Dear all,
Happy New year!
I have used the 'crr' function to fit the 'proportional subdistribution
hazards' regression model described in Fine and Gray (1999).
dat1 is a three column dataset where:
- ccr is the time to event variable
- Crcens is an indicator variable equal to 0 if the event was a
Dear all,
I would like to draw three forest plots to represent results at years 1, 2
and 3. I have the data as point estimates and 95% confidence intervals.
Using the following code I can get three basic forest plots - the first
which has the table of results. I have to plot each separately as t
On 5 May 2011 16:09, David Winsemius wrote:
> On May 5, 2011, at 8:20 AM, Laura Bonnett wrote:
> Dear All,
>> I am trying to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the difference in
>> two
>> c statistics (or equivalently D statistics). In Stata I
Dear All,
I am trying to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the difference in two
c statistics (or equivalently D statistics). In Stata I gather that this
can be done using the lincom command. Is there anything similar in R?
As you can see below I have two datasets (that are actually two i
Dear all,
I am using R version 2.9.2 in Windows.
I would like to output the results of a function I have written to a .txt
file. I know that I can do this by using the code
write.table(boothd(10),"boothd10.txt",sep="\t",append=TRUE) etc. However, I
would like to bootstrap my function 'boothd' s
Dear All,
I am using Windows and R version 2.9.2 with libraries cmprsk, mfp and
I have a dataset with approximately 1700 patients (1 row per patient) and I
have 12 outcomes, three of which are continuous. I have performed
univariate analyses to see if any factors are associated with a hi
Dear all,
I am using Windows and R 2.9.2 for my analyses. I have a large dataset and
I am particularly interested in looking at time to an event for a continuous
variable. I would like to produce a plot of log(relative risk) or relative
risk (also known as hazard ratio) against the continuous va
Dear R-help,
I am trying to obtain the baseline survival estimate of a fitted Cox model
(S_0 (t)). I know that previous posts have said use 'basehaz' but this
gives the baseline hazard function and not the baseline survival estimate.
Is there a way to obtain the baseline survival estimate or do I
I've just realised that this is a very silly post as I can't read!!! The
output in the "anova" is the excluded variables - very sorry!
2009/11/30 Laura Bonnett
> Dear all,
> I have decided after much deliberation to use backward elimination and
Dear all,
I have decided after much deliberation to use backward elimination and
forward selection to produce a multivariate model. Having read about the
problems with choosing selection values I have chosen to base my decisions
of inclusion and exclusion on the AIC and am consequently using the
Hi all,
I'm very confused! I've been using the same code for many weeks without any
bother for various covariates. I'm now looking at another covaraite and
whenever I run the code you can see below I get an error message: "Error in
rep(0, nrow(data)) : invalid 'times' argument"
This code works:
; Email:
> Webpage:
> tml
> -Original Message-
> From: Laura Bonnett []
) ,
>> xx=sample(1:1000, 5) ,yy=sample(1:1000, 5) )
>> xyz$z <- xyz$x + xyz$y + xyz$xx
>> solve(xyz)
> Error in solve.default(xyz) :
> system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =
> 6.39164e-20
> On Jun 26, 2009, at 6:22 AM, Laura Bonnett w
> tml
> --------
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Laura Bonnett
Dear R-help,
I'm very sorry to ask 2 questions in a week. I am using the package
'crr' and it does exactly what I need it to when I use the dataset a.
However, when I use dataset b I get the following error message:
Error in drop(.Call("La_dgesv", a, as.matrix(b), tol, PACKAGE = "base")) :
Dear All,
I have analysed time to event data for continuous variables by
considering the multivariable fractional polynomial (MFP) model and
comparing this to the untransformed and log transformed model to
determine which transformation, if any, is best. This was possible as
the Cox model was the
Dear R-Help,
I am using the 'mfp' package. It produces three plots (as I am using
the Cox model) simultaneously which can be viewed together using the
following code:
fit <-
Dear All,
I am attempting to use forward and/or backward selection to determine
the best model for the variables I have. Unfortunately, because I am
dealing with patients and every patient is receiving treatment I need
to force the variable for treatment into the model. Is there a way to
do this
Dear R-listers,
I know that there have been many, many posts on the output from
Survreg. To summarise what I have read, Scale is 1/shape of the
Weibull which is also the standard deviation of the normal
distribution which is also the standard deviation of the log survival
time and Intercept is lo
s for your help,
2009/4/6 Terry Therneau :
> Laura Bonnett was kind enough to send me a copy of the data that caused the
> plotting error, since it was an error I had not seen before.
> 1. The latest version of survival gives a nicer error message:
>> fit <-
s modest, have you
> tried jitter-ing the rem.Remtime variable a few times to see it the results
> are stable?
> If the number of ties is large, then you need to review Thernaeu & Gramsch
> section 3.3
> --
> David Winsemius
> On Apr 3, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Laur
Dear All,
Sorry to bother you again.
I have a model:
and I'm trying to do a plot of Schoenfeld residuals using the code:
The error message I get is:
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite
Dear All,
I am contemplating centering the covariates in my Cox model to reduce
multicollinearity between the predictors and the interaction term and
to render a more meaningful interpretation of the regression
coefficient. Suppose I have two indicator variables, x1 and x2 which
represent age cat
Dear All,
I am going through a worked example provided by Harrell, Lee and Mark
(1996, Stats in Medicine, 15, 361-387). I know that the code provided
is for S-PLUS and R but the languages don't differ enough for this to
be a problem.
I am using the Hmisc and Design libraries and have used the fo
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 8:46 AM, Jim Lemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Laura Bonnett wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I have data in a long format e.g. there is one row per patient but each
>> follow-up appointment is included in the row. So, a snippet of th
Hi Everyone,
I have data in a long format e.g. there is one row per patient but each
follow-up appointment is included in the row. So, a snippet of the data
looks like this:
TrialNo Drug Sex Rand Adate1 Date1 Dose1 Time1 Adate2 Date2 Dose2
Time2 B1001029 LTG M 15719 30/04/2003 15825 150 10
> [19] TRUENA
> > x[x != "N"]
> [1] "A" "A" "B" NA NA NA "B" "B" "B" "A" NA
Hi All,
I have a data frame which has columns comprised mainly of "NA"s. I know
there are functions na.pass and na.omit etc which can be used in these
situations however I can't them to work in this case. I have a function
which returns the data according to some rule i.e. removal of N in this
Hi All,
This sounds a relatively simple query, and I hope it is!
I am looking at a continuous variable, age. I am looking at time to
12-month remission and can calculate the HR and 95% confidence interval are
coxfita = coxph(Surv(rem.Remtime,rem.Rcens)~nearma$all.age,data=nearma)
Sorry to hassle you, but I really need to get my code up and running.
Please can you therefore explain what a and v are?
Thank you,
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Laura Bonnett
> Can I ask what a and v are?
> Thanks,
> Laura
Can I ask what a and v are?
On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Robin Hankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Laura Bonnett wrote:
>> crosstable[,,expand[d,1],expand[d,2],expand[d,3],...expand[d,n]]
>> crosstable is just a crosstabulation of an n+2-dimensi
; 12322
> >
> second bit I'm not sure about. I didn't quite get why d=2 implied the
> order is 2,1.
> Could you post a small self-contained example?
> rksh
> Laura Bonnett wrote:
>> Hi R-help
Hi R-helpers,
I have two queries relating to generalising to n dimensions:
What I want to do in the first one is generalise the following statement:
expand<-expand.grid(1:x[1],1:x[2],...1:x[n]) where x is a vector of integers
and expand.grid gives every combination of the set of numbers, so for
From that, how do I get the necessary variance-covaraince matrix.
Sorry if I appear dense. It really isn't my intention.
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Peter Dalgaard
> Laura Bonnett wrote:
> > Hi all,
other way to produce the required covariance?
Thank you,
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Laura Bonnett
> The standard treatment is the same in both comparison.
> How do you do a three-level treatment factor?
> I thought you had to have a ce
The standard treatment is the same in both comparison.
How do you do a three-level treatment factor?
I thought you had to have a censoring indicator which took values 0 or 1 not
1, 2 or 3?
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Peter Dalgaard
> Laur
Dear R help forum,
I am using the function 'coxph' to obtain hazard ratios for the comparison
of a standard treatment to new treatments. This is easily obtained by
fitting the relevant model and then calling exp(coef(fit1)) say.
I now want to obtain the hazard ratio for the comparison of two non
(Sorry, my last email appeared to be missing the important bits so I'll try
Dear All,
I am currently working with the coxph function within the package survival.
I have the model h_ij = h_0(t) exp( b1x1 + b 2x2) where the indicator
variables are as follows:
x1 x2
Dear All,
I am currently working with the coxph function within the package survival.
I have the model h_ij = h_0(t) exp(b1x1 + b2x2) where the indicator
are as follows:
x1 x2
VPS 0 0
LTG 1 0
TPM 0 1
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Dear Sirs,
I am using both the Bioconductor adds on (Affy, AffyPLM,...) and the
'standard' R-package.
I am trying to select a list of genes which all have expression values below
a certain threshold.
I have done this by creating a vector which has 0s where the expression is
greater than the thres
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