[R] maptools, sunriset, POSIX timezones

2009-01-19 Thread Phil Taylor
ething improperly, or if there is a small bug somewhere. I'm using windows Vista and R 2.8.1 Thanks, Phil Taylor ptay...@resalliance.org > require(maptools) > Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT") > location <- matrix(c(-80.1,42.5), nrow=1) > sunriset(location, ISOdatet

[R] boxplot subsets

2008-05-19 Thread Phil taylor
Hello, I am a new user to R and have a(proabably very basic) question relating to a boxplot with eleven sites in a river system where i measured Chlorophyll a concentrations. The eleven sites are made up of three sites above a point source pollution site; three sites below this pollution source

[R] package update

2008-04-16 Thread Phil taylor
Hi folks, when trying to update packages in version 2.6.1 I recuieve the following error messages: Warning: unable to access index for repository http://www.sourcekeg.co.uk/cran/bin/windows/contrib/2.6 Warning: unable to access index for repository http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin/bin/windows

[R] pvclust warning message

2007-12-06 Thread Phil taylor
Hi all I am trying to perform the follwing: fit<-pvclust(wq, method.hclust="ward", method.dist="euclidean") but get a strange error message that I just cant figure out. Has anyone come across this? Any help would be most appricieated Error in hclust(distance, method = method.hclust) : NA/NaN/