Re: [R] SMATR common slopes test

2010-11-06 Thread Kevin Middleton
Eugenio - > I am confused with SMATR's test for common slope. My null hypothesis here is > that all slopes are parallel (common slopes?), right? > So if I get a p value < 0.05 means that we can have confidence to reject it? > That slopes are different? > Or the other way around? it means that we

Re: [R] SAS and R on multiple operating systems

2010-04-05 Thread Kevin Middleton
> SAS and R run on > > Windows(all flavors) > UNIX(all flavors) > Apple OSs According to SAS ( and, SAS will not run on OS X past 10.4. OS X 10.5 was released in late 2007, so I don't think it's really fair to say that

Re: [R] Dynamic file / url name with read.csv

2010-01-12 Thread Kevin Middleton
A few suggestions: Don't mix ' and " Use paste() Don't include an extraneous ; SymA<- "SPY" Sym1<- paste("",SymA,"&ignore=.csv",sep="";) Symbol<- read.csv(Sym1, stringsAsFactors=F) On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:03 PM, B S wrote: > > Hi- > > I would

Re: [R] Video Analysis?

2009-09-05 Thread Kevin Middleton
On Sep 5, 2009, at 5:07 PM, spencerg wrote: What software exists for digitizing video to quantify the motion of specific features in the image? I might be willing to use something that's NOT in R, though I'd prefer something in R (or at least with an R intereface). A few options tha

Re: [R] problems with clipboard

2009-04-28 Thread Kevin Middleton
Jamie, Try it as: data2 <- read.table(pipe('pbpaste'), header = T) I have a read.clipboard() function defined in ~/.Rprofile: read.clipboard <- function(){read.table(pipe('pbpaste'), header = T)} Also see the "Clipboard" section of ?pipe. Cheers, Kevin

Re: [R] Which Linux OS on Athlon amd64, to comfortably run R?

2007-12-05 Thread Kevin Middleton
>> One oddity about Ubuntu is that there are no CRAN builds for 64bit. > > Volunteers would be welcomed with open arms. > I don't think I know enough to volunteer (but I am open to suggestion off list), but I had no difficulty installing R from source on a 64 bit Ubuntu machine (7.10, with, I