[R] scatterplot function - double check: dashed lines

2010-06-08 Thread K F Pearce
Hello everyone, This is just a quick double check. It concerns the 'scatterplot function' in R. I have 6 curves and I wish to represent each of them by a different kind of line (their colour must be black). The curves are derived from the cuminc function...the coordinates of which are in '

[R] Pec function in R

2009-08-25 Thread K F Pearce
Hello everyone, These are some questions about the 'pec' function in R. These questions deal with prediction error curves and their derivation. Prediction error curves are documented in, for example, "Efron-type measures of prediction error for survival analysis" by Gerds and Schumacher. I h

[R] FW: Pec Function in R - syntax

2009-08-25 Thread K F Pearce
Hello everyone - sorry, I forgot to add the syntax for my program in the last message: My syntax is as follows: >library(Hmisc) > library(survival) > library(pec) > AL<-read.table("PredErr2.txt",header=TRUE) > Models<-list("Kaplan.Meier"=survfit(Surv(OVS,dead)~1,data=AL),"EBMT+SN > Pgroup"=co

[R] Plotting question re. cuminc

2009-05-15 Thread K F Pearce
Hello everyone, (This is my second question posted today on the R list). I am carrying out a competing risks analysis using the cuminc function...this takes the form: cuminc(ftime,fstatus,group) In my study, fstatus has 3 different causes of failure (1,2,3) there are also censored cases (0).

[R] Function Surv and interpretation

2009-05-15 Thread K F Pearce
Dear everyone, My question involves the use of the survival object. We can have Surv(time,time2,event, type=, origin = 0) (1) As detailed on p.65 of: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survival/survival.pdf My data (used in my study) is 'right ce

[R] Cumulative Incidence : Gray's test

2008-12-15 Thread K F Pearce
Hello everyone, I am a very new user of R and I have a query about the cuminc function in the package cmprsk. In particular I would like to verify that I am interpreting the output correctly when we have a stratification variable. Hypothetical example: group : fair hair, dark hair fstatus: 1

[R] Concordance Index - interpretation

2008-12-12 Thread K F Pearce
Hello everyone. This is a question regarding generation of the concordance index (c index) in R using the function rcorr.cens. In particular about interpretation of its direction and form of the 'predictor'. One of the arguments is a "numeric predictor variable" ( presumably this is just a *si