[R] mcmc sampling and glmer

2010-03-13 Thread Marie-Agnes
Hi everybody, Trying to test for the effect of fixed factors in a generalized linear mixed model, I face the problem of mcmc not yet implemented with such models. I would like to know if there is any equivalent procedure to that applied on lme ( "lmer" followed with "mcmc sampling" and "aovlmer

[R] lmer: random factor nested in a fixed factor

2008-10-06 Thread Marie-Agnes Coutellec
Hi all, I try to build a model using lmer, with 2 crossed fixed factors (poptype and matingtype) and 2 random factors (pop and family) which I want to nest within poptype. Which of these formulae should I use ? 1. lmer(y~poptype*matingtype + (1|poptype/pop/fam)) 2. lmer(y~poptype*matingtype +

[R] test for factor effect with nested glm

2007-12-20 Thread Marie-Agnes Coutellec
Dear all, I use a nested design with lm and glm, with factor2 nested within factor1. In order to test for the significance of both factors, I use anova tables on the obtained models such as follows: /> mod1<-lm(A~factor1/factor2) > amod1<-anova(mod1, test="F") Analysis of Variance Table Respon