[R] Confidence interval on parameters from optim function

2009-08-19 Thread Devred, Emmanuel
Hi everyone, I have two questions: I would like to get confidence intervals on the coefficients derived from the optim() function. I apply optim() to a given function f > res <- optim(c(0.08,0.04,1.),f,NULL,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=c(0.,0.,0.)) And I would like to get the p-value and confidence in

[R] HDF5 and R 2.8.0patched

2008-11-04 Thread Devred, Emmanuel
Hi Everyone, I have updated my R version from 2.7 to 2.8 (patch) and since then I can not open HDF5 files that I saved previously with the command hdf5save from the hdf5 library. As anyone had that problem yet? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Emmanuel

[R] Plot contour over filled contour

2008-03-13 Thread Devred, Emmanuel
Dear R-users, I haven't found a way in the searchable archive to overplot a contour (lines) over a surface. I have a (n,m) matrix that represents sea surface temperature that I have plotted using image.plot(), filled.contour() or image(). I would like to overplot this image with some contour line