Thank you for the explanation and comments. I managed to solve and your
comments are helpfully! thanks once again,Desta
On Thursday, April 2, 2015 7:19 PM, David Winsemius
On Apr 2, 2015, at 7:06 AM, S Ellison wrote:
>> I am analyzing trend using Mann-kendall test for 3
I am analyzing trend using Mann-kendall test for 31 independent sample, each
sample have 34 years dataset. I supposed to find Kendall “tau” for each
sample. The data is arranged in column wise (I attached the data).To find
Kendall tau, I wrote R script as:
I am analyzing trend test using Mann-kendall monotonic trendtest for 10,368
independent grid cell, each grid has 34 years dataset. I supposed to find
Kendall “tau” for each gridcell (each grid has 34 years data). The data is
arranged in column wise (Iattached part of the grid dataset as a sam
3 matches
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