[ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 595 rows ]]
But I have no clue if this even has the interchanges I need.
Robert Farley
I have a dataframe from an On-Board Survey with weights ("expwgt") and
variables for up to 8 used lines: VEH1 through VEH8. The lines are labeled
"MT-..1" through "MT-902". I want to know how many transfers there are between
MT-802 and MT-901. That is, when one of them is VEHx and the other is
ystem file
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: jim holtman []
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March, 2012 20:36
To: Farley, Robert
Subject: Re: [R] subset problem
Supply an 'str' of your dataframe so we can see what its
I'm having a simple problem with subset. I'm choosing what I think is a valid
selection, but I either get everything or an empty dataframe. What am I doing
> describe(OBDataSumm)
Description of OBDataSumm
meanmedian varsd valid.n
I have about 27,000 survey responses from across about 150 Bus Routes, each
with potentially 100 stops. I've recorded the total Ons and Offs for each stop
on each bus run, as well as the stop pair each survey response corresponds to.
I wish to create weights based on the On and Off stop for eac
OT question: can R produce Cartograms?
Here's an example of World Population:
This might make Texas smaller and Rhode Island larger
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@
I'm about to add weights to a bus on-board survey dataset with ~150 variables
and ~28,000 records. My intention is to weight (for each bus "run") by
boarding stop and alighting stop. I've seen the Rake function of the Survey
package, but it seems that converting to a "svydesign" might be exces
individual measurements. Is there a
"variable bw" that could be set small at the extrema, and larger in the range
of the data?
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: David Winsemius []
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 19:31
To: Fa
I'm plotting some trip length frequencies using the following code:
plot( density(zTestData$Distance, weights=zTestData$Actual),
main="Test TLFD",
col=6 )
lines(density(zTestData$Distance, weights=zTestData$FlatWeight), col=2)
I'm trying to plot a series of densities using/comparing differing weights. I
see the reference to weights and subscripts, but I don't understand how to
implement that. My data are of the form:
I, J, Actual, Distance, Subset, Weight1, Weight2, ...
I'm trying to see the effect of the distance] On
Behalf Of Michael Bibo
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 17:13
Subject: Re: [R] NotePad++ Syntax file
Farley, Robert> writes:
> Does anyone have an R Syntax Highlighting file {userDefineLang.xml} for
NotePad++?? I've started one
port for Hex, column,
or other languages.
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: John Kane []
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 15:59
To: ''; Farley, Robert
Subject: Re: [R] NotePad++ Syntax file
No but
Does anyone have an R Syntax Highlighting file {userDefineLang.xml} for
NotePad++?? I've started one, but I'm not so happy with it.
Robert Farley
1 Gateway Plaza
Mail Stop 99-23-7
Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952
Voice: (213)922-2532
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
points(1:length(EstRpdData),EstRpdData, pch=16, col="red") # pch=16 = solid
data checking process before data analysis?
points(1:length(EstRpdData),EstRpdData, pch=16, col="red)
Robert Farley
-Original Message-----
From: Farley, R
I apologize in advance for the simplicity of this question. I use R 2-3 times
a year, and I seem to forget more in the intervening months than I learn during
my days of panicked reading I HAVE tried looking at the help resources;
I'm just not very good at understanding them.
I have a data
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 14:27
To: Farley, Robert
Subject: Re: Still can't find missing data - How do I get NA in xtabs with
you might want to try 'table' - with the exclude option -rather than 'xtabs':
with(data,table(a, b, exclude="NULL"))
I *t
vel" and R does not?
Will this be a problem with read.dta as well?
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: William Dunlap []
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 20:39
To: Farley, Robert
Subject: RE: [R] Still can't find missing data
In R
-Original Message-
From: William Dunlap []
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 16:26
To: Farley, Robert
Subject: RE: [R] Still can't find missing data
Try reading it in with read.table's argument stringsAsFactors=FALSE.
I think the underlyi
bert Farley
-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dieter Menne
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 05:46
Subject: Re: [R] Still can't find missing data
Farley, Robert wrote:
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dieter Menne
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 02:52
Subject: Re: [R] Still can't find missing da
I'm trying to prepare some cross tabs, looking at a number of variables against
a variable "connector" which has 2 values: "OD Passenger" and " Connector".
When I produce a xtabs one way I have observations under "Connector" but
against a different variable "Connector" shows all 0 values.
I presume the behavior below (no Connector values in the second table)
is because I have na values in my dataframe. How do I get them to list?
I found references to na.action and na.pass, but I could not figure out
how I could use them with xtabs to list the na as a value. I'm sure
there's a
I have two problems with svyhist. I hope this is easy, and it may be
that "simple R syntax" will do what I need.
1) I'm able to get a single plot out, but I need to put two
distributions in the same graphic to visually compare them.
2) I get uniform breaks at intervals of 10. I can p
I'm trying to plot and compare weighted histograms and I can't seem find
where to start. I have data similar to this:
Miles2LAX RADAM2005Pct LAWA2005Pct
I have a time zone problem.
Running the code provided I get the result in UTC, and a lot of warnings
like this:
28: In as.POSIXlt.POSIXct(x, tz) ... : unknwon timezone 'PST'
> sunrise.set(34.11583, -118.18719, "2008-11-14")
sunrise sunset
newlon 2008-11-14 14:
I'm having a problem reading data to set control totals for a dataframe.
I want to adjust a dataframe based on a 2-d table of values, which I get
by using :
> CurrentX1Sums <- as.matrix(xtabs(~tripid_nu+lineon, data=SurveyData))
> CurrentX2Sums <- apply(CurrentX1Sums, 1, sum)
I've created a
I want to import some "target values" to normalize elements of a
dataframe. I'm summarizing the existing totals using
as.matrix(xtabs(~tripid_nu+lineon, data=SurveyData)) and reading a .csv
table of target values. I can't even get them to list out as similar
data items.
My idea is to do
On Behalf Of Marianne Promberger
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:17
Subject: Re: [R] Digest setting won't "take"
On Friday, 31 October 2008, 10:46 (UTC-0700), Farley, Robert wrote:
> I've been trying to set my email setting to
I've been trying to set my email setting to Digest Mode for a while, but
it doesn't seem to "take".
I log through to the "Unsubscribe or edit options" button on the Web
interface to the R-help mailing list page. I scroll down to the "Set
Digest Mode" box and change the radio button to "On"
t;- apply(CurrentX1Sums, 1, sum)
NewTargetX1Sums <- as.matrix(NewTargetData)
NewTargetX2Sums <- apply(NewTargetX1Sums, 1, sum)
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: Erik Iverson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 19:58
To: Farl
I want to calculate "expansion factors" for elements in my dataframe
based on a 2-d cross classification. Since I'll have "missing values"
(many combinations will have no record) I'll need a second "expansion
factor" for each "row". I've included my "work to date" below, but I'm
not very close t
I have a dataframe with many hundreds of survey records containing:
tripid_nu, lineon, MuchOtherData, X1, X2, X3, X4
tripid_nu = identifier for each "Trip" {E.g. for EB MTA-901
leaving the first stop at 07:24}
lineon = identifier for each of the stop locations
Where X1 is
You could always try
F(x,y) = f(x) + 0*y
That is "zero out" the degenerate dimensions. Of course you'll be
plotting what is essentially a two dimensional object as if it were
three dimensional. The degeneracy in y means a 2-D curve will be
"extruded" along the Y dimension.
Robert Farley
3 levels "Warner Center",..: 3 1 1 1 2 13 1 5 1 5 ...
> str(ByEBOn$StnName)
Factor w/ 13 levels "Balboa","De Soto",..: 11 2 5 8 6 1 12 7 10 13 ...
> all(levels(EBSurvey$lineon)==StnName)
[1] TRUE
> #
> str(EBDesign$NumStn)
> str(EBSurvey$NumStn)
Factor w/ 12 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 10 12 4 12 8 1 8 8 12 4 ...
> str(ByEBNum$StnTraveld)
So if I put $10 and $20 into the envelopes, then told you that the
values were multiples of $10, it would be wrong for you to assess
probabilities on $100, $1,000,000 and so on? :-)
But what if you reasoned that there were far more multiples of 10 above
20 than below 20?
What if I was really ev
Factor w/ 12 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 10 12 4 12 8 1 8 8 12 4 ...
> EBSurvey$NumStn[1:5]
[1] 10 12 4 12 8
Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
> str(ByEBNum$StnTraveld)
int [1:12] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
> ByEBNum$StnTraveld[1:5]
",..: 10 12 4 12 8 1 8 8 12 4 ...
> EBSurvey$NumStn[1:5]
[1] 10 12 4 12 8
Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
> str(ByEBNum$StnTraveld)
int [1:12] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
> ByEBNum$StnTraveld[1:5]
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
Canyon North Hollywood Pierce College Reseda
Sepulveda Tampa Valley College Van Nuys Warner Center Woodley Woodman
> str(EBSurvey$NumStn)
Factor w/ 12 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 10 12 4 12 8 1 8 8 12 4 ...
> EBSurvey$NumStn[1:5]
[1] 10 12 4 12 8
Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
> str(ByEBNum$StnTraveld)
Factor w/ 12 levels "1","10","11",.
I obviously don't know what I'm doing. I want to create "ByEBNum" as a
data frame, but it comes out as a list. How do I make it a data frame?
> EBNumStn <- c(673.65, 800, 1000, 1000, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400,
200, 50, 50 )
> ByEBNum <- data.frame(c(1:12),EBNumStn)
> typeof(EBNumSt
NumStn ) )
Error in model.frame.default(margin, data = design$variables) :
invalid type (list) for variable 'ByEBOn'
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: Stas Kolenikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 07:13
To: Farley,
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] graphics grDevices utils datasets stats methods base
other attached packages:
[1] survey_3.8 fortunes_1.3-5 moonsun_0.1prettyR_1.3-2
tal flaws" in this concept
Robert Farley
-Original Message-----
From: Stas Kolenikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 10:32
To: Farley, Robert
Subject: Re: [R] Survey Design / Rake questions
I'm trying to learn how to calibrate/postStratify/rake survey data in
preparation for a large survey effort we're about to embark upon. As a
working example, I have results from a small survey of ~650 respondents,
~90 response fields each. I'm trying to learn how to (properly?) apply
the aforemen
with ~15 "levels" and I'm a REALLY poor typist}
Robert Farley
-Original Message-
From: Erik Iverson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 15:47
To: Farley, Robert
Subject: Re: [R] Simple (?) s
I can't figure out the syntax I need to get subset to work. I'm trying
to split my dataframe into two parts. I'm sure this is a simple issue,
but I'm stumped. I either get all or none of the original "rows".
> XTTable <- xtabs( ~ direction_ , SurveyData)
> XTTable
the details of designing a "post survey survey" to generate additional
Thanks in advance,
Robert Farley
From: Farley, Robert
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 15:48
To: ''
First the R question. I have the results of a rather large survey
(thousands of forms, each with dozens of questions) with some existing
weights and expansion factors. I wish to add additional weighting
factors, based on new information that elements of certain variables
should appear in certain
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 23:40
To: Farley, Robert
Subject: Re: [R] read.spss {foreign} doesn't work over network?
This looks like a restriction on your network (assuming the file is
correctly). I can read SPSS files with read.spss over ours, and th
I'm unable to open an SPSS file over my network. If I copy it to my
local C:/ drive I can read it. I saved the command (in a "crib sheet"
text file) in order to avoid all the typing, so I'm pretty sure I've
done it before. I verified that the file I'm trying to read is OK.
This is what happens:
The common "Monty Hall" problem (where the MC helps out the contestant) is not
random! See:
My edits were removed as I had no references. :-(
Maybe you can verify my statements, included below. :-)
Another analysis considers three types of h
There may already be tools for gravity model APPLICATION, which is
simply an exercise in normalization. Perhaps if I describe the gory
details, someone will recognize the problem by another name.
A singly constrained gravity model is simply an exercise in normalizing
the rows of a matrix (you
I want to look at all the records making up a "row and column" of a
crosstab, but I'm not getting it right. I'm trying to use subset() but
my selection ((prod_act=="other") || (attr_act=="other")) gives my no
records. See the second table below. Getting just the row does work,
as seen in the thi
53 matches
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