[R] Cox model output & hazard ratios

2010-11-17 Thread Julien Vezilier
Dear R users, Here is the coxme output I obtain on my survival dataset having 3 strains and 2 infection status (i: infected, ni: non infected) coxme(Surv(lay) ~ infection*strain, data=datalay, random= ~1 |block) Cox mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood Data: datalay n= 1194 Iteration

[R] F test in lmer quasipoisson

2009-03-04 Thread Julien Vezilier
Hello !! II'm trying to test for my fixed effects using an lmer with quasipoisson errors. Since my lmer model is corrected for overdispersion using this kind of errors, I should use during model simplification in my Anovas *F test *and not *Chi square test* to compare two models. So I write: > a