I'm new to calling C++/C programs from R and am having some trouble getting
started. Following Sigal Blay (Simon Fraser University)'s instructions, I
have a .c file called "useC1.c":
/* useC1.c*/
void useC(int *i) {
i[0] = 11;
This produces a .o file : "useC1.o" in a
I am having the same problem as one Rebecca Sela(see bellow).
On 21/12/2007 12:07 AM, Rebecca Sela wrote:
>* I am trying to optimize a likelihood function using NLMINB. After running
>without a problem for quite a few iterations (enough that my intermediate
>output extends further than I can s
We are trying to calculate ML-parameter estimates of a mixed effects models
where the observations are weighted. The "weights" option in lmer() with
RELM=FALSE seems attractive. Does anyone know the mechanism it uses to
calculate weighted ML estimates? (Is there a paper?). Also, our model
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