Hello Eric,
strptime("201206",format="%Y%m") gives NA (I don't know why but I'm a
The only solution I found is to add "01" as a day to have a complete date
(Year Month Day):
Then you get a Date format you can use to plot gra
bbolker wrote
> PtitBleu yahoo.fr> writes:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to fit experimental data with a model and nls.
>> For some experiments, I have data with x from 0 to 1.2 and the fit is
>> quite
>> good.
>> B
It seems that there is a problem with ":".
If you only need the date, you can use as.Date(Sys.time()) instead of the
complete form.
If you need the time, you can try the following commands which change the
":" into "-" :
I'm trying to fit experimental data with a model and nls.
For some experiments, I have data with x from 0 to 1.2 and the fit is quite
But it can happen that I have data only the [0,0.8] range (see the example
below) and, then, the fit is not correct.
I would like to add a constraint
Hello Gareth,
Concerning the lines, you can try :
panel.grid(h=2, v=0, y=c(11, 12), col.line="blue")
I have no idea for the annotation. Sorry.
Ptit Bleu.
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Hello Tsidkenu,
Not sure that I have well understood your question but maybe you can add
"fill" to your legend function :
legend(10,90,legend=c("TR=100 años","TR=50 años","TR=25 años","TR=10
Have a good day
I've two data.frames (data1 and data4), dec="." and sep=";".
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4199964/data1.txt data1.txt
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4199964/data4.txt data4.txt
When I do
plot(data1$nx,data1$ny, col="red")
points(data4$nx,data4$ny, col="blue")
, results seem
Sorry in advance for adding a silly question on this forum but I haven't
found the right keywords to find a solution to this basic problem.
I'm just looking a way to have a white background behind the legend to hide
the grid.
Thanks in advance.
The silly example for my silly question:
>From the data provided in the attached file, I would like to find the
seasonal effect and the trend (if there are some) like in page 10 of the
following document:
I would like to know if it exists a package including something equivalent
to this page:
Maybe by adding
col=c("grey","white","white"), bg="white
but not sure ...
Have a nice end of day,
Ptit Bleu.
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I spent all the day on this problem and I've just finally found a solution:
with options(digits=13), it now works.
If I hadn't found this, I would have used the solution of Renaud (but not
very convenient to me).
Nice end of day,
(Happy) Ptit Bleu.
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I've just tested with 12 figures instead of 13. And it works ...
But I'm not able to modify these numbers as they are codes given by other
guys (and women as well) to distinguish equipments.
And I thought the limit with R was 15 digits and not 13.
Is it a (bad for me) special feature of the sqlSa
After a (bad) first try some months ago, I'm trying again to use RODBC
package instead of DBI+RMySQL packages to populate MySQL database.
The main command is
sqlSave(channel, data_df, tablename, append=T, rownames=FALSE,
colnames=FALSE, fast=FALSE, varTypes=vartypes)
where data_df is the
Hello Dan,
I just need to make substractions, comparisons and to use them in a split
Ptit Bleu.
> Hello,
> I have a text file with one column containing long number but stored as
> string.
> I download the file with read.table (and colClass) and the first row of
> this
> column is :
Thanks for all your answers. I didn't know this limit.
I finally found another way to go around this problem: luckily the 4 first
figures are always the same for all these numbers.
I created a new column with as.numeric(substr(df$BigNumber,5,18)).
Numbers are now 14-figures long and it is now ok.
Maybe this solution will help you.
Ptit Bleu.
con<-dbConnect(drv, username=my_name, password=my_pwd, dbname=my_db,
for (a in values) {
requete<-paste("select * from db where id=",a,sep="")
rs<-dbSendQuery(con, requete
I have a text file with one column containing long number but stored as
I download the file with read.table (and colClass) and the first row of this
column is :
As I need to make some calculations with these numbers, I tried to convert
them using as.numeric.
with the following post, I don't expect a solution (I have not usable
example) but some keywords to find the right package and/or functions to
solve my problem.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ptit Bleu.
PS : but if you have the solution, of course, it is ok for me :-)
Here is an exampl
I'm still trying to modify my script in order to use RODBC instead of RMySQL
(no more ready-to-use package for windows).
My new problem is the following one (not seen with RMySQL):
I'd like to copy a data.frame to a mysql table. One column is a numeric one
with big integer like :
I found a solution (certainly not the best one but it works).
I add a 45th column full of 0 to the 44-columns data.frame.
When I copy the data.frame to the database with sqlsave, the last column of
the table is not full of 0, but it autoincrements.
Another small question: what is the command to c
I'm trying to modify my r-script to use RODBC instead of DBI/RMySQL (no more
ready-to-use package for windows).
I would like to copy a data.frame of 44 columns to a table of 45 columns
(the 45th is an autoincremental column).
With the following commands,
colnames(df)<- a vector with th
I used to use RMySQL but as there is no more package for windows, I decided
to move to RODBC.
I installed ODBC driver for MySQL (downloaded on the MySQL website) and then
the RODBC package.
I finally discovered that it was not needed to "register" your database with
ODBC before using it.
Hello Julian,
I'm not sure my answer will be very helpful to you but it seems that Tinn-R
looks for Rprofile.site at the old place (R/bin/etc). With the new R
configuration, this file is in now R/bin.
Maybe you can try to copy the Rprofil.site file to the place expected by
I also found
Hello David,
As I had no time to try to compile the RMySQL package, I finally followed
your advice and moved to RODBC.
The decision to modify my scripts was taken after I discovered the function
odbcDriverConnect which allow to directly connect to database (like RMySQL)
without declaring the data
Simply thank you.
It is exactly what I wanted.
Have nice day,
Ptit Bleu (under snow)
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Hello Petr,
After your message, I finally decided to have a look in my script and to
modify the functions.
There is no more loop on rows and functions calling functions. I now use new
functions applied on complete columns and I also use your 'matrix' tip (Very
with the old scrip
I would like to plot the following xyplot : for each date of fff (1 date per
panel), bbb=f(aaa) for the two groups (ddd=1 and ddd=2) superimposed.
I can do it by group (see below) but not together.
I looked at http://lmdvr.r-forge.r-project.org/figures/figures.html but I
haven't found wha
Thank you for all your answers.
I've looked at RODBC but it seems that you have to declare the database with
the administration tools before using it . With RMySQL, you can do it
directly in the R-script which is very convenient for me as I regularly
treat new databases.
For those who already us
I convinced our new Ph student to work with R and I managed to convince the
guy in charge of the computer networks to install R 2.12.0 (we haven't the
admin rights).
I wanted to install on his computer the same packages I use (but I have R
2.11) and especially RMySQL.
Problem : there is
Hello Petr,
Your solution works well with my example.
But with the function I want to use (which calls another functions), I still
have errors.
I have to work on it again (but only on monday).
Again thank you,
Ptit Bleu.
PS : I have access to all the functions but I don't want to modify all of
Thanks for your answer but do you have a solution using the function ?
I need to you use the data frame with a function (not the one given).
Thanks in advance again.
Ptit Bleu.
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I would like to replace a for loop with lapply in order to speed up the
treatment of my data (I've read lapply can help to do it).
At the end of the message, you will find a simple example (function is more
complex and data frames is more than 1 million of rows) of what I would like
to do
Thank you very much David for the advice !
I haven't checked the plyr and data.table packages but here is the script to
replace the for loop ::
dfrlm1<-as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(split(df1, df1$Name),
function(X){coef(rlm(col2 ~ col3, data=X))})))
names(dfrlm1)<-c("Intercept", "Slope")
Hello again,
Thanks to this forum, I found a lapply command to apply "rlm" to each Device
of the Name column of the df1 data frame (df1 data frame is given in the
previous post).
I'm now looking for a nice way to create a data frame with the name of the
device, the intercept and the slope. I now
I have a simple xyplot with rlm lines.
I would like to add the a and b coefficients (y=ax+b) of the rlm calculation
in each panel.
I know I can do it 'outside' the xyplot command but I would like to do all
at the same time.
I found some posts with the same question, but no answer.
Is it
Hello Eduardo,
Maybe have a look at this thread :
Update RMySQL and ... it's no more running
The last message gives a link to a procedure to configure RMySQL.
It worked for me.
Have a nice week-end,
After an upgrade, RGui was crashing each time I was trying to connect to
MySQL database.
The error message was again : 'RMySQL was compiled with MySQL 5.0.67 but
loading MySQL 5.1.44'
I found an https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-db/2009q1/000572.html old
discussion giving this
Hello again,
You are right: it corresponds to the DST time transition in France (I think
you have guessed it was France from my "Frenglish" style - sorry about it).
To get around this problem, I now use :
as.numeric(format(strptime("2010-03-28 02:00:00", format="%Y-%m-%d
%H:%M:%S"), format="%H")
In one of my functions, I need to extract the hour from a date.
For example:
as.POSIXlt("2010-03-27 02:00:00")$hour gives 2 as expected.
It works for all the dates I've tested except the following one which is in
my list of dates:
as.POSIXlt("2010-03-28 02:00:00")$hour which gives 0.
I do
I'm looking for a R-package to solve such an equation :
which is one current-voltage equation of a solar cell.
Thanks in advance,
Ptit Bleu.
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Just to say that I found the place to set the environment variables
(Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environment variables). The warning is still
there but the connection seems ok.
Concerning the warning, do you think I have to install an older version of
mysql ?
By the way, I also copied RMySQL.dl
Hello again,
After 'googling', I set the environment variable MYSQL_HOME value to the
path to MYSQL with the command below.
I get a warning (is it a problem or not ???) but I managed to connect to my
But when I close and open again R, the connection is lost. I have to run the
I updated the RMySQL (and DBI) package but, since, it doesn't run anymore.
I followed the advices given here
but with no success.
I also copied the libMySQL.dll in the bin directory of R. Also no good
The error message (in french
Hello everyone,
Barry : Thanks for the link to Rscript.
I will check this possibility
(the os was not given in the text, but in subject :-))
Romain : I think my skills at computing are too low for your solution (I
only know a bit of R and of Quick Basic ... nothing with C, C++, ...) and I
also d
Thanks to all for your advices.
littler is not for xp, isn'it ?
Anyway, I will try to convince my boss to keep R. But I'm not sure that I
will be successful (there is a pressure to have a single language for all
the scripts and even money for that ...).
And for this year I have been registered t
I discovered R two years ago and thanks to the R-community I managed to
write some scripts to analyze my data stored in mysql databases.
The only problem is that I am the only one using R in the lab. Colleagues
mainly use Matlab (but not with mysql, only with text files) but regularly
I would like to get a lattice plot of 8 panels (unique(df$fact)=8) with 2
graphs (df$y1 and df$y2 as a function of df$x) and 1 red point at (500,
ymax) per panel.
The script below is quite ok but I'm not able to define two different colors
for the two graphs.
If you have an idea how to us
I have a "friday" problem.
I'm trying to plot the number of measures by day with this command between
the 2008-07-31 and the 2009-11-13 (it works) :
plot(unique(as.Date(strptime(data$date, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S))),
then I would like to plot vertical lines for each month.
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