[R] DATIC 2018 Summer Workshops Using R

2017-12-03 Thread Mccoach, D. Betsy
DATIC (www.datic.uconn.edu) is offering 4 workshops at the University of Connecticut in June, 2018: Mixture Modeling, Introduction to Data Analysis in R, Multilevel Modeling in R, and Dyadic Analysis with R. Registration is now open. Go to www.datic.uconn.edu

[R] 2016 Modern Modeling Methods Conference

2016-04-15 Thread Mccoach, D. Betsy
The 6th annual Modern Modeling Methods Conference will be held on May 24-25, 2016 at the University of Connecticut. This year's keynote speakers are Andrew Gelman and Bengt Muthen. May 23rd, Bengt Muthen is offering a full-day pre-conference workshop on Advances in Latent Variable Modeling in M