On Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 08:25, PIKAL Petr wrote:
> Hm.
> Seems to me, that both your codes are wrong but printing in Linux is
> different from Windows.
> With
> as.Date("20-12-2020","%Y-%m-%d")
> you say that 20 is year (actually year 20) and 2020 is day and only first
> two values
I have been surprised when converting a character string to a date with the
in R 4.1.0 (linux debian 10)
[1] "20-12-20"
in R 4.0.5 (window 10)
[1] "0020-12-20"
Here I was expecting a blunt and sharp N
> tabify(mat,mat_names)
Many thanks for your suggestion, I haven't considered the horizontal
spacing before. The columns names do help as well.
Best regards,
> Jim
> On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 2:25 AM Jeremie Juste wrote:
>> Hello,
Many thanks to you all for the prompt reply. Thanks for sharing.
On Saturday, 12 Jun 2021 at 09:53, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> Can't say this appeals to me, but sprintf would make a difference:
> apply(
> mat,1,
> function(x) {
> x[is.na(x)] <-""
> cat(paste(
console using the following command
function(x) {
x[is.na(x)] <-""
Do you have any suggestion for how can I have better control on the
print layout of the matrix so that I can fix the width of each cell?
Many thanks for the reply.
Indeed there was no scoping issue here. I was sloppy.
Best regards,
On Wednesday, 24 Mar 2021 at 11:34, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 24/03/2021 9:06 a.m., Jeremie Juste wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was wondering how to call a function outside a
I was wondering how to call a function outside a setRefClass but inside
the package without export it. Let me explain by means of an example.
- in the file test-package/R/test.R
##' some description
##' some details
##' @title test
##' @return sideeffect
ion: 18.10.3snapshot [elpa: 20201122.814] (loaded from
I will report it on the ESS mailing list if need be.
Many thanks again,
Best regards,
Jeremie Juste
ction: ")
> selection: abc[Ret]
> a
> "abc"
It is the expected behavior or am I missing something?
Best regards,
Jeremie Juste
> R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE a
ot;), length=24, by="1 month") - 1
> See this old StackOverflow answer where I used this before:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8333838/generate-a-sequence-of-the-last-day-of-the-month-over-two-years
> Dirk
Jeremie Juste
Hello Jim,
Many thanks for the feedback
> Using "month" first advances the month without changing the day: if
> this results in an invalid day of the month, it is counted forward
> into the next month: see the examples.
Indeed I missed the documentation of seq.Date that refers to
seq.POSIXt. Ma
12-08-31" "2012-10-01"
When the same command is performed for the start of the month. I get a
result I expect.
> seq(as.Date("2012-08-01"),by="1 month",length=2)
[1] "2012-08-01"
Is there an explanation for this behavior?
Best regards,
Jeremie Juste
Hello Alejandra,
|| On Tuesday, 8 Dec 2020 at 10:48, Alejandra Barrio Gorski wrote:
Welcome to the mailing list.
> Greetings, I am new to this list. I joined because I am pioneering the use
> of R for the agency I work for. I essentially work alone and would like to
> reach out for help on an
d the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Best regards,
Jeremie Juste
On Friday, 9 Oct 2020 at 13:31, Ablaye Ngalaba wrote:
> Hello.
> Here is my R code. I used the functional data . Now I need
problem you are facing.
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Best regards,
Jeremie Juste
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRI
Hello Giovanni,
I don't know if my workflow would suit you but I tend to want the
opposite when I launch a parallel process. I tend to want to keep the
processes alive as long as they can. If the computation time is long I
would not want to lose everything.
lapply..8 <- function(X,FUN,...){
> assigning to type 'logical' (column 6 named 'PHENO')
> Please advise,
> Ana
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 2:48 PM Jeremie Juste wrote:
>> Hello Ana Marija,
>> I cannot reproduce your error,
>> with a
Hello Ana Marija,
I cannot reproduce your error,
with a$PHENO=ifelse(a$PLASER==2 |a$RTNPTHY==2, 2, ifelse(a$CURRELIG==1 |
For instance I have the expected PHENO=2
> 39: fam5706 G57061 1 2 2
In gen
you need
> dir(pattern="\\.r$",ignore.case=TRUE)
remember that the pattern is a regular expression.
so ".r" is [any single character]r. So basically it will give you any
file that contains r (but not that starts with r)
so you got what you expected with
> dir(pattern=".txt")
just by ch
Can you provide more information?
What is your operating system?
What is your database management system (sqlite, mySQL,...)
What package do you use to import the data in R from the database?
What is the default language on your computer?
Are the variables not in farsi fine?
My guess is th
Genetic algorithm can prove handy as well here. see for instance
with non-convex objective functions I usually try a genetic algorithm for
a few rounds then finish using nlminb
Best regards,
Marc Girondot via R-help
I suspect the error is in the file input-summerize.R.
I creating a new file input-summerize2.R with only print("hello") for
instance and check if
> setwd("~/documents/white-papers/geochemistry/willamette-river-mercury/scripts")
> source("input-summerize2.R")
Hope it helps,
,1] [,2] [,3]
> [1,] 2 4 7
> [2,] 3 6 8
> Le samedi 20 octobre 2018 à 15:21:53 UTC+2, Jeremie Juste
> a écrit :
> malika yassa via R-help writes:
> Hello,
> Can you specify what you mean by deleting exactly?
> Do you want to have
malika yassa via R-help writes:
Can you specify what you mean by deleting exactly?
Do you want to have zero in the diagonal or do you want to extract the
non-diagonal part?
Besides your matrix is not a square matrix. Do you really want to
extract the non-diagonal part of a non square mat
I'm wondering it is possible and if yes would it be desirable to modify
the return value of functions during evaluation.
I supposed this would be very useful during debugging
myfun <- function(x) {res <- x+3 ; browser() ; res}
let say I run the following function myfun(3) and drop in
Andras Farkas via R-help writes:
df <-data.frame(ID=c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,5),
May this will suffice?
lapply(unique(df$ID),function(x) df[df$ID==x,])
Duncan Murdoch writes:
>> for ( i in 1:length(var1)){
> This is generally a bad idea: if length(var1) == 0, it does the wrong
> thing, since 1:0 is c(1L, 0L). Better to use
> for ( i in seq_along(var1) ) {
granted. One should check the validity of their variables before using
them but I
Christofer Bogaso writes:
In case you have conflicting data issue when you load data, you can also do it
the other way around. Indeed you never know when a possible conflict might
occur in the future.
The following line load the data in a new environment e first then get it back
to your
If you need to go through R the function fread of data.table
can speed up the data import.
If not and you work on a gnu/linux distro may be awk might help
> repos='https://nowosad.github.io/drat/', type='source'))
>> loadedNamespaces()
> [1] "compiler" "graphics" "utils" "grDevices" "stats" "datasets"
> [7] "methods
>This is *very* unlikely to be a bug. People should always exercise a
>great deal of caution about conjecturing bugs when they encounter a
>phenomenon that they don't understand.
Ok, I over reacted and I should let the package maintainers
qualify what is a bug or not. My point is that
Thanks for the info. I still think these variables should not be loaded
when library(spdep) is called.
But I'll handle it following your suggestion.
> It turns out that that 'x' comes from the spData package and lives
> inside that package (part of its namespace)
I found a dangerous issue in the library spdep. I get variables x and y
that cannot be removed by rm() and I don't don't how they show up. Can
anyone reproduce this?
~$ R --vanilla
> rm(list=ls())
> library(spdep)
> x
[1] 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450
I would like to know how to use Rmpi on a cluster but usually the
workflow of the cluster uses sun grid engine to launch jobs.
I found this reference on the web
But I could not even reproduce that example some errors with
> n.cores <- m
>> I am using the function "focal" in the R package "raster" but I don’t
>> understand how the function calculates values for neighboring cells that
>> are located at the raster edge. Here is an example reproducible:
focal is a method for the S4 object RasterLayer. You can have access to
Alejandra Lopez-Galan writes:
I'm not sure to fully answer you question but I'll give it a try. I'll
use the library "data.table" as I forgot how to do it in base R. If you
don't have it you will have to install it by doing
> install.packages(data.table,repos ="http://cran.us.r-project.or
Rolf Turner writes:
> On 01/12/17 20:33, Hasan Diwan wrote:
>> Yes.
> Very true. But some *thinking* is required; that often proves to be a
> formidable stumbling block.
Or one of the best decision you'll ever take. You cannot master SAS without
courses and information does not
I tried intalling mice package and got the following error:
* installing *source* package ‘mice’ ...
** package ‘mice’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** libs
g++ -I/usr/local/lib/R/include -DNDEBUG
I was trying to make my R implementation of making-a-lisp
And to my surprise I got stuck in the starting blocks. There is already
a mal implementation of R here
https://github.com/kanaka/mal/tree/master/r but it uses rdyncall package
which is not
I have some trouble understanding why !b &&TRUE is TRUE. Do you have an idea?
> b <- matrix(c(0,1,1,0,1,0),2)
> !b
[,1] [,2] [,3]
> !b &&TRUE
[1] TRUE
Best regards,
I don't know exactly where to turn to.
I'm using Emacs speak statistics and I can execute a codes on my local
computer to a remote session seemlessly.
But I've always wondered how to source a file on local computer to the
remote session? Till now I have copied the files to the remote host
> Berwin A Turlach writes:
> That you don't have the package Rmpfr installed? And it seems to be
> needed for the higher dimension. On my machine it works:
Thanks for the lead,
Best regards,
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