Re: [R] particle count probability

2019-02-20 Thread Roger Koenker
Somewhere, buried in the vast literature on the Wicksell problem, there is probably an answer, or at least a hint. > On Feb 20, 2019, at 11:16 AM, PIKAL Petr wrote: > > Dear all > > Sorry, this is probably the most off-topic mail I have ever sent to this help > list. However maybe somebody

Re: [R] Siegel nonparametric regression / mblm package

2019-02-11 Thread Roger Koenker
regards. > > P.S.: sorry for my bad english... > > Il giorno lun 11 feb 2019 alle ore 12:54 Roger Koenker <>> ha scritto: > My first thought was also that this was an artifact of the ties, but > dithering the data > n <- length(child) &

Re: [R] Siegel nonparametric regression / mblm package

2019-02-11 Thread Roger Koenker
My first thought was also that this was an artifact of the ties, but dithering the data n <- length(child) child <- child + runif(n,-.5,.5) parent <- parent + runif(n,-.5,.5) and rerunning yields the same discrepancy between the Siegel and other fits. Curiously, both lmsreg and ltsreg from MASS

Re: [R] Summarizing R script

2018-09-26 Thread Roger Koenker
I use R CMD BATCH foo which produces a file called foo.Rout and provided the script includes sessionInfo() constitutes a quite sufficient summary for my purposes, it isn’t exactly pretty, but it is informative. > On Sep 26, 2018, at 3:00 PM, Spencer Brackett > wrote: > > R users, > > Is any

Re: [R] Scaling - does it get any better results than not scaling?

2018-07-17 Thread Roger Koenker
In certain fields this sort of standardization has become customary based on some sort of (misguided) notion that it induces “normality.” For example, in anthropometric studies based on the international Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) childrens’ heights are often transformed to Z-scores pr

Re: [R] Lattice Histogram Scaling

2017-08-15 Thread Roger Koenker
s so far... Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801 > On Aug 14, 2017, at 8:36 PM, Richard

[R] Lattice Histogram Scaling

2017-08-14 Thread Roger Koenker
ion(x, bw = bandwidths, ...){ panel.histogram(x, ...) f <- density(x, bw[packet.number()]) panel.lines(f$x, f$y, col = "blue", lwd = 1.5) }) print(lp) Koenker

Re: [R] Help with a specific quantile regression problem

2017-02-24 Thread Roger Koenker
. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801 > On Feb 24, 2017, at 5:10 AM, Helio Santana >

Re: [R] Functional programming?

2016-03-02 Thread Roger Koenker
rying to do. As always the knowledge and generosity of the R-help community is inspiring. Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244

Re: [R] Functional programming?

2016-03-02 Thread Roger Koenker
Thanks, Duncan and Bert, Duncan’s version does replicate my result, Bert’s does something a bit different, now I just need some time to digest what you have done, and try to see how and why. Many thanks!!! Roger Koenker emailrkoen

[R] Functional programming?

2016-03-02 Thread Roger Koenker
I have a (remarkably ugly!!) code snippet (below) that, given two simple functions, f and g, generates a list of new functions h_{k+1} = h_k * g, k= 1, …, K. Surely, there are vastly better ways to do this. I don’t particularly care about the returned list, I’d be happy to have the final h_K

Re: [R] algorithmic method quantile regression

2015-10-14 Thread Roger Koenker
Did you read item 1 in the quantreg FAQ()? Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801 > On Oct

Re: [R] quantile regression: warning message

2015-10-13 Thread Roger Koenker
see the output from the quantreg FAQ: FAQ() especially point 2. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] Quantile Regression without intercept

2015-10-07 Thread Roger Koenker
me implies 0 expenditure, then all (quantile) Engel curves pass through the origin and one might want to impose this. On the other hand maybe not... > From: Roger Koenker > Sent: ‎06-‎10-‎2015 07:09 PM > To: Lorenz, David > Cc: > Subject: Re: [R] Quantile R

Re: [R] Quantile Regression without intercept

2015-10-06 Thread Roger Koenker
do I interpret the line? As an estimate of the conditional median (quantile) function when constrained to pass through the origin… as with least squares fitting without an intercept, you do this at your peril. > > > On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 8:03 AM, Roger Koenker wrote: > > >

Re: [R] Quantile Regression without intercept

2015-10-06 Thread Roger Koenker
> On Oct 6, 2015, at 7:58 AM, Lorenz, David wrote: > > Did you verify that the correct percentages were above/below the regression > lines? I did a quick check and for example did not consistently get 50% of > the observed response values greater than the tau=.5 line. I did when I > included the

Re: [R] Quantile Regression without intercept

2015-10-05 Thread Roger Koenker
as for lm() or any other linear model fitting…. rq( y ~ x - 1, … ) Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] Quantile regression model with nonparametric effect and interaction

2015-06-11 Thread Roger Koenker
The main effect trend seems rather dangerous, why not just estimate the f’s in a loop? Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] Making my own graphics device

2014-08-17 Thread Roger Koenker
In ancient times, ie circa 1981, the S language certainly supported HP pen plotters so there should be code somewhere that could be resuscitated, he said naively. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217

Re: [R] Prediction intervals (i.e. not CI of the fit) for monotonic loess curve using bootstrapping

2014-08-13 Thread Roger Koenker
quite straightforward, although the theory for such bands is rather difficult and still under construction. Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax:

Re: [R] Percentiles for unequal probability sample

2013-11-20 Thread Roger Koenker
You could try: require(quantreg) qs <- rq(x ~ 1, weights = w, tau = 1:3/4) Roger Koenker On Nov 20, 2013, at 4:56 PM, David Winsemius wrote: > > On Nov 20, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Trevor Walker wrote: > >> I often work with tree data that is sample

Re: [R] goodness of fit for nonlinear quantile regression

2013-10-08 Thread Roger Koenker
ual for nls models. RK Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801 On Oct 8, 2013, at 8:36 AM, Elsa Youngs

Re: [R] Matrix Multiplication using R.

2013-08-14 Thread Roger Koenker
In the event that these are moderately sparse matrices, you could try Matrix or SparseM. Roger Koenker On Aug 14, 2013, at 10:40 AM, Praveen Surendran wrote: > Dear all, > > I am exploring ways to perform multiplication of a 9 x 4 matrix wit

Re: [R] Quantile regression for binary choice and heckit

2013-05-29 Thread Roger Koenker
This is a bit like asking how should I tweak my sailboat so I can explore the ocean floor. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] updating observations in lm

2013-05-27 Thread Roger Koenker
The essential trick here is the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula. My quantreg package has a function that implements a fortran version for adding observations, but like biglm I don't remove observations at the other end either. Roger Koenker On M

Re: [R] inverse for formula transformations on LHS

2013-05-17 Thread Roger Koenker
alize all of this to other transformations. Quite a project! Best, Roger Roger Koenker On May 17, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Paul Johnson wrote: > This is an R formula handling question. It arose in class. We were working > on the Animals data in the MASS package. In ord

Re: [R] question

2013-04-24 Thread Roger Koenker
ess. Roger Koenker On Apr 24, 2013, at 6:37 PM, R. Michael Weylandt wrote: >> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 2:54 PM, nafiseh hagiaghamohammadi >> wrote: >>> Hi >>> >>> I fit one linear quantile regression with package quantreg and I wan

Re: [R] question

2013-04-22 Thread Roger Koenker
ou want to test f1 vs f0 then use anova(f1,f0) For further details see: Koenker R. and Jose A.F. Machado. Goodness of Fit and Related Inference Processes for Quantile Regression J. of Am Stat. Assoc, (1999), 94, 1296-1310. Roger Koenker em

Re: [R] Singular design matrix in rq

2013-04-19 Thread Roger Koenker
Jonathan, This is not what we call a reproducible example... what is raw_data? Does it have something to do with mydata? what is i? Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558

Re: [R] standard error for quantile

2012-10-31 Thread Roger Koenker
The rank test inversion option that you are trying to use won't work with only one coefficient, and therefore with univariate quantiles, if you use summary(rq(rnorm(50) ~ 1, tau = .9), cov = TRUE) you will have better luck. Roger Koenker email

Re: [R] bootstrapping quantile regression

2012-10-31 Thread Roger Koenker
There is no automatic "clustering" option for QR bootstrapping. You will have to roll your own. Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax:

Re: [R] standard error for quantile

2012-10-30 Thread Roger Koenker
Petr, You can do: require(quantreg) summary(rq(x ~ 1, tau = c(.10,.50,.99)) Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] SparseM buglet

2012-08-24 Thread Roger Koenker
Sam, Thanks for pointing this out, but I have to point out in turn that this isn't a SparseM function, it is part of the package e1071, maintained by David Meyer. Roger Roger Koenker On Aug 24, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Sam Steingold wrote: > read.matrix.csr does n

Re: [R] quantreg Wald-Test

2012-07-29 Thread Roger Koenker
On Jul 28, 2012, at 8:55 AM, stefan23 wrote: > Dear all, > I know that my question is somewhat special but I tried several times to > solve the problems on my own but I am unfortunately not able to compute the > following test statistic using the quantreg package. Well, here we go, I > appreciate

Re: [R] The best solver for non-smooth functions?

2012-07-18 Thread Roger Koenker
/risk.html Roger Koenker On Jul 18, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Cren wrote: > # Whoops! I have just seen there's a little mistake > # in the 'sharpe' function, because I had to use > # 'w' array instead of 'ead' in the cm.CVaR function! >

Re: [R] Quantile Regression - Testing for Non-causalities in quantiles

2012-07-16 Thread Roger Koenker
Take a look at demo(Mel) in the quantreg package. Roger Koenker On Jul 14, 2012, at 6:55 AM, stefan23 wrote: > Dear all, > I am searching for a way to compute a test comparable to Chuang et al. > ("Causality in Quantiles and Dynamic Stock > Return

Re: [R] Quantile regression: Discrepencies Between optimizer and rq()

2012-06-07 Thread Roger Koenker
very least you should explicitly pass the arguments y, x, and quant. and you need to replace what you call sample.cond.quantile by 0 in the definition of w.less. Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox:

Re: [R] R quantreg anova: How to change summary se-type

2012-05-28 Thread Roger Koenker
ou also explain what you mean by "leads to mistakes" below? Thanks, Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] ANOVA in quantreg - faulty test for 'nesting'?

2012-04-21 Thread Roger Koenker
an be reformulated as an exclusion restriction, see for example the remark on pages 5-6 of or the references cited there. And using this sort of parameterization you can use anova.rq(). Roger Koenker O

Re: [R] non linear quantile regression - Median not plotting where it should

2012-02-13 Thread Roger Koenker
Dan, It is hard to say without being able to reproduce your example. If you send me the data I could try to advise something. Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558

Re: [R] about interpretation of anova results...

2011-12-05 Thread Roger Koenker
If you were to rtfm you'd see that your anova suggests that the slope coefficients are the same for your tau = .15 and tau = .30 models. Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333

Re: [R] linear against nonlinear alternatives - quantile regression

2011-11-06 Thread Roger Koenker
Roger Koenker On Nov 5, 2011, at 1:02 PM, Julia Lira wrote: Dear David, Indeed rq() accepts a vector fo tau. I used the example given by Frank to run fitspl4 <- summary(rq(b1 ~ rcs(x,4), tau=c(a1,a2,a3,a4))) and it works. I even can use anova() to t

Re: [R] Question on estimating standard errors with noisy signals using the quantreg package

2011-10-31 Thread Roger Koenker
On Oct 31, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Thorsten Vogel wrote: > Dear all, > > My question might be more of a statistics question than a question on R, > although it's on how to apply the 'quantreg' package. Please accept my > apologies if you believe I am strongly misusing this list. > > To be very brief

Re: [R] nlrq {quantreg}

2011-10-16 Thread Roger Koenker
rnorm(50)) y <- exp(1 + .5*x) + rnorm(50) nlrq(y ~ exp(a + b * x), start = list(a = 2, b = 1)) Nonlinear quantile regression model: y ~ exp(a + b * x) data: parent.frame tau: 0.5 deviance: 15.39633 a b 1.0348673 0.4962638 Roger Koenker

Re: [R] How to keep a coefficient fixed when using rq {quantreg}?

2011-10-14 Thread Roger Koenker
oops *bk not - bk. Roger Koenker On Oct 14, 2011, at 8:40 PM, Roger Koenker wrote: Ah yes offsets, I've meant to look into this, but never quite understood why something like: rq((y - xk - bk) ~ x1 + x2) wasn't just as convenient.... Rog

Re: [R] How to keep a coefficient fixed when using rq {quantreg}?

2011-10-14 Thread Roger Koenker
Ah yes offsets, I've meant to look into this, but never quite understood why something like: rq((y - xk - bk) ~ x1 + x2) wasn't just as convenient.... Roger Koenker On Oct 14, 2011, at 6:55 PM, Tal Galili wrote: Hello all, I would like to

Re: [R] Change Variable Labels in Quantile Plot

2011-08-22 Thread Roger Koenker
It should be possible to say plot(..., xlab = "foo", ylab = "bar") ) if not please let me know. Roger Koenker On Aug 22, 2011, at 9:00 PM, Kitty Lee wrote: I have spent hours on this ---looked through the quantreg manual and r-help site--- s

Re: [R] quantile regression: out of memory error

2011-07-11 Thread Roger Koenker Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801 On Jul 11, 2011, at 12:39 PM, Prew, Paul wrote: > Hello, I’m w

Re: [R] rqss help in Quantreg

2011-05-29 Thread Roger Koenker
This is _not_ a reproducible example so one can only guess, but the fact that with returns "the analysis goes" suggests that there is something amiss with your price variable. Roger Koenker On May 28, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Sergius Cerice wrote: > Dear All, &g

Re: [R] statistical question

2011-03-31 Thread Roger Koenker
chosen alpha level then the difference in medians is "significant." Roger Koenker On Mar 31, 2011, at 4:15 AM, Anna Lee wrote: > Dear List! > > I want to compare medians of non normal distributed data. Is it > possible and usefull to calculate 95

Re: [R] rqss help in Quantreg

2011-03-21 Thread Roger Koenker
On Mar 20, 2011, at 10:24 PM, Man Zhang wrote: > Dear All, > > I'm trying to construct confidence interval for an additive quantile > regression > model. > > In the quantreg package, vignettes section: Additive Models for Conditional > Quantiles >

Re: [R] Confidence interval on quantile regression predictions

2011-01-11 Thread Roger Koenker
You need to add explicitly newdata = list(x=x) and if you want percentile method you also need se = "boot". Roger Koenker On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:54 AM, Davey, Andrew wrote: > I am using the quantreg package to build a quantile regression model and >

[R] lty dots pdf issue

2010-02-19 Thread Roger Koenker
t is the setting. I'm viewing all this with Acrobat 9 pro, but my printer produces something quite consistent with what is viewable on the screen. Apologies in advance if this has an obvious resolution, I didn't see anything in the r-help archive. Roger url:www.econ.uiu

Re: [R] sparseM and kronecker product_R latest version

2010-01-11 Thread Roger Koenker
seM_0.83 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] tools_2.10.1 Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana,

[R] Predicting the Present with R at Google

2009-09-18 Thread Roger Koenker
I thought some R-help readers might enjoy seeing the paper by Hal Varian on predicting the present using R and Google Trends that is linked via the following blog comment: Apologies in advance if this has alrea

Re: [R] Browser and Debug?

2009-08-13 Thread roger koenker
At points of total desperation you can always consider the time-honored, avuncular advice -- RTFM, in this case Section 4.4 of Writing R Extensions. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558

Re: [R] Logit Model... GLM or GEE or ??

2009-08-06 Thread roger koenker
ratings. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801 On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Noah Silverman wrote

Re: [R] How to pass a character argument which contains expressions to arg.names in barplot?

2009-07-24 Thread roger koenker
Surely a fortune, because fortuna can be cruel. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801 On Jul

[R] Fwd: Making rq and bootcov play nice

2009-07-24 Thread roger koenker
these days I'll incorporate clustered se's into summary.rq, but meanwhile this seems to be a good alternative. Roger Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University o

Re: [R] Constructing lists (yet, again)

2009-07-23 Thread roger koenker
Marc, Thanks, sapply(ls(pat = "^name"),get) was exactly what I was after. The default behavior for vectors of equal length is nice too, but I was most interested in the ragged case, which produces a list. Roger Koenker emai

[R] Constructing lists (yet, again)

2009-07-23 Thread roger koenker
quot;^name"), function(x) eval( makes the list, but (ironically) doesn't assign the names to the components. Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558Univer

Re: [R] package quantreg behaviour in weights in function rq,

2009-07-21 Thread roger koenker
mit a repaired version of the package later in the day. Roger Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Urbana, IL 61801

Re: [R] Matrix multiplication precision

2009-07-15 Thread roger koenker
A good discussion of this is provided by Gill, Murray and Wright Num Lin Alg and Opt, section 4.7.2. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217

Re: [R] Fortran function for quantiles

2009-07-14 Thread roger koenker
You could look at the function kuantile() in the package quantreg and the associated fortran code dsel05.f which implements a version of the Floyd and Rivest (CACM, 1975) algorithm. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of

Re: [R] Adaptive kernel density was ... Fw: (no subject)

2009-07-12 Thread roger koenker
On Jul 12, 2009, at 2:56 PM, David Winsemius wrote: On Jul 12, 2009, at 3:21 PM, maram salem wrote: Dear group, Thank u so much 4 ur help. I've tried the link, for adaptive kernel density estimation. But since I'm an R beginer an

Re: [R] Dantzig Selector

2009-07-09 Thread roger koenker
/~rogerRoger Koenker email Department of Economics vox:217-333-4558University of Illinois fax:217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On Jul 8, 2009, at 6:35 PM, tzygmund mcfarlane

Re: [R] Color of ecdf plots

2009-07-04 Thread roger koenker
having been bitten by this behavior many times, could I register a plea for allowing a col argument to plot.stepfun that would deal with both the horizontal and vertical segments -- I rather doubt that it is often desirable to have different colors for these. Note that verticals = TRUE is t

Re: [R] odd behaviour in quantreg::rq

2009-07-01 Thread roger koenker
n't resist recalling that Galton's "invention of correlation" paper: Co- relations and their measurement, Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1888-89, used medians and interquartile ranges. Koenker

Re: [R] odd behaviour in quantreg::rq

2009-06-30 Thread roger koenker
1,1] - 1, weights = w[s1]) g2 <- rq(y[s2] ~ X1[s2,2] - 1, weights = w[s2]) #Now looking at the g1 and g2 objects we see that they are equal and agree with f1. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics

Re: [R] Memory issues on a 64-bit debian system (quantreg)

2009-06-24 Thread roger koenker
. The default of 1 is likely to produce something very very rough with such a large dataset. Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] Memory issues on a 64-bit debian system (quantreg)

2009-06-24 Thread roger koenker
sparse version of the full X matrix. This is usually not that difficult, but "usually" is based on a rather small sample that may not be representative of your problems. Hope that this helps, Roger Roger Koenker emailrkoen..

Re: [R] Citing R/Packages Question

2009-05-09 Thread roger koenker
s by other contributors. Koenker email Department of Economics vox:217-333-4558University of Illinois fax:217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On May 8

Re: [R] Question of "Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data"

2009-04-26 Thread roger koenker
rt island without the aid of their trusty laptop "Friday". Finally, cbind(1,x) does introduce an intercept in the code originally asked about, so if you don't want an intercept don't do that, but be sure that that is really want you want to do. url: www.econ.uiu

Re: [R] any other fast method for median calculation

2009-04-14 Thread roger koenker
Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On Apr 13, 2009, at 11:29 PM, Zheng, Xin (NIH) [C] wrote: Hi there, I got a data frame with more than

[R] extract argument names

2009-04-07 Thread roger koenker
lambda =100)" [4] "qss(x4, lambda =100)" "qss(x5, lambda =100)" "qss(x6, lambda =100)" That I would like to operate on to obtain the names of the first argument, i.e. > foo(a) [1] "x1" "x2" "x3" "x4" "x5"

Re: [R] Help using smooth.spline with zoo object

2009-04-04 Thread roger koenker
diff(eye,d=2)),y)} Roger Koenker email Department of Economics vox:217-333-4558University of Illinois fax:217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On Apr 4,

Re: [R] orthogonal/perpendicular distance from regression line

2009-02-20 Thread roger koenker
For the bivariate case: g <- function(b,x,y) (abs(y - b[1] - b[2] * x))/sqrt(1 + crossprod(b)) Roger Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois

Re: [R] alpha shape function

2009-02-18 Thread roger koenker
oes "moderate d" which extends at least to 3d. Given tripack, it seems like alpha-shapes shouldn't be such a big enterprise, and might make a nice project for someone with an interest in computational geometry. Hint, hint. Nudge, Nudge.

Re: [R] Help with rgl

2009-02-17 Thread roger koenker
Why I love R [Number 6]: Chinese extend a helping hand to Russians who happen to be in Brazil about a package written in Germany. Trotsky would be proud -- and amazed! Koenker email

Re: [R] Percentiles/Quantiles with Weighting

2009-02-17 Thread roger koenker Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On Feb 17, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Brigid Mooney wrote

Re: [R] Concave Hull

2009-01-20 Thread roger koenker
Actually, I think that the survey on "alpha shapes" available from: would be more closely aligned with what Michael was interested in... Roger Koenker email rkoen..

Re: [R] lm: how are polynomial functions interpreted?

2009-01-12 Thread roger koenker
oblem this afternoon, and have been wondering why someone else hasn't already done this? Any clues? Koenker emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University

Re: [R] The R Inferno

2009-01-09 Thread roger koenker
I think that this continuation constitutes what Pat calls "hijacking the thread" at the end of his new and magnificent opus. The original thread should be reserved for kudos to Pat. Roger Koenker

Re: [R] Drawing from an empirical distribution

2009-01-06 Thread roger koenker
Nit-picking about syntax does seem needed, mea culpa, I intended something more like: Qn <- ecqf(x) Qn(runif(whatever)) On Jan 6, 2009, at 5:06 PM, roger koenker wrote: Sure, but it would be more 'fun' to modify ecdf() slightly to produce an ecqf() function -

Re: [R] Drawing from an empirical distribution

2009-01-06 Thread roger koenker
Sure, but it would be more 'fun' to modify ecdf() slightly to produce an ecqf() function -- essentially reversing the arguments to approxfun()-- and then use ecqf(runif(whatever)) no nit-picking about efficiency, please. Rog

Re: [R] plotting density for truncated distribution

2008-11-25 Thread roger koenker
Default kernel density estimation is poorly suited for this sort of situation. A better alternative is logspline -- see the eponymous package -- you can specify lower limits for the distribution as an option. Koenker email[EMAIL

Re: [R] Need help: Loading a large data set.

2008-11-23 Thread roger koenker
Both SparseM and Matrix have facilities for rbind and cbind that allow you to concatenate pieces of sparse matrices together. On Nov 23, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Atul Kulkarni wrote: Hi All, I am dealing with a large data set which translates in to a sparse matrix, I want to load this data that i

Re: [R] Dequantizing

2008-11-20 Thread roger koenker
pup) qexp(runif(ty,plo,pup),rate) z <- unlist(mapply(fun, ty = ty, plo = plo, pup = pup)) Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

Re: [R] Oja median

2008-11-19 Thread roger koenker Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On Nov 19, 2008, at 5:40 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Roge

Re: [R] Quantile Regression fixed effects model

2008-11-14 Thread roger koenker
see: Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Champaign

[R] Election Maps

2008-11-07 Thread roger koenker
Those of you with an interest in the US election and/or statistical graphics may find the maps at: interesting. Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics

Re: [R] Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data:error message

2008-10-31 Thread roger koenker
s not to something that is in base R, nor even something in a package, but to code that I happen to have posted to complement a paper that was published several years ago. Roger Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox:

Re: [R] Question of "Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data".

2008-10-27 Thread roger koenker
This is really NOT an R-help question. You just need to read the code more carefully and everything will be revealed there. This isn't like the Pisan Cantos. Roger Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economic

Re: [R] plot - central limit theorem

2008-10-15 Thread roger koenker
Galton's 19th century mechanical version of this is the quincunx. I have a (very primitive) version of this for R at: Roger Koenker email[EMAIL PROT

Re: [R] Error in Switch in KhmaladzeTest

2008-10-15 Thread roger koenker
Hey back, If you had RTFM you would know that the first argument of the function KhmaladzeTest was supposed to be a formula, so try: T <- KhmaladzeTest(Logloss~AS+AM+CB+CF+RB+RBR, data=CPBP, nullH="location") Roger Koenker em

Re: [R] Maximum number of pasted 'code' lines?

2008-10-14 Thread roger koenker
Nothing except: Nothing exceeds like excel. Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On Oct 14

Re: [R] Quantiles of weighted sample

2008-10-08 Thread roger koenker
see Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678

[R] partial matching and dots?

2008-10-05 Thread roger koenker Surely there a standard treatment for this ailment, but I can't seem to find it. Koenker email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Department of Economics vox:217-333-4558

Re: [R] Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data. Warning message: In

2008-09-30 Thread roger koenker
problem is, provided of course that it is small enough to look at with the usual tools, svd, etc. Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217

Re: [R] Convex optimization in R?

2008-09-11 Thread roger koenker
I've said earlier on R-help, it is fairly convenient to link these options to R via R.matlab. Roger Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax:

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