[R] Fwd: Re: Setting .Rprofile for RStudio on a Windows 7 x64bit / Windows file extension hiding

2017-04-18 Thread John Nash
The very large amount of noise on this topic seems to be the result of allowing Windows to hide file extensions. We have had to put up with millions of malware infections because someone in M$ thought this would be a nice idea. I've seen it cause lots of problems over the years, including among my

Re: [R] How to solve "nlm() non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'" and how to constrain parameters to (0, 1)?

2017-04-02 Thread John Nash
nlm doesn't include bounds so you'd need to transform. nlminb does, as do a number of codes in optimr (and more in R-forge version optimrx). The latter packages have a common call which simplifies choosing the solver. My own Rvmmin is an all-R implementation of the same method (but some details ch

Re: [R] : Ramanujan and the accuracy of floating point computations - using Rmpfr in R

2015-07-03 Thread John Nash
Third try -- I unsubscribed and re-subscribed. Sorry to Ravi for extra traffic. In case anyone gets a duplicate, R-help bounced my msg "from non-member" (I changed server, but not email yesterday, so possibly something changed enough). Trying again. JN I got the Wolfram answer as follows: l

[R] R users in Sarasota FL

2012-12-11 Thread John Nash
In January I will be visiting Sarasota. The directory of user groups http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/local-r-groups.html doesn't show any groups in Florida. Contact me off-list if interested in an informal get-together. It might help start another RUG. JN __