[R] Suppress horizontal mean line in beanplot()

2018-02-13 Thread Samuel Knapp
ays from datasets package library(beanplot) beanplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays) # How to remove the dashed horizonal line? -- Samuel Knapp Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenernährung Technische Universität München (Chair of Plant Nutrition Technical University of Munich) Emil-Ramann-Strasse 2 D-

[R] Unbalanced data in split-plot analysis with aov()

2017-10-10 Thread Samuel Knapp
really understand, why the structure of the ANOVA changes suddenly. Is there any argument, I could supply to change this behaviour? When I do the same with lm() and subsequent anova(), and calculate F-value for Variety by hand, the estimates are still quite robust. Best regards, Sam -- Sa

Re: [R] Bug in rep() function

2014-09-15 Thread Samuel Knapp
at would be your approach? Always round numbers first, before giving them to rep() ? Thanks, Samuel On 15.09.2014 18:36, Prof Brian Ripley wrote: On 15/09/2014 16:30, Samuel Knapp wrote: Dear all, I have discovered a bug in the standard rep() function: At certain Not so: > a <- (1-0.9)*100 &

[R] Bug in rep() function

2014-09-15 Thread Samuel Knapp
Dear all, I have discovered a bug in the standard rep() function: At certain values, rep() does not replicate the element by the proper number of times: > a <- (1-0.9)*100 > a [1] 10 > length(rep(1,times=a)) [1] 9 > length(rep(1,each=a)) [1] 9 As shown, this happens as well for the times= as