Subject: Re: [R] Modified R Code
To: "Maithili Shiva"
Date: Monday, 28 December, 2009, 1:11 PM
For your problem A, why do you want to create so many variables? Leave the
data in the 'newrate' list and reference the information from there. It will
Dear R helpers,
I have following input files. (Actually they are more than 10 rates but here i
am considering only 2 rates to write my problem)
min1 max1 min2 max2 min3 max3
1.051.30 1.30 1.65 1
Dear R helpers,
I have following input files. (Actually they are more than 10 rates but here i
am considering only 2 rates to write my problem)
min1 max1 min2 max2 min3 max3
1.051.30 1.30 1.65 1
 10.50  10.50   10.75
Please guide
With regards
--- On Sat, 26/12/09, Johannes Signer wrote:
From: Johannes Signer
Subject: Re: [R] Reading Input file
To: "Maithili Shiva"
Date: Saturday, 26 December, 2009, 9:42 AM
Dear R helpers
I have some files in my say 'WORK' directory and the file names are say
rate1.csv, rate2.csv, rate3.csv, rate4.csv
Because of some other requirement, I need to run the following commands
n = 4Â
rates = NULL
for (i in 1:n)
rates[i] = (paste(`rate', i, â.csv`, se
Dear R helpers,
I understand that this is absolutely unprofessional on my part and this group
doesn't entertain such things. I have been associted with this group since last
1 and half years and have been immensely benefited by the noble service rendred
by many R helpers.
So I take this oppo
Dear R helpers,
Suppose I am dealing with no of interest rates at a time and the no of interest
rates I am selecting for my analysis is random i.e. it can be 2, can be 10 or
even higher. The R-code I had written (with the guidance of R helpers obviously
and I am really grateful to all of you)
Dear R helpers, please ignore my earlier mail. Here is the corrected mail.
Please forgive me for the lapses on my part. Extremely sorry.
Here is the corrected mail.
Dear R helpers
I am having following data
Name Numbers
A11 12
A12 17
Dear R helpers
I am having following data
Name Numbers
A 25
B 3
C 13
A 5
B 7
C 0
A 2
B 10
C 9
If Name is
Dear R helpers
I have following table
Name no_of_instances
AAA 12
AA 17
A 0
out further calcualtions on this output file. Please guide.
--- On Fri, 4/12/09, Johannes Signer wrote:
From: Johannes Signer
Subject: Re: [R] writing 'output.csv' file
To: "Maithili Shiva"
Date: Friday, 4 December, 2009, 10:29 AM
maybe th
Dear R helpers
M <- c(1:10) # length(M) = 10
N <- c(25:50) # length(N) = 26
I wish to have an outut file giving M and N. So I have tried
write.csv(data.frame(M, N), 'output.csv', row.names = FALSE)
but I get the following error message
Error in data.frame(M, N) :
Dear R helpers
If for a given data, I need to calculate Mean, Standard Deviation, Mode,
Median, Skewness, Kurtosis, is there any package in R, which will calculate
these moments?
Individually I can calculate these, but if there is any function which will
calculate these at a stretch, please le
ate A and B or can I assume A =
min(amounts) and B = max(Amounts)
--- On Wed, 7/10/09, Albyn Jones wrote:
From: Albyn Jones
Subject: Re: [R] Parameters of Beta distribution
Cc: "Maithili Shiva" ,,
Supose I have a data pertaining to credit loss as
amounts <- c(46839.50,31177.12,35696.69,21192.57,29200.91,42049.64,42422.19,
44976.18, 32135.36,47936.57,27322.91,37359.09,43179.60, 48381.02, 45872.38,
28057.30,44643.83,36156.33,16037.62, 45432.28)
I am trying to fit Beta distribution (two
Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot for your solution and guidance. It worked wonderfully.
--- On Thu, 27/8/09, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
From: Gabor Grothendieck
To: "Maithili Shiva"
Cc: r-help@r-p
y ahead.
With warm regards
--- On Thu, 27/8/09, David Winsemius wrote:
From: David Winsemius
To: "Henrique Dallazuanna"
Cc: "Maithili Shiva" ,
Date: Thursday, 27 August, 20
Dear Sirs,
At the outset I sincerely apologize for reproducing my query to you. I also
thank all of you for the solution you had provided. It has worked on the actual
data I am working with.
However, there is this peculiar problem which I had realized only after I had
obtained my
Dear Peter Konings
Thanks a lot for your kind advice. It worked wonderfully.
Thanks again
--- On Thu, 27/8/09, Peter Konings wrote:
From: Peter Konings
Subject: Re: [R] Comparing and adding two data series
To: "Maithili Shiva"
Date: Thursday, 27 August, 2
Subject: Re: [R] Comparing and adding two data series
To: "Maithili Shiva"
Date: Thursday, 27 August, 2009, 10:57 AM
tapply( B, A, sum)
On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, Maithili Shiva wrote:
> Dear R helpers
> I have two series A and B as given below -
> A <- c(2
Dear R helpers
I have two series A and B as given below -
A <- c(2, 2, 1, 3, 7, 3, 3, 1, 14, 7, 31)
B <- c(0.0728,0.9538,4.0140,0.0020,2.5593,0.1620,2.513,0.3798, .0033,0.2282,
I need to calculate the total in dataset B corresponding to the numbers in
dataset A i.e. for no 1 in A,
Dear R helpers,
I have following data
How do I fit 3 parameter Log Logistic di
Dear R helpers,
I have a data of 2102 observations (consisting of 0's also), to which I am
trying to fit Normal distribution using "lmom" pacakage. If I use Excel, its
easy to estimate the parameters of Normal distribution as simple mean and
standard devaition. The results I get if I use teh e
Dear R helpers,
Following is a R script I am using to run the Fast Fourier Transform. The csv
files has 10 columns with titles m1, m2, m3 .m10.
When I use the following commands, I am getting the required results. The
probelm is if there are 100 columns, it is not wise to define 100 c
Dear R Helpers
This is the R code (which I have slightly changed) I got in VGAM package for
estimating the parameters of FRECHET.
y = rfrechet(n <- 100, shape=exp(exp(0))) #(A)
fit3 = vglm(y ~ 1, frechet3(ilocation=0
Dear R helpers
I have some data and through some other software, it is understood that I can
fit the Frechet Distribution to it. However, I need to fit the distribution
using R code only.
I have searched many R packages and one R helper has suggested some sites too,
but unfortunately paramete
Dear R helpers
I have r file which estimate the parameters of 3 parameter
Weibull -
(A) - continuous shape parameter (alpha)
- continuous scale parameter (beta)
- continuous location parameter (gamma)
(B) Also, I have a r file which calculates the parameters
of Generaliz
Dear R helpers
How to estimate teh parameters of 3 Parameter Gamma Distribution. I tried LMOM
package but it deals with two parameter GAMMA.
Please guide
__ mailing list
> HTH,
> Jorge
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Maithili Shiva
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear R Helpers
> >
> > Which package is available for estimatine the
Dear R Helpers
Which package is available for estimatine the parameters of three parameter
FRECHET distribution. Also, how to generate the random numbers for Frechet
using these three estimated parameters.
Thanking in advance
Dear R helpers
I have r file which estimate the parameters of 3 parameter Weibull -
(A) - continuous shape parameter (alpha)
- continuous scale parameter (beta)
- continuous location parameter (gamma)
(B) Also, I have a r file which calculates the parameters of Generalized Pareto
Dera R Helpers,
I am re-posting my query.
Please guide me.
--- On Fri, 3/13/09, Maithili Shiva wrote:
I am trying to fit the Gumbel distribution to a data. I am
using lmom package. I am getting problem in Cumulative
Distribution Function of Gumbel distribution as I am getting
Dear R helpers
I am trying to fit the Gumbel distribution to a data. I am using lmom package.
I am getting problem in Cumulative Distribution Function of Gumbel distribution
as I am getting it as a series of 0's and 1's thereby affecting the P P Plot.
My R code is as follows.
Dear R Helpers,
Is there any literaure available (including R code) on Fast Fourier Transform
being used in CreditRisk+? I need to learn how to apply the Fast Fourier
Transform. I agree I am too vaue in my question and sincerely apologize for the
same, but I am not able to understand as to whe
Dear R helpers
How to generate random numbers for
(a) Generalized logistic distribution
(b) Generalized normal distribution
(c) Pearson Type III distribution
(d) Kappa
Thanks in advance
__ mailing list
: [R] Generating Correlation matrix
> To: "Maithili Shiva"
> Cc:
> Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:37 AM
> Assuming you want "ordinary" correlations -
> Pearson or Spearman - and not
> some financial thing I've never heard of, sear
Dear R helpers,
I have generated a portfolio of Equity, Dollar Rate and say zero coupon bond. I
have calculated the daily returns based on the prices available for last two
Now, I have three seperate csv files (Equity.csv, Dollar.csv and Bond.csv)
containing the respective returns. I
Hi R helpers,
I have two matrices A and B of the order (4 * 5) and (5 * 3) respectively. How
to multiply these two matrices to obtain resultant matrix of the order (4 * 3).
Thanks in advance
With regards
__ mailing
Dear R helpers
Suppose I have a portfolio of securities with exposure to Equity, Bonds and
Forex (say $ 100 each).
Is there any fucntion in R that will help me calculate Value at Risk (VaR)
using Monte carlo Simulation , Historic simulation and Variance - Covariance
With reg
Hi R helpers,
Is there any function in R, which generates random numbers in case of
(1) Generalized Extreme Value distribution and
(2) Generalized PAreto distribution for the respective given set of parameters?
Dear R help,
I have an xls file with the name ONS.csv having 25 obseravations as given below.
This is my data. (i.e. the first column of file ONS.csv)
I a
Dear R helpers,
How do you estimate the (Location, Scale, Shape) parameters of Generalized
Extreme Value distribution using R?
I have tried VGAM but just not able to write the R script.
Please advise.
With regards
__ m
I have the response variable 'Y' and four predictors say X1, X2, X3 and X4.
Assuming all the assmptions like Y follows normal distribution etc. hold and I
want to run linear multiple regression. How do I run the stepwise regression
(forward as well as the backward regression).
>From other
who will also be immensely benefited by the replies, I may get
pertaining to these questions.
Thanking you all in advance,
With warm regards
Maithili Shiva
__ mailing list
nguage, how do I get value of G and p value?
I am sincerely sorry for raising these many questions? But I am sure there will
be many like me who will also be immensely benefited by the replies, I may get
pertaining to these questions.
Thanking you all in
was how do I interpret these absolue values. How does these values help me to
find out wheher my model is good.
With regards
Ms Maithili Shiva
> Subject: [R] Logistic regresion - Interpreting (SENS) and (SPEC)
Hi I am working on credit scoring model using logistic regression. I havd main
sample of 42500 clentes and based on their status as regards to defaulted / non
- defaulted, I have genereted the probability of default.
I have a hold out sample of 5000 clients. I have calculated (1) No of corre
Dear R helpers,
Hi I am working on credit scoring model using logistic regression. I have main
sample of 42500 clentes and based on their status as regards to defaulted / non
- defaulted, I have genereted the probability of default.
I have a hold out sample of 5000 clients. I have calculated (1
Hi I am working on credit scoring model using logistic regression. I havd main
sample of 42500 clentes and based on their status as regards to defaulted / non
- defaulted, I have genereted the probability of default.
I have a hold out sample of 5000 clients. I have calculated (1) No of corre
I am working on scorecard model and I have arrived at the regression equation.
I have used logistic regression using R.
My question is how do I validate this model? I do have hold out sample of 5000
Please guide me. Problem is I had never used Logistic regression earlier
Hi. This is my first mail. I am new to R and also to the company where I am
employed now. I have Statistics background (i.e. Master of Science).
However, it is only now I understand what I learned in text is simply a bookish
knowledge and when it comes to actually applying statistics in real li
Hi. This is my first mail. I am new to R and also to the company where I am
employed now. I have Statistics background (i.e. Master of Science).
However, it is only now I understand what I learned in text is simply a bookish
knowledge and when it comes to actually applying statistics in real li
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