[R] BRugs Error

2013-02-10 Thread Paul Ossenbruggen
I installed XCode, XQuartz and OpenBUGS on my Mac using WINE. When I tried to test my installation I received the following error. If correct, BRugs does not exist for R 2.15.1. Is there a means to get arrange this problem? Thanks Paul The following code is an exam

[R] texi2dvi error "Sweave" and "exams"

2012-08-18 Thread Paul Ossenbruggen
Please note that I am on the membership list and inadvertently sent this request from an incorrect mail account. Please excuse me for any confusion that I may have caused. The following is the same request that I sent earlier. I have installed Sweave as recommended. http://lifeasclay.w

[R] texi2dvi error "Sweave" and "exams"

2012-08-18 Thread Paul Ossenbruggen
I have installed Sweave as recommended. http://lifeasclay.wordpress.com/tag/sweave/.Placing a test.Rnw file, for instance, in "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/utils/Sweave" generates test.tex files that generate pdf files with LaTeX. To be honest, p

[R] fGarch

2011-05-04 Thread Paul Ossenbruggen
Hi, I am attempting to fit a ARMA/GARCH regression model without success. ### ARIMA-GARCH model with regressor ### ### Time series data: A multivariate data set. cov.ts.dq = cov.ts[1:4,"dq1"][!is.na(cov.ts[,"dq1"])] cov.ts.day = ts.intersect(dq = diff(q.ts), day = lag(q.t

[R] beanplot

2011-02-05 Thread Paul Ossenbruggen
Hello, sample1, sample2 and sample3 are vectors of numbers. The boxplot works properly but beanplot gives the following error for following run: > boxplot(sample1, sample2, sample3, ylim = ylim, main = "boxplot", names = > 1:3) > beanplot(sample1, sample2, sample3, ylim = y

[R] CCF and missing values.

2011-01-19 Thread Paul Ossenbruggen
Hi, I have missing values in my time series. "na.action = na.pass" works for acf and pacf. Why do I get the following error for the ccf? > ts(matrix(c(dev$u[1:10],dev$q[1:10]),ncol=2),start=1,freq=1) Time Series: Start = 1 End = 10 Frequency = 1 Series 1 Series 2 1 68.0 138