with F> plot(x,y) and it works as intended. So I'

Re: [R] hi!! please help me

2010-07-30 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 18:59:50 -0700 (PDT) leepama wrote: L> please give me answer! Please do your homework yourself and PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. Thanks Stefan _

Re: [R] Reset R environment through R command

2010-07-29 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am Donnerstag, den 29.07.2010, 13:22 -0400 schrieb Ralf B: > Is it possible to remove all variables in the current environment > through a R command. > > Can one do that in R? see ?rm __ mailing list

Re: [R] xlsx [path input]

2010-07-29 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 29.07.2010 09:24, schrieb nero: > But it doesn´t work. It only works, if i put the file into the > xlsx-directory and set a dynamic path. > a short example: > > > > But the file is there... > Am i missing something? Lukas,

Re: [R] Column mapping

2010-07-27 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 28.07.2010 07:36, schrieb jd6688: > > DF1 > name OTHER > ABCO > KKKO > QQQO > DDDO > PPPO > > DF2 > name > ABC > KKK > DDD > > If the names in df1 mapped the names in df2, then add the mapped name to df1 > as a separate column, for instance "mappedColumn" What do you

Re: [R] Drop firms in unbalanced panel if not more than 5 observations in consecutive years for all variables

2010-07-22 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 22.07.2010 11:18, schrieb Christian Schoder: > I use the plm package and work with firm-level data in a panel. I would > like to eliminate all firms that do not fulfill the requirement of > having an observation in every variable used for at least x consecutive > years. There are probably mor

Re: [R] How to create sequence in month

2010-07-12 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 12.07.2010 20:25, schrieb Bogaso Christofer: >> library(zoo) > >> seq(as.yearmon("2010-01-01"), as.yearmon("2010-03-01"), by="1 month") > seq(as.Date("2010-01-01"), as.Date("2010-03-01"), by="1 month") hth Stefan __ mailing

Re: [R] Change the frequency of a ts?

2010-07-03 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 03.07.2010 13:55, schrieb Nicholas R Frazier: > I'm trying to convert a column of a table into a ts object. The data is > monthly, so I want the ts frequency to be 12. > > I did this ... > >> filings.ts = as.ts(Filings.100K, frequency=12) try: filings.ts <- ts(Filings.100K, frequency=12) e

Re: [R] Popularity of R, SAS, SPSS, Stata...

2010-06-20 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 20.06.2010 15:31, schrieb Muenchen, Robert A (Bob): > I've been fiddling around with various ways to estimate the popularity > of R, SAS, SPSS, Stata, JMP, Minitab, Statistica, Systat, BMDP, S-PLUS, > R-PLUS and Revolution R. It's not an easy task. You can see what I've > come up with so far at

Re: [R] setting up zoo objects from a data frame: solved.

2010-06-08 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 08.06.2010 17:04, schrieb Erin Hodgess: > Here is a particular way to solve the problem: > If you solve your own problem then please reply to your own message otherwise things get confused. How should one know what your problem was without knowing your first e-mail - if you reply your own e-

Re: [R] setting up zoo objects from a data frame

2010-06-08 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 08.06.2010 16:52, schrieb Erin Hodgess: > > I would like to set up 3 time series; one for dog, one for cat, one > for tree, such that each runs from 1/1/2000 to 1/3/2000, with 0 if > there is no entry for the day. > > > Before using zoo or zooreg you should transform your data.frame as such

Re: [R] median test

2010-05-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
> **Disclaimer: I have no idea what your data represents or how (in)appropriate any of these tests may be** R can do the tests you mentioned (and many more). Wilcoxon test: wilcox.test(x=group1, y=group2, paired=FALSE) see ?wilcox.test I am not sure whether it is still valid but in case o

Re: [R] 2.11.0 on ubuntu (hardy) inadvertently installed

2010-05-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 28.05.2010 17:25, schrieb Cedrick W. Johnson: I now have a bunch of pkgs that aren't loading due to the fact that they were built before 2.10.0 -- There's some *ancient* packages, like (sma) that I was able to figure out what we were using, and pull out the relevant functions and just tempor

Re: [R] Blanking out specific cells in a data frame

2010-05-19 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 19.05.2010 20:08, schrieb Sabatier, Jennifer F. (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP): I do know that you can't actually have unequal column lengths. The reality is I am creating a pretty table to export to EXCEL and it Now that I have Stefan's solution, which turns all the un-needed info into NAs I can use NAT

Re: [R] Blanking out specific cells in a data frame

2010-05-19 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 19.05.2010 19:36, schrieb Sabatier, Jennifer F. (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP): mydf<-data.frame(matrix(rnorm(102), ncol=6) you mean something like: mydf[2:length(mydf[,1]),6]<-NA hth Stefan __ mailing list

Re: [R] survival data with competing risks and time-dependent covariates!

2010-03-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 28.03.2010 15:08, schrieb sdzhangping: > I??m very interested in the analysis of survival data of leukemic patients, > which involves competing risks and time-dependent covariates (infections or > relapse of leukemia after BMT). In my present work, I??d like to estimate the > risk of chemot

Re: [R] how to make stacked plot?

2010-03-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 28.03.2010 15:06, schrieb sdzhangping: > Dear friends: > I'm interested to make a stacked plot of cumulative incidence. > that's, the cuminc model is fitted [fit=cuminc(time, relapse)] and cumulative > incidence is in place. I'd like to stack the cuminc plots(line 1: relapse of > lue

Re: [R] large dataset

2010-03-27 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 27.03.2010 10:19, schrieb > What im facing when i try to import the file is that R generates more than > 100.000 records and is very slow... > thanks a lot!!! > > Maybe your physical memory is too limited. R uses this and if your data are to large Linux and windows start

Re: [R] producing a QQ plot.

2010-03-27 Thread Stefan Grosse
Am 27.03.2010 10:45, schrieb Philip Wong: > >> mah=mahalanobis(data,apply(data,2,mean),var(data)) >> > >> mah=mahalanobis(data,apply(data,2,mean),var(no_fisher)) >> > qqplot(qchisq(ppoints(data),ncol(data),data) > As Joshua already pointed out: you are trying mathematical functions

Re: [R] wilcox.test construction in r

2009-11-01 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 1 Nov 2009 00:47:50 -0700 (PDT) jomni wrote: J> So do I write the function as wilcox.test(original, test, J> alternative="l")? or wlcox.test(original, test, alternative = "g")? J> or wilcox.test(test, original, alternative="g")? J> or wilcox.test(test, original, alternative="l")? J> How

Re: [R] data frame's column names not the same as in CSV

2009-09-26 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sat, 26 Sep 2009 01:58:38 -0400 Derek Foo wrote: DF> I am trying to read in a csv file with column such as DF> "\\LS01\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" with the command DF> read.csv("file"). However, the column name in the resulted data DF> frame is changed to "X..LS01.Processor._TotalP

Re: [R] Is there any performance difference between subset() and list comprehension?

2009-09-26 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sat, 26 Sep 2009 15:26:12 +0900 You Hyun Jo wrote: YHJ> Is there any (performance) difference (except the difference of YHJ> the return types) YHJ> between the following two computations? Try it yourself. ?system.time is useful for that purpose. Stefan _

Re: [R] graphing help

2009-09-19 Thread Stefan Grosse
stephen sefick wrote: > ?read.csv > ?paste > ?as.Date > ?as.dataframe > library(ggplot2) > ?qplot > Also: library(zoo) ?zoo Stefan __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide htt

Re: [R] write.table column names shift

2009-09-04 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 4 Sep 2009 01:07:49 -0700 (PDT) dennis11 wrote: D> It added an index and shifted the column names by one, b is above a, D> and a is above the added index. Try the option row.names=FALSE in write.table then no index is written. Stefan __ R-hel

Re: [R] Help with sub-setting data.frame

2009-09-02 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Wed, 2 Sep 2009 17:12:18 +1200 Worik R wrote: WR> I have a data frame, df that I want to extract some rows from What you need is subset, see ?subset Example: df<-data.frame(TTE=(0:10)/100,SOME=rnorm(11)) df # subset with all columns subset(df,TTE<0.02) # the same as: df[df$TTE<0.02,] When y

Re: [R] Numeric, 2 ??? as a result of marix???

2009-08-29 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 00:15:45 +0200 Wolfgang Polasek wrote: WP> > g=gretldata[1:2,] WP> > g WP>Empfang Versand Transit Inland AuslandSumS WP> 1 787844.0 1307176.6 223395.4 1474726 16199.1 3809341 WP> 2 421473.1 306445.4 448801.2 1779402 14445.6 2970567 WP> > dim(g) WP> [1] 2 6 WP> > a

Re: [R] script navigation in Vista

2009-08-29 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 00:07:44 +0200 Wolfgang Polasek wrote: WP> Why is the option "last changed" not working if I open a script WP> from R under Vista? Because it remembers the changes only of a current session? You should be a bit more descriptive: which editor? which R? What do you mean with

Re: [R] Rcmdr installalation under Viata gives a warning. Do I need to do anything?

2009-08-29 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 21:39:41 -0400 "John Sorkin" wrote: JS> Windows Vista JS> R 2.9.1 JS> JS> When trying to install Rcmdr I get the message shown below. What JS> does it mean, do I need to do anything? JS> JS> The downloaded packages are in JS> C:\Users\John JS> Sorkin\AppData\Local\Te

Re: [R] Best R text editors?

2009-08-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 12:43:41 -0700 Jonathan Greenberg wrote: JG> Quick informal poll: what is everyone's favorite text editor for JG> working with R? I'd like to hear from people who are using editors JG> that have some level of direct R interface (e.g. Tinn-R, JG> Komodo+SciViews). Thanks! By

Re: [R] mann whitney u

2009-08-26 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:18:53 +0100 "Mcdonald, Grant" wrote: MG> is the wilcox.test function equivalent to mann-whitney u? Is there Yes, the test is the same. It is also called wilcoxon mann whitney test because the authors created the test independently. MG> a way to gain the U-value as appose

Re: [R] how to apply a date format for data frame

2009-08-25 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 23:42:11 -0700 (PDT) rajclinasia wrote: R> labels starts ends priorities R> 1 firsttask 37987 38049 1 It is easier with the other data.frame you had with: labels starts ends 1 first task 1-Jan-04 3-Mar-04 and as.Date see ?as.Date e.g. as.Dat

Re: [R] error in creating gantt chart.

2009-08-24 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 05:22:17 -0700 (PDT) rajclinasia wrote: R><-read.csv("C:/Documents and R> Settings/balakrishna/Desktop/one.csv"). R> R> and for create gantt chart i used below code. R> R> gantt.chart(""). This again is why others have pointed you first to have a

Re: [R] gantt chart for dataset

2009-08-21 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 06:19:53 -0700 (PDT) rajclinasia wrote: R> but my question is assume that above data stored in a excel file R> 'sample'. now i want gantt chart for the 'sample' dataset. As a list is expected you need to convert your data frame into a list... hth Stefan

Re: [R] what is the meaning of this error

2009-08-20 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 12:54:33 + (GMT) Inchallah Yarab wrote: IY> Error in Math.factor(c(2L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, IY> 1L,  : log not meaningful for factors IY> In addition:Warning messages: IY> IY> 1: In Ops.factor(LRUpBound, LRLowBound) : * not meaningful for IY> factors 2:

Re: [R] Urgent Help

2009-08-19 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 10:01:19 -0700 (PDT) Bin1aya wrote: B> I have done copy paste of climate data from excel file to notepad B> and tried to upload. I do not have any knowledge about programming B> languages. Please help me. There are better ways of importing data from Excel. Have a look at the

Re: [R] Move legend text to the left legend box border

2009-08-19 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 10:20:03 +0200 Sigbert Klinke wrote: SK> in legend I'am coloring my text rather than using symbols or lines: SK> SK> legend("bottomleft", txt, text.col=col, cex=0.7) SK> SK> However, between the left legend box border and the text in txt is a SK> large empty space. Can I som

Re: [R] postscript, options

2009-08-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 16:08:36 +0100 e-letter wrote: EL> > postscript("/pathto/filename.eps",horizontal=FALSE,onefile=FALSE,paper="special") EL> > EL> This command created a small blank eps file. Its hard to say why without any example code. Does postscript("/pathto/filename.eps",width=8,height=

Re: [R] postscript, options

2009-08-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 13:52:58 +0100 e-letter wrote: EL> On 18/08/2009, Rodrigo Aluizio wrote: EL> > I'm not shure but I guess that you miss a " and putted it in the EL> > wrong place! EL> > Try this: EL> > postscript("/pathto/filename.eps",horizontal=FALSE,onefile=FALSE) EL> > EL> > Hope It helps

Re: [R] VAR (pckg: vars) and memory problem

2009-08-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 13:46:56 + wrote: HCU> I ran into memory troubles: HCU> HCU> > summary(VAR(trial.var, type="none", p=5)) HCU> Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.1 Gb no wonder. HCU> Is there any way I can extend the memory used by R? Perhaps HCU> forcing

Re: [R] Graphical Parameters

2009-08-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:47:23 + mohsin ali wrote: MA> I also found this way much easier. But when to have figure on MS MA> Word, it is copied and then pasted on MS word then minor pixels MA> appears. How to get a clear figure? Use another device. I personally use *.eps which can be obtained b

Re: [R] Newbie question re stddev, quantmod and performanceanalytics

2009-08-17 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 22:43:14 -0700 (PDT) afx111 wrote: A> getSymbols("YHOO") A> retYHOO <- Return.calculate(Cl(YHOO)) A> > sd(retYHOO) A> A> YHOO.Close A> NA A> A> but i received an NAcan any assist? tks! You receive NA because getSymbols went wrong, so YHOO was empty. Try getSym

Re: [R] Graphical Parameters

2009-08-17 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 05:54:18 + mohsin ali wrote: MA> How can I change plot size, figure size and device size? The MA> examples availble for par() function are not very helpful. Would MA> you please give a very simple example? It would be easier if you would tell what exactly you want to do.

Re: [R] ncdf

2009-08-13 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:29:40 +0200 Silke Troemel wrote: ST> /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.0.2/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: ST> /usr/local/lib64/libnetcdf.a(attr.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S ST> against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared ST> object; recompile wit

Re: [R] forcasting or predictive analysis

2009-08-13 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 00:26:46 -0700 (PDT) rajclinasia wrote: R> My question is I want to do forcasting or predictive analysis on R> some data and also genearte any graph based on the analysis. is it R> possible in R, if possible please give me the code it is very R> helpful for me. Since we are n

Re: [R] .... running JGR on a Linux/SuSE system

2009-08-03 Thread Stefan Grosse
Martin Maechler wrote: > But there are quite a few others (I do not really know from > personal experience), see, e.g., > all the projects (listed on the left hand side) of > > > I personally can recommend rkward which is now available on many platforms and whic

Re: [R] books on Time series

2009-06-15 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 22:30:49 -0300 Antonio Olinto wrote: AO> I would like to receive any suggestion of which is most appropriate AO> for a non-statistician (I am a biologist). Reading only the index I AO> could not evaluate it. AO> reproducible code. I am an economist but maybe also as a biologi

Re: [R] A MS-VAR Introduction

2009-06-15 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 14:21:29 -0300 Henrique wrote: H> I'm starting to learn the MS-VAR methodology and I would like to know H> what I need to download (e.g. packages) to make MS-VAR estimations H> using R. Please, mailing to every mailing list you find does not increase the probability to get he

Re: [R] Black-Litterman model

2009-06-09 Thread Stefan Grosse
JannaB schrieb: > Anyone know where I can obtain an R implementation of the Black- > Litterman portfolio model? > > There is the BLCOP package. hth Stefan __ mailing list PLEASE do rea

Re: [R] ADF test

2009-06-05 Thread Stefan Grosse
koyel chakrabartti wrote: > While doing the ADF test in R using the following command I am getting the > error and the result.."> > x.ct=ur.df(rev$REVENUE,start=1,end=length(rev$REVENUE),frequency=1) > Error in ur.df(rev$REVENUE, start = 1, end = length(rev$REVENUE), frequency > = 1) : > unused a

Re: [R] Import ARIMA coefficients

2009-06-04 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 4 Jun 2009 15:21:52 +0100 Daniel Mail wrote: DM> I need to know how to import ARIMA coefficients. I already DM> determined the coefficients of the model with other software, but DM> now i need to do the forecast in R. So why then don't you fit the model then in R Would be much more c

Re: [R] can you help me please :)

2009-05-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 28 May 2009 15:47:18 +0300 NOUF AL NUMAIR wrote: NAN> barplot(zz,width = 4,names.arg= xx,axes = TRUE, axisnames = TRUE, NAN> main=title,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,ylim=c(0,1175),xlim=c(0,226),col = NAN> c(for (i in zz){if i>70 col= "lightblue" else col= "mistyrose")) NAN> NAN> NAN> i tried to

Re: [R] Factor level with no cases shows up in a plot

2009-05-27 Thread Stefan Grosse
Arthur Burke wrote: > > ... I get the four lines that I expected but the legend includes the > Group level "cohort 4" . > > How can I get rid of "cohort 4" in Group? > This link might be of interest for you: ht

Re: [R] Creating multiple graphs based on one variable

2009-05-26 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Tue, 26 May 2009 02:34:55 -0700 (PDT) Tim Clark wrote: TC> I would like separate plots for Tony, Mike, and Vicky. What is the TC> best way to do this? use the lattice package: library(lattice) xyplot(y~x|Name,data=dat) Mr. Sarkar (the author of the package) has written an excellent book

Re: [R] How R connects to the internet

2009-05-26 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Tue, 26 May 2009 12:52:16 +0530 "Menezes, Ian" wrote: MI> I'm unable to get R to connect to the internet at work and I'm MI> guessing its because of our proxy server. Is there any way to MI> change how R connects to the internet? How do I provide it the MI> proxy address? You haven't told whi

Re: [R] counting occurrence of text in a dataframe

2009-05-23 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sat, 23 May 2009 12:44:19 + (GMT) Iain Gallagher wrote: IG> I am hoping for some help with a relatively simple problem. I have IG> a data frame arranged as below. I want to be able to count the IG> occurrence of each gene (eg let-7e) by Experiment. In other words IG> how many times does a

Re: [R] fitting distribution

2009-05-19 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Tue, 19 May 2009 14:04:19 +1000 Kon Knafelman wrote: KK> i have the sample variances for 1000 samples, and i want to fit it KK> to a chi-squared distribution. KK> can someone please help me fit this to a chi-squared distribution KK> with n degrees of freedom. Thanks a lot Dear Kon, 1. ple

Re: [R] Simple plotting errors

2009-05-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 18 May 2009 11:17:50 + Steve Murray wrote: SM> plot(FeketeJAN[1,2], FeketeFEB[1,2], FeketeMAR[1,2], *through to SM> December* type="l") SM> What is it that I'm doing wrong?! try plot( c(FeketeJAN[1,2], FeketeFEB[1,2], ...)),type="l") however it is better to create one big data fram

Re: [R] (no subject)

2009-05-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 18 May 2009 17:33:51 +1030 Debbie Zhang wrote: DZ> Based on a set of binomial sample data, how would you utilize the DZ> "nlm" function in R to estimate the true proportion of the DZ> population? Dear Debbie, This is a list that is mainly intended helping people if they have a problem w

Re: [R] Additional points to scatter plot show up at wrong place

2009-05-15 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 15 May 2009 15:43:33 +0200 Peter Menzel wrote: PM> scatterplot(data[,2] ~ data[,1], PM> data=data,smooth=F,reg.line=F,xlim=c(0.5,1),ylim=c(0.5,1),ylab="ML",xlab="Freq",cex.lab=1.9,cex.axis=1.8) Side remark: you don't need do data[,2] if you have specified data=data as you did. So var1~v

Re: [R] Problems intalling on Suse 10.3 x86_64 OS

2009-05-15 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 14 May 2009 12:32:18 -0700 (PDT) PDXRugger wrote: P> P> Alright, i am unsure of the posting rules for these types of P> questions but i will be as help ful as possible. My windows based P> system cant handle a model i am running so i am trying to install R Why? To many data? P> on our

Re: [R] Simulation

2009-05-15 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 15 May 2009 19:17:37 +1000 Kon Knafelman wrote: KK> I hve the same problem as the initial one, except i need 1000 KK> samples of size 15, and my distribution is Exp(1). I've adjusted KK> some of the loop formulas for my n=15, but im unsure how to proceed KK> in the quickest way. KK> Can

Re: [R] Simulation

2009-05-14 Thread Stefan Grosse
Debbie Zhang schrieb: > Now, I am trying to obtain the sample variance (S^2) of the 1000 samples that > I have generated before. > > I am wondering what command I should use in order to get the sample variance > for all the 1000 samples. > > > > What I am capable of doing now is just typing in

Re: [R] JGR

2009-05-06 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Tue, 05 May 2009 15:12:00 +0200 "" wrote: RC> The point is that one Cpu stays at 100% for all time JGR is up. RC> Any ideas? RC> Andrea I believe it is a bug with JGR. Unfortunately it is existing for quite some time now. (I am using Fedora Linux since years and try it from t

Re: [R] Producing customized tickmarks when producing a graph using "curve"

2009-04-28 Thread Stefan Grosse
Dimitri Liakhovitski schrieb: > I was wondering, if it's possible to "turn off" the default tick marks > and introduce those tick marks in specific locations. > use search. rseek for example. use help. ?axis for example leads you to an example how to do so... (works also for curve) and please tr

Re: [R] Memory issues in R

2009-04-26 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 09:20:12 -0600 Neotropical bat risk assessments wrote: NBRA> NBRA>How do people deal with R and memory issues? NBRA>I have tried using gc() to see how much memory is used at each NBRA> step. Scanned Crawley R-Book and all other R books I have NBRA> available and the F

Re: [R] Scatterplot of two groups side-by-side?

2009-04-26 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 09:29:39 + (GMT) "" wrote: ND> I'm realy new to R, so I hope you can help me, as I didn't find any ND> solution in the common books. Have a look at the online resources at: There is also stuff on graphics. Furth

Re: [R] Tinn-R and latex

2009-04-25 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 22:35:05 -0700 (PDT) Roslina Zakaria wrote: RZ> I installed new version of R and Tinn-R and I just wonder why all RZ> my latex document change to Tinn-R symbol? Because Tinn-R also is able to edit tex documents and you probably missed the default document settings during the

Re: [R] Running Scripting on Linux Machine

2009-04-23 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 09:31:54 +0100 "Bronagh Grimes" wrote: BG> - But the only way I can run this script is to call the BG> whole script using the source() function. BG> BG> - Does anyone know how I can implement a script that I can BG> run as in the Windows version, whereby I c

Re: [R] Problems with old version of R

2009-04-23 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:18:17 -0400 Dimitri Liakhovitski wrote: DL> You don't have to uninstall the old version. Just install the new DL> version. What I do then - I manually copy (in Windows Explorer) all DL> the packages from the folder library that is under your old R DL> version into the folde

[R] Fw: Problems with old version of R

2009-04-22 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:18:17 -0400 Dimitri Liakhovitski wrote: DL> You don't have to uninstall the old version. Just install the new DL> version. What I do then - I manually copy (in Windows Explorer) all DL> the packages from the folder library that is under your old R DL> version into the folde

Re: [R] what is R best for; what should one learn in addition to R

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:49:29 -0400 Juliet Hannah wrote: JH> I've been working with R for a couple of years, and I've JH> been able to get most of the things done that I needed (sometimes in JH> a roundabout way). A few experienced statisticians told me that JH> R is best for interactive data anal

Re: [R] R graph into MS Word: which format to use?

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 03:01:42 -0700 (PDT) jjh21 wrote: J> The journal I am publishing in requires MS Word files. What is my J> best option for getting a high quality image of a graph done in R J> into Word? JPEG? Postscript? I use png or eps. The latter has the better output but in old Word versi

Re: [R] to extract data

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 23:59:43 -0700 (PDT) Roslina Zakaria wrote: RZ> I have a set of data from 1958-2009, how do I extract the data from RZ> 1927 and 2007? RZ> beechworth.dt RZ> Year Month  Rain how about: beech.cut<-subset(beechworth.dt,(Year>1926&Year<2008)) hth Stefan

Re: [R] importing spreadsheet data - linera regression - panel data

2009-04-19 Thread Stefan Grosse
Cecilia Carmo schrieb: > The objective of my work is to do linear regressions with the > variables in the files or with other variables that I can obtain from > those by doing some mathematical operations. I’ve already tried to > import this information to an array in R, but I’ve seen that the > l

Re: [R] Tinn-R (Version dose not support R 2.9.0 very well

2009-04-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
LI Qi schrieb: > I found that Tinn-R (Version dose not support R 2.9.0 very well. > Maybe, somebody who have solved this problem can help me. > > What do you mean with doeas not support very well. I have no problems with Vista + R 2.9.0 + Tinn-R Try to start Rterm instead of

Re: [R] Fedora 10 KDE plasma font rendering issue

2009-04-15 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:02:23 -0700 (PDT) dfermin wrote: D> Has anyone else got this problem? If so do you have a work around or D> a solution? D> D> I'm using R version 2.8.1 installed from the Fedora 10 repositories D> if that helps. I have Fedora 10 and R 2.8.1 as well and have no problems. O

Re: [R] TinnR & Philips Webcam

2009-03-02 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 2 Mar 2009 12:48:16 -0500 (EST) wrote: WE> Now when I start up TinnR to use with R, it opens the webcam. If I WE> manually start up R, Tinn R will no longer synch with it. More detail would help to answer those questions properly. Which Tinn-R are you using, and how are you starting a

Re: [R] Problems installing/updating packages in Linux

2009-02-07 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 6 Feb 2009 19:12:09 -0800 (PST) Paul Heinrich Dietrich wrote: PHD> I feel very comfortable with R in Windows, and am trying to switch PHD> over to Linux. I have R 2.8.1 on Linux and it works great (so PHD> far), except for instalilng/updating packages. For example, using PHD> Emacs with

Re: [R] Upgrade R program (version 2.6.2) ???

2009-02-06 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:41:54 -0500 (EST) Nidhi Kohli wrote: NK> has numerous packages that I downloaded for my research work. I NK> want to upgrade my R program with those packages in it. Is there a NK> way I can do this? I would appreciate if someone can help me in NK> this issue. A bit more in

Re: [R] Vector Autocorrelation Function in R?

2009-01-23 Thread Stefan Grosse
Andreas Klein schrieb: > Hello. > > > Does anyone know, if there is a function in R to compute the vector > autocorrelations? > > ?ccf on bivariate time series. + have a look at the vars package though I am not sure what exactly you are trying. hth Stefan

Re: [R] R badly lags matlab on performance?

2009-01-03 Thread Stefan Grosse
> I don't have octave (on the same machine) to compare these with. > And I don't have MatLab at all. So I can't provide a comparison > on that front, I'm afraid. > Ted. > Just to add some timings, I was running 1000 repetitions (adding up to a=1001) on a notebook with core 2 duo T7200 R 2.8.1

Re: [R] R badly lags matlab on performance?

2009-01-03 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 22:25:38 +0530 Ajay Shah wrote: AS> system.time(for (i in 1:1000) {a[i] <- a[i] + 1}) AS> I wonder what we're doing wrong! it is no secret that R does badly with loops. Thats why it is recommended to use vectorized operations. Another approach is just in time compilation

Re: [R] Testing predictive power of ARIMA model

2008-12-13 Thread Stefan Grosse
> for(i in 1:length(data)) > { > point_data = unlist(data[i], use.names = FALSE) > x = auto.arima(point_data , max.p = 10, max.q = 10, max.P = 0, max.Q = > 0, approximation = TRUE) > > } > > However, I would like to find a way to test the out of sample predictive > power of these mod

Re: [R] request information

2008-12-10 Thread Stefan Grosse
Lisbeth Garzon schrieb: > Dear R-Help team, > > I'm researcher University Nacional of Colombia, I'll use R for my research, > and I would want to know, how i can to estimate Logistic Regression model > such as binary logistic model, multinomial logistic model, and logit models > with repeated measu

Re: [R] xyplot sorted by date

2008-12-10 Thread Stefan Grosse
> With the lattice package, I would like to plot C1 as function of C2 sorted > by the dates, that is something like : > xyplot(C1 ~ C2 | as.Date(C3)) > > It plots somethings but not the truth. > I have compared the output with the output of this script > > I don't know whether it is ther perfe

Re: [R] how to merge panel data stored by variable?

2008-12-10 Thread Stefan Grosse
> I have two datasets stored in tab-separated format in the following way > file1: > country year1year2 > Germanyvar1 var1 > Hungary var1 var1 > > file2: > country year1year2 > Germanyvar2 var2 > Hungary v

Re: [R] Creating Tabel for Mean, Deviance

2008-12-04 Thread Stefan Grosse
Edwin Sendjaja schrieb: > Hi, > > Can someone help me how to create a table for Min, Max, Mean, Deviance. > > Try the summaryBy function of the doBy package. The package has an excellent vignette (=documentation). hth Stefan __

Re: [R] Help With Permutations

2008-11-24 Thread Stefan Grosse
> To an adequate approximation there are 10^158 of them. > Simply to obtain them all (at a rate of 10^10 per second, which is > faster than the CPU frequency of most desktop computers) would take > 10^148 seconds, or slightly longer than 3*(10^140) years. > > Current estimates of the age of the Un

Re: [R] select a subset

2008-11-24 Thread Stefan Grosse
gallon li schrieb: > for id 1, i want to select the last row since all censor indicator is 0; for > id 2, i want to select the row where censor ==1; for id 3, i also want to > select the row where censor==1. So if there is a 1 for censor, then I want > to select such a row, otherwise I want to sele

Re: [R] Time plots

2008-11-17 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Mon, 17 Nov 2008 15:30:14 - "Lathouri, Maria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: LM> I want to do some time plots and actually the dates are in the LM> format of dd/mm/. So first I input my dataframe in R in a csv LM> form. What I do is DF<-read.csv("C:/Documents and Settings/DF.csv") LM> DATE<

Re: [R] plot3d - could not find function "xlim"

2008-10-05 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Sun, 05 Oct 2008 19:32:41 +0200 Tomas Lanczos wrote: TL> when I tried to apply xlim, ylim, zlim functions to the TL> plot3d/decorate3d, inspite all the help documentation I got this TL> errormessage: TL> TL> ERROR: could not find function "xlim" TL> TL> Is it a bug or possibly my fault? Mor

Re: [R] Query about finding correlations

2008-07-31 Thread Stefan Grosse
How about making your homeworks yourselfes? lalitha viswanath wrote: > Hi > I have a dataframe which has 3 columns of numeric data > A,B,C each of which has been obtained independent of > the other. > > We are trying to find out, which of A or B cause C > i.e. We are hypothesising that C is the ef

Re: [R] Query about finding correlations

2008-07-31 Thread Stefan Grosse
gt; > Lalitha > > On 5/2/07, *Stefan Grosse* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote: > > How about making your homeworks yourselfes? > > lalitha viswanath wrote: > > Hi > > I have a dataframe which has 3 columns of n

Re: [R] Question about graphical UI running R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22) on Ubuntu Hardy Heron...

2008-05-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
Original Message Subject: Re: [R] Question about graphical UI running R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22) on Ubuntu Hardy Heron... From: Scionforbai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Brian Lunergan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 17.05.2008 23:07 Have a look at RKWard (http://rkward.sourceforge.n

Re: [R] Vertical bars with barchart

2008-04-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:00:13 +0200 G. Draisma wrote: GD>barchart(VADeaths,horizontal=F, GD>key=simpleKey(colnames(VADeaths),points=F,rectangles=T)) GD> does not give what I need, Works for me. Do you have the current R (2.6.2) and lattice? btw. it also works with barchart(VADeaths, horizo

Re: [R] problem in installing R packages on linux

2008-04-18 Thread Stefan Grosse
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 01:47:43 -0700 (PDT) man4ish wrote: M> > The screenshot is not there, but I suspect you want to install M> > package "BARD" rather than "BART". M> > M> > Uwe Ligges M> No i am trying to install BART which is valid name , i have 30-40 M> times for other packages still facing th

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