Dear forum members,
How can I force a negative slope in a linear regression even though the
slope might be positive?
I will need it for the purpose of determining the trend due reasons other
than biological because the biological (genetic) trend is not positive for
these data.
Thanks. Juli
Dear R community,
Is there an option to assign minimum and maximum values for z axis in 3D graph
using the function curve3d from the package emdbook? I know there are such
options for x and y axes.
Dear forum members,
What is the formula to calculate denominator degrees of freedom (den df) for
nonlinear mixed-effect models with covariates? My model is similar to a CO2
uptake example from Pinheiro and Bates (2000, page 376). In this CO2 dataset,
there are two treatments and two types (8
Dear R community,
I am wondering what experimental design I am dealing with? I study the effect
of daily air temperature on daily body temperature of the overwintering turtles
(i.e. sleeping in soil). The model is a cosine wave with the air temperature as
a covariate.
Objects are 19 overwi
I am wondering if in a block experimental design (ex. triple square lattice),
the block effect was not significant, is it all right not to include the block
effect in an empirical model (even though the sampling was done from different
blocks)? Or we are forced to control for the block effe
Dear R community,
Is this sample size large enough to study differences between two groups of the
Q1: do the body temperatures differ between the two groups of the overwintering
turtles juveniles and adults?
One group (adults) has 6 turtles
Second group (juveniles) has 1 tu
Dear R community,
I would like to merge two datasets based on the categorical predictor
Dataset A:
Country Measure1
Russia 5
Poland 3
Poland 2
Dataset B:
Country Measure 2
Dear R community,
I compare mean monthly body temperature between two age classes of turtles
overwintering underground.
lm(body_tem ~ Month*Year*Age_Class)
TukeyHSD(aov(body_tem ~ Month*Year*Age_Class, a))
The Tukey HSD as well as the planned contrasts method showed significant
I have a dataset containing approx 1000 events spanning four years (2004.03 to
2008.07). For each event, I'd like to determine the time (in minutes) since the
most recent final Wednesday of the month. I've found no obvious solution on the
list or online; I think I'll try to use function
. For that see '?varClasses' and the corresponding >
information in a book by Pinheiro and Bates (2000), mentioned on that > help
page. You can do 'anova' for any of these effects. [To test > changes in fixed
effects, you will need to use method='ML', as disc
le, the
more likely someone on this list will reply > quickly with a useful
suggestion.> > I know this doesn't solve your problem, but I hope it helps.>
Spencer> > J S wrote:> > Dear R community, > > > > I have a nonlinear model
describing average dai
Dear R community,
I have a nonlinear model describing average daily soil temperature. What test
should I use to compare differences in soil temperature of the two studied
vegetation types depending upon month?
Building linear contrasts for the developed nonlinear model does not help since
Dear R forum,
I have a concern regarding a mathematical expression of the probability
function (see below). I know how to write it for only one index i, but we have
two : i (country) and j (year). We have a set of N observations of country year
ij (or ith country in jth year).
Basically, I
Dear R community,
Using nlme library I have developed a nonlinear mixed model. Incorporating an
autoregressive model gives me an error that I cant allocate vector of size X.
The problem is that my computer does not have enough physical memory most
probably due to a large number of observatio
Dear R community,
Using nlme library I have developed a nonlinear mixed model. Incorporating
an autoregressive model gives me an error that I can't allocate vector of
size X. The problem is that my computer does not have enough physical memory
most probably due to a large number of observations
' and 'object.size' say for the data you
> are analyzing? What does 'gc()' report - you may want to do this
> before/after sections of code to see how memory might be growing.
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:56 PM, J S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear R community,
Below you may find the details of my model (lm11). I receive the error
message "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb" after
applying the autocorrelation function update(lm11, corr=corAR1()).
lm11<-lme(Soil.temp ~ Veg*M+Veg*year,
ily measurements of soil temperature (Soil.temp) over six
Site (6 sites),
Plot(2 plots per site),
Veg(2 vegetation types: 2 sites as grassland, 4 sites as forest)
M-month (categorical predictor)
year (continues)
Dear R community,
I used a linear mixed model (named lm11) to model daily soil temperature
depending upon vegetation cover and air temperature. I have almost 17,000
observations for six years.
I can not account for autocorrelation in my model, since I receive the error
message after applying
Dear R community,
I used a linear mixed model (named lm11) to model daily soil temperature
depending upon vegetation cover and air temperature. I have almost 17,000
observations for six years.
I can not account for autocorrelation in my model, since I receive the error
message after applying
Dear R community,
I wrote a small program using for loop but it does not make cycles.
My data: Dataframes: a2, a1, b0 and b1. Vector: d
I would like to get b1 for each of i., i.e. totally 11. However, the program
gives me b1 only for the last i =11.
for (
I need to use greek symbols in a legend. When I write:
a <- 1
leg.names <- as.expression(substitute(alpha==p,list(p=a)))
everything works fine. However, I want alpha=lambda=1. Therefore, I wrote:
leg.names <- as.expression(substitute(alpha==lambd
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