Re: [R] get.symbols doesn' work

2024-12-18 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
On Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 at 11:00 AM, Bert Gunter wrote: > > > Please look at what you wrote. > get.symbols vs. getSymbols. > > -- Bert > > On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 7:56 AM Phil Smith via R-help > wrote: > > > Hello r-

[R] get.symbols doesn' work

2024-12-18 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
Hello r-project: I want to load and use the tiny quant libary. Hello R-project: get.symbols doesn't work this morning. I use this code: # # # install.packages(c("quantmod", "TTR", "xts", "zoo" , "tidyquant" )) # Load the tidyquant package library("t

[R] package sare not loading and/or installing

2023-01-31 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
ne: Error in library(quantmod) : there is no package called ‘quantmod’ How do I install and load these packages successfully? Thank you! Phil Smith Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R

[R] getDividents() doesn't work

2022-09-20 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
Hi R-Help People! I'm using the current version of R for Ubuntu: R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23) -- "Funny-Looking Kid." I'm using the quantmod package and am having difficulty with the getDividends() function from the quantmod package. Here is my code: > library(quantmod) > > getDividends( "VO

[R] question about difference in date objects

2009-11-02 Thread Phil Smith
Hi R Community: I want to take the difference in two dates: dt2 - dt1. But, I want the answer in months between those 2 dates. Can you advise me? Please respond to: Thank you! Phil Smith Centers for Disease Control and Prevention