[R] Add a dim to an array

2012-06-02 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I'm trying to add a new dim to a multidimensional array. My array looks like this a1 <- array(1:8, c(2, 2, 2)) dimnames(a1) <- list(A = c("A1", "A2"), B = c("B1", "B2"), D = c("D1", "D2")) I would like to add a new dim 'group' with the valu

[R] Create new Vector based on two colums

2012-04-25 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hello, I am trying to get a new vector 'x1' based on the not NA-values in column 'a' and 'b'. I found a way but I am sure this is not the best solution. So any ideas on how to "optimize" this would be great! m <- factor(c("a1", "a1", "a2", "b1", "b2", "b3", "d1", "d1"), ordered = TRUE) df

[R] Create a new Vector based on two columns

2012-04-25 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hello, I am trying to get a new vector 'x1' based on the not NA-values in column 'a' and 'b'. I found a way but I am sure this is not the best solution. So any ideas on how to "optimize" this would be great! m <- factor(c("a1", "a1", "a2", "b1", "b2", "b3", "d1", "d1"), ordered = TRUE) df

Re: [R] Calculate the difference using ave

2011-10-27 Thread Patrick Hausmann
"A2", "A3"), each=3), water = sample(c(100:200), 9), tide = sample(c(-10:+10), 9)) 100 * tail(df1$tide, -3) / head(df1$water, -3) I hope it helps. Best, Dimitris On 10/26/2011 12:02 PM, Patrick Hausmann wrote: Dear R users, It may be very simple but it is being difficult

[R] Calculate the difference using ave

2011-10-26 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear R users, It may be very simple but it is being difficult for me. I'd like to calculate the difference in percent between to measures. My data looks like this: set.seed(123) df1 <- data.frame(measure = rep(c("A1", "A2", "A3"), each=3), water = sample(c(100:200), 9),

[R] MARGIN in sweep refers to a specific column in a second df

2011-08-15 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear R folks, I am doing some calculations over an array using sweep and apply. # Sample Data (from help 'addmargins') Aye <- sample(c("Yes", "Si", "Oui"), 177, replace = TRUE) Bee <- sample(c("Hum", "Buzz"), 177, replace = TRUE) Sea <- sample(c("White", "Black", "Red", "Dead"), 177, replace = T

[R] Expand DF with all levels of a variable

2011-06-14 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I would like to expand a DF with all the missing levels of a variable. a <- c(2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) a.cut <- cut(a, breaks=c(0,2,6,9,12), right=FALSE ) (x <- data.frame(a, a.cut)) # In 'x' the level "[0,2)" is "missing". AddMissingLevel <- function(xdf) { xfac <- factor( c("[0,2)

[R] More flexible aggregate / eval

2011-04-30 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I would like to do some calculation using different grouping variables. My 'df' looks like this: # Some data set.seed(345) id <- seq(200,400, by=10) ids <- sample(substr(id,1,1)) group1 <- rep(1:3, each=7) group2 <- rep(1:2, c(10,11)) group3 <- rep(1:4, c(5,5,5,6)) df <- data.frame(

Re: [R] apply mean to a three-dimension data

2011-03-24 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi, I think you could also use this way (via array, see http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/apply-over-list-of-data-frames-td3057968.html) b <- list() b[[1]] = matrix(1:4, 2, 2) b[[2]] = matrix(10:13, 2, 2) b[[3]] = matrix(20:23, 2, 2) b.a <- array(unlist(b), dim=c(2, 2, 3)) (b.mean <- apply(X = b.

[R] fraction with timelag

2011-03-24 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear r-help, I'm having this DF df <- data.frame(id = 1:6, xout = c(1234, 2134, 234, 456, 324, 345), xin= c(NA, 34,67,87,34, NA)) and would like to calculate the fraction (xin_t / xout_t-1) The result should be: # NA, 2.76, 3.14, 37.18, 7.46, NA I am sure ther

[R] list multiplied by a factor / mapply

2011-02-23 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, this works fine: x <- split(iris, iris$Species) x1 <- lapply(x, function(L) transform(L, g = L[,1:4] * 3)) but I would like to multiply each Species with another factor: setosa by 2, versicolor by 3 and virginica by 4. I've tried mapply but without success. Any thoughts? Thanks fo

Re: [R] manipulate dataframe

2011-02-06 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi André, try this: df1 <- data.frame(x1 = rep(1:3, each=3), x2=letters[1:9]) dfs <- split(df1, df1$x1) df2 <- data.frame(sapply(dfs, FUN="[[", "x2")) colnames(df2) <- paste("d", unique(df1$x1), sep="") df2 HTH Patrick Am 06.02.2011 12:13, schrieb André de Boer: Hello, Can someone give me

Re: [R] transform a df with a condition

2011-01-16 Thread Patrick Hausmann
"k.4", "f.9", "f.5")) x1 <- within(df[df$A ==3, ], { B <- 5 K <- gsub("f","m", K) }) x2 <- transform(df[df$A==3, ], B = 5, K = gsub("f","m", K)) Thanks Patrick Am 16.01.2011 15:13, schrieb Patrick Hausma

[R] transform a df with a condition

2011-01-16 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear all, for each A == 3 in 'df' I would like to change the variables B and K. My result should be the whole df and not the subset (A==3)... df <- data.frame(A = c(1,1,3,2,2,3,3), B = c(2,1,1,2,7,8,7), K = c("a.1", "d.2", "f.3", "a.1", "k

[R] Using combn

2011-01-10 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I want to apply the "table" function to every pair of variables in df and the return should be a list. setwd(123) asd <- data.frame(a1=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE), a2=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE), a3=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE),

Re: [R] Projecting data on a world map using long/lat

2010-12-11 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi Mathijs, this should work: library(maptools) library(ggplot2) gpclibPermit() theme_set(theme_bw()) #setwd("C:\\foo") point to your local dir # Data: http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/world_borders.php world.shp <- readShapeSpatial("TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp") # check for region-id - Use "

Re: [R] LaTeX, MiKTeX, LyX: A Guide for the Perplexed

2010-12-08 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi Paul, I am using Sweave and MiKTeX and the results are really impressive, but it's often quite complicated (or impossible) to share the rnw-files with my colleagues/clients. So it depends with/for whom you are working. Perhaps as an alternative you could use a simpler markup format e.g. "Ma

Re: [R] Help summarizing R data frame

2010-12-02 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Here are some examples with tapply, aggregate, ddply: x <- read.table("clipboard", head=TRUE) with(x, tapply(quantity, identifier, sum)) aggregate(x$quantity, by=list(x$identifier), sum) aggregate(quantity ~ identifier, data = x, sum) library(plyr) ddply(x, .(identifier), summarise, quantity=

[R] more flexible "ave"

2010-11-30 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi all, I would like to calculate the percent of the total per group for this data.frame: df <- data.frame(site = c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b"), gr = c("total", "x1", "x2", "x1", "total","x2"), value1 = c(212, 56, 87, 33, 456, 213)) df calcPercent <- functi

Re: [R] stacking consecutive columns

2010-11-17 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi Gregory, is this what you want? Ok, not the most elegant way... # using 'melt' from the 'reshape' package library(reshape) Data <- data.frame(month = 1:12, x2002 = runif(12), x2003 = runif(12), x2004 = runif(12), x2005 = ru

[R] replace NA-values

2010-06-21 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I'm trying to replace NA-values with the preceding values in that column. This code works, but I am sure there is a more elegant way... df <- data.frame(id = c("A1", NA, NA, NA, "B1", NA, NA, "C1", NA, NA, NA, NA), value = c(1:12)) rn <- c(rownam

Re: [R] apply a function on elements of a list two by two

2010-05-08 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Am 08.05.2010 15:43, schrieb Joris Meys: Dear all, I want to apply a function to list elements, two by two. I hoped that combn would help me out, but I can't get it to work. A nested for-loop works, but seems highly inefficient when you have large lists. Is there a more efficient way of approach

Re: [R] Find the three best values in every row

2010-05-07 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hello Alfred, I found the solution from S. Ellison (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-May/238158.html) really inspiring. Here I am using tail and the library 'plyr': set.seed(17*11) d<-data.frame(africa=sample(50, 10), europe= sample(50, 10), n.americ

Re: [R] Data frame "pivoting"

2010-05-06 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi Angelo, try x <- structure(list(ID = c("A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A2", "A2", "A3", "A3", "A3", "A3", "A3"), YEAR = c(2007, 2007, 2007, 2008, 2008, 2007, 2008, 2007, 2007, 2008, 2008, 2008), PROPERTY = c("P1", "P2", "P3", "P1", "P2", "P5", "P6", "P1", "P3", "P1", "P2", "P6" ), VALUE = c(1,

Re: [R] transpose? reshape? flipping? challenge with data frame

2010-04-23 Thread Patrick Hausmann
, 0.35, 0.41, 0.09, 0.10)) library(reshape) xpropsum <- melt(propsum, id.var="coverClass", variable_name = "Image") tpropsum <- reshape(xpropsum, timevar="coverClass", idvar="Image", direction="wide") colnames(tpropsum) <- sub("value."

Re: [R] transpose? reshape? flipping? challenge with data frame

2010-04-23 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi David, you could use a mix of "plyr" and reshape: # Example datasets # Input propsum <- data.frame(coverClass=c("C", "G", "L", "O", "S"), R209120812=c(NA, 0.49, 0.38, 0.04, 0.09), R209122212=c(0.05, 0.35, 0.41, 0.09, 0.10)) library(plyr) xpropsum <

Re: [R] How to use tapply for quantile

2010-04-08 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi James, I don't know how to solve it with "tapply" (something with split I think..), but you could use "plyr" (from Hadley Wickham). library(plyr) # Generate some data set.seed(321) myD <- data.frame( Place = sample(c("AWQ","DFR", "WEQ"), 10, replace=T), Light = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 15,

Re: [R] write.csv and header

2009-12-14 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hi Alex, try this mfile <- "c:\\ex01.txt" nperm <- 12 sDate <- paste("date: ", "2009-12-13", sep="") sFile <- paste("filename: ", mfile, sep="") sPerm <- paste("number of permutations: ", nperm, sep="") mt <- matrix(1:10, 2) sink(mfile) cat(sDate, "\n") cat(sFile, "\n") cat(sPerm, "\n")

[R] xtabs - missing combination

2009-12-12 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I am trying to make a contingency table with xtabs but I am getting a 0 where I expect a 'NA'. Here is a simple example: options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rn <- LETTERS[1:4] df1 <- data.frame(r07 = rep(rn, each=4), r08 = rep(rn, 4), value = 1:16) xtabs(value ~ r07 +

[R] ave and grouping

2009-03-02 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, # I have a DF like this: sleep$b <- c(rep(8,10), rep(9,10)) sleep$me <- with(sleep, ave(extra, group, FUN = mean)) sleep # I would like to create a new variable # holding the b-th value of group 1 and 2. # This is not what I want, it takes always the '8' from group '1' # and not t

[R] lapply and aggregate function

2009-02-03 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I have two things I am struggling... # First set.seed(123) myD <- data.frame( Light = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 10, replace=T), Feed = sample(letters[1:5], 20, replace=T), value=rnorm(20) ) # Mean for Light myD$meanLight <- unlist( lapply( myD$Ligh

[R] NA-values and logical operation

2009-01-13 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, as a result of a logical operation I want to assign a new variable to a DF with NA-values. z <- data.frame( x = c(5,6,5,NA,7,5,4,NA), y = c(1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) ) p <- (z$x <= 5) & (z$y == 1) p z[p, "p1"] <-5 z # ok, this works fine z <- z[,-3] p <- (z$x <= 5) & (z$y =

[R] lattice: Color in Barchart legend

2008-09-24 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, with the code below I produce the right graph, but the colours of the legend are different from the colours of the graph. The colours of the graph are the desired colours. Thanks for any help. Patrick library(lattice) pal1 <- rgb(196, 255, 255, max = 255) pal2 <- rgb( 0, 35,

[R] strsplit and regexp

2008-08-30 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I am trying to split a string using regexp: x <- "2 Value 34 a-c 45 t" strsplit(x, "[0-9]") [[1]] [1] "" " Value " "" " a-c " "" " t" But I don't want to lose the digits (pattern), the result should be: [[1]] [1] "2" " Value " "34" " a-c " "45" " t" Thanks for any tipp Pat

[R] tapply and grouping

2008-05-17 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Hello all, I have a df like this: w <- c(1.20, 1.34, 2.34, 3.12, 2.89, 4.67, 2.43, 2.89, 1.99, 3.45, 2.01, 2.23, 1.45, 1.59) g <- rep(c("a", "b"), each=7) df <- data.frame(g, w) df # 1. Mean for each group tapply(df$w, df$g, function(x) mean(x)) # 2. Range for each group - fix value 0.1

[R] Using tapply

2008-05-15 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I have a dataframe like this: w <- c(1.2, 1.34, 2.34, 3.12, 2.43, 1.99, 2.01, 2.23, 1.45, 1.59) g <- rep(c("a", "b"), each=5) df <- data.frame(g, w) df df gw 1 a 1.20 2 a 1.34 3 a 2.34 4 a 3.12 5 a 2.43 6 b 1.99 7 b 2.01 8 b 2.23 9 b 1.45 10 b 1.59 Using tapply to

[R] ave and sd

2007-11-21 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I'm still trying to calculate the sd for V2 for each group in V1 if V3 is '0': > x V1 V2 V3 1 A01 2.40 0 2 A01 3.40 1 3 A01 2.80 0 4 A02 3.20 0 5 A02 4.20 0 6 A03 2.98 1 7 A03 2.31 0 8 A04 4.20 0 # Work x$vmean <- ave(x$V2, x$V1, x$V3 == 0, FUN = mean) # Work x$vsd2 <-

[R] ave and levels

2007-11-19 Thread Patrick Hausmann
Dear list, I want to calculate the standard deviation using 'ave' on two different DFs. In the first DF M1 has only 1 level: > str(x) 'data.frame': 18 obs. of 3 variables: $ M1: Factor w/ 1 level "A03": 1 1 1 1 ... $ M2: num 2.76 2.93 3.06 3.07 3.12 ... $ M3: Factor w/ 2 levels "Ausgew