le? I will stick to other
"testype"s as a work around for this.
Thanks again,
On 27 July 2010 16:34, Achim Zeileis wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Matthew OKane wrote:
> Hi,
>> Could anyone help me understand how the mincriterion threshold works in
Could anyone help me understand how the mincriterion threshold works in
ctree and cforest of the party package? I've seen examples which state that
to satisfy the p < 0.05 condition before splitting I should use mincriterion
= 0.95 while the documentation suggests I should use mincriterion =
Are there any implementations of stacked RBMs either complete or planned in
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Thanks again,
On 11 June 2010 14:28, Max Kuhn wrote:
> Also, you have not said:
> - your OS: Windows Server 2003 64-bit
> - your version of R: 2.11.1 64-bit
> - your version of party: 0.9-9995
> - your code: test.cf <-(formula=badflag~.,data =
> example,cont
Hi all,
I'm having great trouble working with the Cforest (from the party package)
and Random forest functions. Large data set seem to create very large model
objects which means I cannot work with the number of observations I need to,
despite running on a large 8GB 64-bit box. I would like the
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