par("fin") : The figure region dimensions, |(width,height)|, in inches.
par("din") : the device dimensions, |(width,height)|, in inches.
On 2011-11-2 18:50, Erich Neuwirth wrote:
> R for Windows 2.14.0
> Is there a function reporting the size of the current "windows" device
> after it has been r
Error originates in the customized function ode. When IN!=0, You did
not assign a value to dIN which is required in list(c(dP1,dP2,dIN)).
On 2010-9-21 2:30, Tianchan Niu wrote:
Dear All,
I am trying to use ode solver "rk4" to solve an ODE system, however, it
keeps saying: Error in eval(expr
I did not reproduce the error either, because I failed to find the
function scattperplot in your script. :D I suggest that you check
whether they read the data into R correctly.
On 2010-9-20 10:00, Samantha McKenzie wrote:
I teach statistics and use R Commander for teaching. I have 2
Try SciViews-K, an extension for Komodo Edit to transform it into a R
editor and GUI.
On 2010-8-2 23:35, alphaace wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I recently have started using R again on a Linux box after spending several
years on a Mac. Last I checked, the b
The maximum number of rows in excel 2003 or below is 65535, less than
your number of rows, so if you export your data into "xls" files,
probably you cannot see all your data in excel. Exel 2007 can hold as
many as 1048575 lines, thus "xlsx" file is a better choice.
On 2010-9-7 0:03, Kenneth
lly in the "panel.cor" function.
Adding "..." in the function and "text" call fixed everything.
- Original Message
From: Dejian Zhao
Sent: Thu, September 2, 2010 7:57:55 PM
Subject: Re: [R] "pairs"
rs. Just type "pairs.default" at the R command prompt
and enter, you can get the source code of "pairs.default".
On 2010-9-2 15:15, Shi, Tao wrote:
Hi Dejian,
You're right on this! Do you know how to pass those two argument into
lower.panel? Thanks!
be NA. I have the same problem that my fitted values is NA.
> from the R document (f...@extra <mailto:f...@extra> is to get the
> estimate of alpha, how about to get the estimate of k ?)
> any idea how to solve the NA problem ?
> thanks again
> On Tue, Aug 31,
My previous expression is ok. But I agree using argument 'data' will be
a better choice especially when there are many variables from the object
specified by 'data'.
On 2010-9-1 16:23, Gavin Simpson wrote:
On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 11:05 +0800, Dejian Zhao wrote:
On 2010-9-1 3:20, choonhong ang wrote:
Hi All,
could anybody help me to understand what is this error means ?
mydata=read.table("C:/Documents and
R does have a mode function, but it seems NOT to do the same thing as in
> A <- matrix(c(1:3,1,3,2,3,3,2),nrow=3,byrow=F)
> A
[,1] [,2] [,3]
> A[,2]
[1] 1 3 2
> mode(A)
[1] "numeric"
> mode(A[,2])
[1] "numeric"
On 2010-9-
I think you have successfully passed the "xlim" and "ylim" into the
function pairs1. Compare the two graphs produced by the codes you
provided, you can find the xlim and ylim in the second graph have been
reset to the assigned value. It seems that the program halted in
producing the second plot
Does winbugs write anything to the file 'inits1.txt'? If yes,possibly the file
is exclusively occupied by the first winbugs process.
On 2010-9-1 1:12, 潘家群 wrote:
Dear all,
I want to run two winBugs processes through R (by R2WinBUGS package).
The first WinBUGS process can successfully perfor
I am not sure whether you are working under windows. Hope the following
message helps.
Using the RMySQL package under Windows
On 2010-8-27 5:03, quant wrote:
I installed MySQL 5.0.67 and R. I installed RMySQL and added env var
require() does what you want. Run "?require" for details.
require() returns 'FALSE' and gives a warning (rather than an error as
'library()' does by default) if the package does not exist.
'require' returns (invisibly) a logical indicating whether the required
package is available. (You can c
If your specified objects have a certain pattern, you can use the
parameter "pattern" in ls() to remove or keep it.
rm(list=ls(..., pattern="your_pattern"))
If not, possibly you have to manually specify them.
On 2010-8-24 3:00, Cheng Peng wrote:
How to remove all R objects in the RAM except for
I think you can use grid.layout() to create the appropriate layout,
allocating proper space for the upper plotting area and the bottom text
region, and then use viewport() with the layout parameter to control the
output by pushing the viewport at the proper region on the graphical device.
If you want to sort the data frame according to column "b", the
followding code does this work.
If you want to sort the data frame according to the chr number in column
b, you should extract the numbers first into a vector, say chrnum, and
then use order
Dear all,
I want to check whether 5 decimal data is 1:1:1:1:1. For example,
data = c(14.3,16.2,14.7,18.7,14.5)
Since chisq.test() can do the goodness-of-fit test, it becomes my
choice. However, I find in the "?chisq.test" help file that it requires
"non-negative integers"! It seems that it is i
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