Re: [R] piping in only specific parts of a certain column

2020-07-02 Thread Drake Gossi
gain! On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 5:07 AM Rui Barradas wrote: > > Hello, > > > Maybe the following is what you are looking for. > > > unclean_data %>% > filter(question == 3) %>% > mutate(line = row_number()) %>% > select(line, `grid text`) > >

[R] piping in only specific parts of a certain column

2020-07-02 Thread Drake Gossi
Hello! Question. I'm dealing with a large excel sheet that I'm trying to tidy and then visualize, and I'm wondering how I might specify the data I'm visualizing. Here's the data frame I'm working with: > str(unclean_data) Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 1909 obs. of 9 variables: $ un

Re: [R] what would break a citation network? [Error in as.igraph.vs(graph, vids) : Invalid vertex names]

2019-05-05 Thread Drake Gossi
PM K. Elo wrote: > > Hi Drake, > > 2019-05-04, 17:34 -0700, Drake Gossi wrote: > > Hello everyone, > > > > I'm trying to learn how to put together a citation network, and, in > > doing so, I'm playing around with a data set of my own making. I'm >

[R] what would break a citation network? [Error in as.igraph.vs(graph, vids) : Invalid vertex names]

2019-05-04 Thread Drake Gossi
Hello everyone, I'm trying to learn how to put together a citation network, and, in doing so, I'm playing around with a data set of my own making. I'm going back and forth between two .csv files. One has two columns and is simply labeled "to" and "from": to from rickert heidegger rickert nietzsch

[R] randomly sampling and visualizing 100 nodes in a citation network with igraph library

2019-05-03 Thread Drake Gossi
Hello everyone, How would I randomly select 100 nodes to look at out of these approx. 25,? I'm practicing constructing a citation network. edgeList below is an edge list. > head (edgeList) tofrom [1,] "4US6""3US320" [2,] "4US6""4US1" [3,] "6US280" "1US393" [4,] "6US280"

[R] creating a data.frame from scratch

2019-04-19 Thread Drake Gossi
Hello everyone, Is there any way to create a data.frame from scratch? other than, say, this? > structure(list(Fruit = structure(c(1L, 2L, 5L, 4L, 3L), .Label = c("apple", "banana", "kiwi", "orange", "pear"), class = "factor"), Color = structure(c(3L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("green", "orange",

[R] combining data.frames with & match (), two questions

2019-04-17 Thread Drake Gossi
Hello everyone, I'm working through this book, *Humanities Data in R* (Arnold & Tilton), and I'm just having trouble understanding this maneuver. In sum, I'm trying to combine data in two different data.frames. This data.frame is called fruitNutr Fruit Calories 1 banana 100 2 pear 100 3 mango

[R] help getting a research project started on

2019-02-19 Thread Drake Gossi
Hello everyone, I will be using R to manipulate this data . Specifically, it's proposed changes to Title IX--over 11,000 publicly available comments. So, the end goal is for me to tabulate ea