[R] Rcmdr, RODBC and XLConnect conflict cause R to crash

2013-02-14 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Dear all, Since I upgraded R to the version 2.15.2, I have a strange problem which implies XLConnect, RODBC and Rcmdr packages. - If the three packages are loaded in the same R session, the use of RodbcConnect functions cause R to crash. - This crash occur only if Rcmdr is loaded. - If only

[R] Installing Rcompression package

2012-01-30 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Dear all I'm trying to install the Rcompression package under R-2.14.0 on a Windows plateform. I need it to use the Ropenoffice package Because there is no binary available, I'm trying to install it from source but I have always some error messages. I have installed zlib and Bzip2 softwares,

[R] building R from source

2011-02-17 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Dear all, I post again my question with a new title ... please, help me! I build a customized version of R-2.12.1 from source (under windows XP). I work as explain in the R Installation and Adminstration manual and all seems to be good... But When I try to uninstall this version I have the err

[R] uninstall R

2011-02-16 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Dear all, I build a customized version of R-2.12.1 from source (under windows XP). I work as explain in the R Installation and Adminstration manual and all seems to be good... But When I try to uninstall this version I have the error message "cannot find utCompiledCode record for this version o

[R] R crash

2010-11-15 Thread Jeremy MAZET
We distribute several R applications using the tcltk package on different servers or PC (Windows XP). On some machines and in a not reproducible way, all the R windows disappear when using functions like tkgetSaveFile or tkchooseDirectory. The R application remains open (the Rgui.exe processus

[R] attach package

2009-08-26 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Hello, Is there a solution to attach a package without run the hook function .onAttach() Thanks Jérémy Mazet [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do rea

[R] DOE for logistic models

2008-07-15 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Hello everyone, Is there any tools to build experimental designs for logistic models? Thanks, Jérémy Mazet Département Génie des procédés SOREDAB La Tremblaye 78125 La Boissière Ecole Tel : 01 34 94 37 09 [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _

[R] RE PCA analysis

2008-06-17 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Hi, You could try the FactoMineR package and the PCA and plot.PCA functions http://factominer.free.fr/ Jérémy Mazet Département Génie des procédés SOREDAB La Tremblaye 78125 La Boissière Ecole Tel : 01 34 94 37 09 Monna Nygård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Envoyé par : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/06/2008 1

[R] bug Rcmdr

2008-01-04 Thread jeremy . mazet
Hello, If I run the script : "a<-2 ; a<-a+5 ; a" whith the "submit" buton in Rcmdr the result is 12 !!! But if I run the script "a<-2 ; b<-a+5 ; b" there is no problem and the result is 7. I think there is a bug in the function "onSubmit". Thanks, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]