Re: [R] generating random samples of IG distribution

2012-08-29 Thread David Scott
I don't read R-help these days so have just seen this. Both generalized inverse Gaussian and normal inverse Gaussian are in GeneralizedHyperbolic. HyperbolicDist is no longer being maintained. David Scott On 12/06/2012 5:41 a.m., David L Carlson wrote: Should have been For the n

Re: [R] Accents and special character using hwriter (on Windows)

2012-08-07 Thread David Scott
character codes, see for example David Scott On 31/07/2012 9:21 p.m., ramonovelar wrote: > Thanks Arun, > Yes, I have Windows 7. I have tried 2 versions of R, 2.14.1 and 2.15.x, but > it did not change anything. > Right now I can't try a di

Re: [R] R report generator (for Word)?

2012-01-02 Thread David Scott
the package. David Scott From: [] on behalf of Joshua Wiley [] Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 9:31 AM To: Michael Cc: r-help Subject: Re: [R] R report generator (for Word

Re: [R] Fitting a Harmonic Function to Time Series Data

2011-10-14 Thread David Scott
there is this functionality in Rob Hyndman's forecast package. See this post by him: which has some code which should also be of use. David Scott _ David Scott Departme

Re: [R] Tinn-R

2011-10-04 Thread David Scott
There is a free eBook on tinn-R available from Rmetrics: Written by the authors of tinn-R. Please consider a donation to the Rmetrics Association. -- _ David Scott Department of

[R] Printing an xtable with type = html

2011-09-28 Thread David Scott
g html with any table attributes. Ideally xtable should be able to access a css file but I don't see any mechanism for doing that. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. David Scott -- _________ David Scott Department of Statisti

Re: [R] Problem with RODBC

2011-07-20 Thread David Scott
On 20/07/11 18:56, Dieter Menne wrote: David Scott-6 wrote: I have been trying to read some data from an Excel workbook without success. ... > faults<- sqlFetch(channel, sqtable = 'Data', +colnames = FALSE, = TRUE) > faults [1] "HY00

[R] Problem with RODBC

2011-07-19 Thread David Scott
ually RODBC has been extremely reliable. Data is confidential (and in a 14Mb file) so I can't provide it. My session info is: > sessionInfo() R version 2.13.0 Patched (2011-06-09 r56106) Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) locale: [1

Re: [R] extract worksheet names from an Excel file

2011-06-23 Thread David Scott
any named data ranges. Sample code from a student exercise: require(RODBC) channel <- odbcConnectExcel("bikesWithDate.xls") sqlTables(channel) David -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The

[R] Fitting a choice model (Bradley-Terry generalization)

2011-06-15 Thread David Scott
e any pointers to useful code, relevant ideas, or similar analyses. David Scott __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide comm

Re: [R] computer name

2011-06-12 Thread David Scott
the R help mailing list archive at __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. Does[&qu

Re: [R] Plotting from functions

2011-06-01 Thread David Scott
If the plotting function is using grid graphics you do. I don't know where the qplot() function is from, but it looks as though it must be from a package that uses grid. Duncan Murdoch _ qplot is from ggplot2, and is a simpler form of ggplot with limited features. David Scott -- __

Re: [R] R as.numeric()

2011-05-24 Thread David Scott
actors = FALSE) before you read the data, then the mixed columns of numeric and missing will be read as character data and the conversion to numeric will go as you expect. (But I haven't tested this.) David Scott -- _ David Scot

Re: [R] R Style Guide -- Was Post-hoc tests in MASS using glm.nb

2011-05-18 Thread David Scott
has been given to programming style. David Scott On 19/05/11 10:26, wrote: Hi Bert, I think people should know about the Google Sytle Guide for R because, as I said, it represents a thoughtful contribution to the debate. Most of its advice is very good (meaning I agre

Re: [R] converting a matrix or data.frame into an html table

2011-05-09 Thread David Scott
produce html as well. David Scott -- _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055 Email

Re: [R] lattice: how to "center" a subtitle?

2011-04-05 Thread David Scott
On 6/04/2011 12:47 a.m., Deepayan Sarkar wrote: On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 6:12 AM, David Scott wrote: [...] I am not sure where I read it and I can't find it again, but my understanding is that expressions using bquote with lattice need to be enclosed in as.expression() to work. That

Re: [R] lattice: how to "center" a subtitle?

2011-04-04 Thread David Scott
On 05/04/11 13:14, David Winsemius wrote: On Apr 4, 2011, at 9:03 PM, David Winsemius wrote: On Apr 4, 2011, at 8:42 PM, David Scott wrote: On 05/04/11 05:58, David Winsemius wrote: On Apr 4, 2011, at 1:27 PM, Marius Hofert wrote: Dear David, do you know how to get plotmath-like symbols

Re: [R] lattice: how to "center" a subtitle?

2011-04-04 Thread David Scott
1:10)~ 1:10, main = as.expression(bquote(alpha == .(a Using expression() rather than as.expression() doesn't produce the desired affect. Try it yourself. As to why this is the case . David Scott -- _ David Scott D

Re: [R] generate random numbers

2011-03-31 Thread David Scott
ile function of any continuous unimodal distribution. Provisos: there may be problems with distributions with very heavy tails, and generally the routines could be slow. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Storing user-defined R functions

2011-03-24 Thread David Scott
on would take the name of the file, prepend the path to the directory where your code is located and then call source. Two or three lines would do it. Also, who knows, maybe Gabor has something clever in his batch files, he usually seems to. David Scott -- ____

Re: [R] Difference in numeric Dates between Excel and R

2011-03-01 Thread David Scott
day (for nonexistent Feb 29, 1900). In addition, Excel considers "1900-01-01" as day 1, not day 0. Hope this is helpful, Dan An explanation which seems reasonably authoritative is given here: David Scott Daniel J. Nordlund Washington

Re: [R] R in different OS

2011-02-26 Thread David Scott
Thanks Brian, I stand corrected. David Scott On 27/02/2011 12:32 a.m., Prof Brian Ripley wrote: It is less clear what you are after, but the canonical way to decide if your R session is on Windows is .Platform$OS.type == "windows" Unlike {R.}version$os and["sysnam

Re: [R] R in different OS

2011-02-26 Thread David Scott
E } else { linux <- TRUE } David Scott On 26/02/2011 10:00 a.m., Ista Zahn wrote: Hi, see ?R.version Something like if(version$os == "mingw32") { path = "/ABC"} else { path = "/DEF" } might do it, but I'm not sure exactly what

Re: [R] Writing R packages in an easier way?

2011-02-11 Thread David Scott
ails{These are not to be called by the user.} \keyword{internal} I only mention this possibility for the sake of intellectual completeness of the discussion of this topic. It of course totally subverts the whole philosophy of package construction in R, so I wouldn't dream of using it myself

Re: [R] Title

2011-02-08 Thread David Scott
ke normal plotting." But atop works as you suggest. A very useful trick, because mtext with multiple lines can take time to get right. It does offer a bit more control over line spacing which could be a concern with atop. David Scott -- __

Re: [R] A list within a list?

2011-02-05 Thread David Scott
=c("a","b")) for (i in 1:1000){ megaList[[i]] <- testList } head(megaList) David Scott _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142

Re: [R] Extract NA data rows

2011-01-25 Thread David Scott
y 2 6 NA 5 12 NA 7 7 NA -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055 Email:, Fax: +64 9 373 7018 Director of Consulting

Re: [R] Help with expression

2011-01-24 Thread David Scott
Thanks. Exactly what I wanted. As usual, I played around with all sorts of things to try and get the expression right, but never thought of David Scott On 25/01/2011 4:32 a.m., Charles C. Berry wrote: On Tue, 25 Jan 2011, David Scott wrote: I have a problem with expressions. I am

[R] Help with expression

2011-01-24 Thread David Scott
ote(Parameter==.(param))) then in the title I get "Parameter = alpha", whereas I want the Greek character alpha. David Scott -- _________ David Scott Department of Statistics The Universit

Re: [R] Obtaining a quadratic function igven three points on a curve

2011-01-20 Thread David Scott
orthogonal polynomials of degree 1 to 'degree' over the specified set of points 'x'. These are all orthogonal to the constant polynomial of degree 0. Alternatively, evaluate raw polynomials. David Scott On 21/01/2011 3:50 a.m., Joshua Wiley wrote: Hi Barth

Re: [R] CSV value not being read as it appears

2011-01-14 Thread David Scott
are dates. My experience was the conversion of New Zealand health ID numbers to dates. They are three letters then 4 digits, so AUG2699 became a date. David Scott On 14/01/2011 10:58 p.m., wrote: Hello David, Thanks for your e-mail. The data was a report derived

Re: [R] CSV value not being read as it appears

2011-01-14 Thread David Scott
that those who enter data into spreadsheets enter all sorts of variations of what a human would wish to treat as the same ("Open", "Open ", "open", etc.), even when told not to. David Scott On 14/01/2011 4:03 p.m., Jim Holtman wrote: try strip.white=TRUE to strip

Re: [R] Fitting an Inverse Gamma Distribution

2011-01-13 Thread David Scott
eralized inverse Gaussian distribution which has the inverse Gaussian as a special case. David Scott Secondly, is there a way to shift the pdf (code below) to the right (rather than the data to the left)? I tried: par(new=T) shift<-1 hist(iniSal_US_forHist,breaks=seq(1.1,21,by=0.625),c

Re: [R] Discriminant Correspondence Analysis

2010-12-15 Thread David Scott
n see: David Scott There are several parts to my problem. 1) When I try the read.table command, even if I include the directory name in the filename, R still cannot read the file, even if it is in .csv format 2) I was able to co

Re: [R] The behaviour of read.csv().

2010-12-02 Thread David Scott
ffice does.) I've been burned so many times by storing data in .csv files, that I just avoid them whenever I can. Absolutely agree with this Duncan. Playing around with .csv files is like playing with some sort of unstable explosive. I also avoid them as much as possible. David Scott

Re: [R] looking for the RMySQL package for R 2.12.0 under XP

2010-11-24 Thread David Scott
guy to add the MySQL/ODBC connector. The instructions may not be quite up to date but hopefully you can find your way through. Our students generally manage to set it all up on their own computers. David Scott On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 1:48 PM, PtitBleu wrote: Hello, I convinced our new Ph

Re: [R] How to start default browser on R

2010-11-22 Thread David Scott
quot; used for? B.R. Stephen L You can use it to open a local file on your machine as well. I use this all the time with hwriter which writes html reports. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics

Re: [R] How to start default browser on R

2010-11-22 Thread David Scott
On 23/11/10 14:20, Stephen Liu wrote: Hi folks, Win7 64 bit IE 64 bit How to start IE on R? TIA B.R. Stephen L ?browseURL -- _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019

Re: [R] cpgram: access data, confidence bands

2010-11-22 Thread David Scott
the confidence bands. There is some information about the use of the cumulative periodogram in Venables and Ripley's book for which cpgram was written (but admittedly not a lot). David Scott _ David Scott Department of

Re: [R] power spectrum of eeg

2010-11-21 Thread David Scott
cos(2*pi*w0*(0:(n-1))) specx <- spec.pgram(x, plot = FALSE) spec.pgram(x) spec.pgram(x, xaxt = "n", xlab = "frequency (Hz)", sub = paste("bandwidth = ", round(1000*specx$bandwidth,2))) axis(side = 1, at = (0:5)

Re: [R] previous business day

2010-10-22 Thread David Scott
m Rmetrics for free. timeDate is an Rmetrics package. Go to to see what is available from Rmetrics. David Scott -Original Message- From: Li, Jing Yi [] Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 9:38 AM To: David Reiner; David Winse

Re: [R] efficient equivalent to read.csv / write.csv

2010-09-28 Thread David Scott
d data in and out of the database in .csv format. If the .csv files are similar there shouldn't be too much overhead in defining table formats for the database. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Need help for EM algorithm ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-09-21 Thread David Scott
like this in to me to grade. David Scott On 21/09/2010 5:32 p.m., wrote: I created a EM algorithm for Generalized hyperbolic distribution. I want to estimate mutheldaplus, sigmatheldaplus, betasigmaplus in my code. After getting use these value , then my iteration have to

[R] Reproducible research

2010-09-08 Thread David Scott
particular, and possibly odfWeave. Does anyone have sample documents using any of these approaches which they could let me have? David Scott _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019

Re: [R] weird to me interaction between time() and %%, %/%

2010-08-31 Thread David Scott
08 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 David Scott On 1/09/2010 11:04 a.m., Alistair Gray wrote: Dear List, I'm getting weird and unexpected behaviour using time and %%, or %/%. It's likely I'm not appreciating the nuances of

Re: [R] log y 'axis' of histogram

2010-08-30 Thread David Scott
ding tail behaviour, where for example exponential tails in the density correspond to straight lines in the logged y-axis plot. Hope this helps. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University o

Re: [R] log y 'axis' of histogram

2010-08-29 Thread David Scott
function. There is one (logHist) in my package DistributionUtils on CRAN. You don't need the rest of the package to use it. You could just extract that particular function. David Scott -- _ David Scott Department of Stati

Re: [R] Engle Granger Test in R

2010-08-22 Thread David Scott
ould answer a lot of your questions. David Scott _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 75

Re: [R] RGoogleDocs ability to write to spreadsheets broken as of yesterday

2010-07-21 Thread David Scott
vide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599

[R] Use of .Fortran

2010-06-18 Thread David Scott
n to my call (and possibly to the subroutine) to make this work? David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +6

Re: [R] Problem with library(SSPA)

2010-06-09 Thread David Scott
Samuel Okoye wrote: I can't find his email and I have asked the same question to Regards, Samuel So you need the handy function maintainer() added to 2.11.0: > require(GeneralizedHyperbolic) > maintainer("GeneralizedHyperbolic") [1] &

Re: [R] ARIMA order

2010-06-03 Thread David Scott
nuncio m wrote: Hi all, Is there any way in R to select the order of an ARIMA model automatically nuncio Rob Hyndman's package forecast has a function auto.arima which produces an automatic arima fit, including for seasonal models. David

Re: [R] zipped files as a data type

2010-05-28 Thread David Scott
ress In-memory Compression and Decompression utils::unzipExtract or List Zip Archives utils::zip.file.extract Extract File from a Zip Archive utils::win.version Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port which seems to provide some leads

Re: [R] Installed directory of a package

2010-05-28 Thread David Scott
Ron Burns wrote: Hi all- Is there an R function that returns the directory in which a package has been installed? Thanks Ron ?system.file For example: > system.file(package="DistributionUtils") [1] "C:/Users/dsco036/R/win-library/2.10/DistributionUt

Re: [R] summary of arima model in R

2010-05-26 Thread David Scott
pr* [28] summary.prcomp*summary.princomp* summary.shingle* [31] summary.stepfunsummary.stl* summary.table [34] summary.trellis* summary.tukeysmooth* summary.yearmon* [37] summary.yearqtr* summary.zoo* Non-visible functions are asterisked > ?summary.Arima No d

Re: [R] Path to R script

2010-05-12 Thread David Scott
David Scott wrote: Sharpie wrote: Johannes W. Dietrich wrote: There is certainly a trivial solution for my question, but I can't find the answer in the documentation. I need a platform independent method to obtain the file path of the current R script. My working group uses R on se

Re: [R] Path to R script

2010-05-12 Thread David Scott
[1] "/usr/local/david/R/DistributionUtils/unitTests/runTests.R" David Scott _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone:

Re: [R] Problems plotting date and time column from excel using R

2010-05-11 Thread David Scott
has a mind of its own in many things, particularly dates. You need to look at exactly what is coming in to R as x. Do str(x) and let us know what it is then you might get some useful advice. As a general rule these days, when using Windows, I prefer to avoid the .xls or .xlsx to .csv route

Re: [R] What is the best way to have "R" output tables in an MS Word format?

2010-04-30 Thread David Scott
ns. David Scott _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055 Email:

Re: [R] What is the best way to have "R" output tables in an MS Word format?

2010-04-30 Thread David Scott
plications. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055 Em

Re: [R] Problem installing RODBC

2010-04-19 Thread David Scott
Marc Schwartz wrote: On Apr 19, 2010, at 7:02 PM, David Scott wrote: I have a problem with some missing headers when trying to install RODBC on my linux box. install.packages("RODBC", + lib="/usr/local/david/R") trying URL 'http://cran.stat.a

[R] Problem installing RODBC

2010-04-19 Thread David Scott
sql/mysql.sock Uptime: 95 days 19 hours 18 min 27 sec I am guessing my MySQL is getting a bit decrepit and needs updating, but welcome any suggestions about sorting this out. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Departme

Re: [R] interpreting acf plot

2010-04-17 Thread David Scott
but in no way difficult. There are a number of other more specialized and advanced texts also. Off the top of my head, Pfaff, Hyndman, ... David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University o

Re: [R] read.table behavior for Dates.

2010-04-16 Thread David Scott
.csv file from within Excel. Use .csv files created by other software, yes, but not one saved from within Excel. David Scott Nevertheless I got some valuable insight in the topic. What I'm trying to do here is make it easier for people to upload files that might contain dates to my webapp a

Re: [R] R package documentation

2010-04-15 Thread David Scott
David _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055 Email:, Fax: +64

Re: [R] R interactive input like C++

2010-04-14 Thread David Scott
s taken from the keyboard (or whatever ‘stdin()’ reads if input is redirected or R is embedded). I think the required function is readline which prompts for user input. ?readline David Scott _____ David Scott Depa

Re: [R] R package documentation

2010-04-14 Thread David Scott
_ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055 Email:, Fax: +64 9 373 7018 Director of Consulting, Department

Re: [R] Statistical test for stationarity-how

2010-04-11 Thread David Scott
thout more work on your behalf. David Scott -- _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext

Re: [R] emacs: reformat \items paragraph in .Rd

2010-03-27 Thread David Scott
Esc-q or M-q will wrap a whole paragraph. The only problem is that you need to make sure the paragraph you want to wrap is separated from other paragraphs by blank lines, i.e. it must be clear it is a paragraph. David Scott --

Re: [R] Matching pairs of values

2010-03-27 Thread David Scott
sort before testing: vtest <- function(x, lookfor){ any(apply(x, 1, function(v) {identical(sort(v), sort(lookfor))}))} -Peter Ehlers On 2010-03-27 2:46, Berend Hasselman wrote: David Scott-6 wrote: I am sure someone can come up with a clever way of doin

[R] Matching pairs of values

2010-03-26 Thread David Scott
;t see how to generalize to this case. Any pointers? David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 50

Re: [R] colname of ... arguments

2010-03-10 Thread David Scott
provenance as an appropriate method. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599

Re: [R] Importing Access 2007 data with ROBC

2010-03-09 Thread David Scott
an Access 2007 file: testdb <- file.path("c:/Salmon_data.accdb") channel <- odbcConnectAccess(testdb) Data <- sqlFetch(channel,"Table1") Try odbcConnectAccess2007 instead. David Scott -- _ David Scot

Re: [R] how to make R plot under Linux

2010-02-22 Thread David Scott
the department who can assist. Someone set up the linux machine where R is running, they will know this stuff. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019

Re: [R] typo in contrast package's vignettes

2010-02-03 Thread David Scott
an environment which rewards a bit of exploration and experimentation. Every package has a maintainer whose email is given on CRAN. In the case of the contrast package that is at It ain'

Re: [R] typo in contrast package's vignettes

2010-02-03 Thread David Scott
Peng Yu has been asking questions he should be able to find his way around the help system and other documentation by now. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019

[R] Microsoft SQL Server and R

2010-01-25 Thread David Scott
about Microsoft SQL Server. David Scott -- _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055

Re: [R] Greek letters on a multi-line plot title

2010-01-20 Thread David Scott
delta==.(delta),", ", mu==.(mu),sep="")), line=2.25,cex=1.15) Best wishes David Scott - Original Message From: David Scott To: Jason Rupert Cc: "" Sent: Wed, January 20, 2010 3:49:40 PM Subject: Re: [R] Gree

Re: [R] Yet another question about importing Excel *.xls files

2010-01-20 Thread David Scott
hich is back on CRAN. The author, Hans-Peter Suter, also offers xlsReadWritePro at which can write native xls files with multiple sheets. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Stati

Re: [R] Greek letters on a multi-line plot title

2010-01-20 Thread David Scott
ntific=F), "\n sigma y = ", format(sd(y), digits=4, scientific=F), sep="") title(the_expression) grid() When confronted with this problem, after many failed attempts, I have had to resort to mtext. David Scott --

Re: [R] How to install old randomForest?

2010-01-13 Thread David Scott
de to the build process, have a look at Rob Hyndman's instructions: David Scott _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University o

Re: [R] Return values in fExtremes package

2010-01-07 Thread David Scott
.. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "mu" "beta" .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "mu" "beta" .. ..$ converged : int 0 .. ..$ num 1567 .. ..$ llh : n

Re: [R] Maximum spacing method

2009-12-21 Thread David Scott
acing estimator...:-( Any help would be great:-) You can see an implementation of mps for the normal inverse Gaussian in fBasics on R-Forge. Have a look at the function .nigFit.mps in the file dist-nigFit.R David Scott -- _ David

Re: [R] Stata files

2009-12-16 Thread David Scott
r format, the -saveold- command in Version 11 of Stata will save a Version 10/11 file in the format that was used by Versions 8 and 9 of Stata. ---JRG On Wed, 16 Dec 2009, David Scott wrote: I have a client who uses Stata 11. Can anyone advise me on ways of transferring data from this ve

[R] Stata files

2009-12-16 Thread David Scott
their website led me to believe Stata 11 couldn't write in Stata 10 format. However Stata 11 can write Excel files in XML, so presumably .xlsx files. Any advice, correction of my misconceptions, etc. gladly received. D

Re: [R] how can generate from trunceted gamma distribution in R ?

2009-12-11 Thread David Scott
paper most likely can be modified for the inverse gamma. David Scott _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055

Re: [R] estimate inverse gaussian in R

2009-12-06 Thread David Scott
David Scott wrote: Jorge Ivan Velez wrote: Hi Tim, Take a look at HTH, Jorge' i don't think this is what the OP wanted. The nig is the normal inverse Gaussian distribution, which is a special c

Re: [R] estimate inverse gaussian in R

2009-12-06 Thread David Scott
d inverse Gaussian distribution. Its support is the real line and it has 4 parameters. The inverse Gaussian is a special case of the generalized inverse Gaussian. It has support the positive half line and 2 parameters. David Scott On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 12:48 PM, noclue_ <> wrote: I hav

Re: [R] How to interpret the phase spectrum?

2009-11-24 Thread David Scott
and see how the cospectrum looks. That is really the only infallible way of determining what the software is doing. David Scott -- _________ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019

Re: [R] Bessel function with large index value

2009-11-20 Thread David Scott
This is a reply to my own question. I thought I had found an answer but it seems not so (some analysis follows below). Maybe Martin Maechler or Robin Hankin or Duncan Murdoch may have some ideas---I know the question is a bit specialized. David Scott wrote: I am looking for a method of

[R] Bessel function with large index value

2009-11-20 Thread David Scott
with a Gamma function of high order in the denominator. David Scott -- _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923

Re: [R] (exact) confidence bounds for lognormal parameters \mu and \sigma

2009-11-17 Thread David Scott
fitdistrplus can do this David Scott -- _ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055 Email

Re: [R] Non-normal residuals.

2009-10-28 Thread David Scott
Kjetil Halvorsen wrote: On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:25 AM, David Scott wrote: Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote: On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:06:02 -0400 Ben Bolker wrote: If transforming your data brings you closer to satisfying the assumptions of your analytic methods and having a sensible analysis

Re: [R] Non-normal residuals.

2009-10-28 Thread David Scott
do you use to fit a (perhaps just a simple linear) model with t-distributed residuals (or residuals of a different distribution)? Package sn has this facility I believe. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Odp: : Question about correlation between data.

2009-10-16 Thread David Scott
ding because of the violation of the independence assumption. If Antonio does not understand these comments he needs to consult a local statistician. David Scott -- _________ David Scott Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Frequencies, proportions & cumulative proportions

2009-10-16 Thread David Scott
s) R Documentation Cross Tabulation with Tests for Factor Independence Description An implementation of a cross-tabulation function with output similar to S-Plus crosstabs() and SAS Proc Freq (or SPSS format) with Chi-square, Fisher and McNemar tests of the independence of all table

Re: [R] histogram

2009-10-08 Thread David Scott
ill give you the counts you want is just wrong. As others have pointed out if you make things more explicit and don't take the defaults it will do so. Using hist to obtain counts like this is like using a hammer to drive in a

Re: [R] Running an ANOVA with a BY

2009-09-28 Thread David Scott
and practice datasets are available for download. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of Statistics The University of Auckland, PB 92019 Auckland 1142,NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 923 5055, o

Re: [R] Equivalence of Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test with k=2

2009-09-07 Thread David Scott
en awhile since I studied nonparametric stats and this one has me scratching my head. Many thanks! Tom The continuity correction? It is true by default for wilcox.test and is not apparent in the help for kruskal.test. David Scott -- ____

Re: [R] test for bimodality

2009-08-31 Thread David Scott
some* help to you. cheers, Rolf Turner I have used the dip test for testing if a distribution is *unimodal*. Possibly that is what John needs. See package diptest. David Scott -- _____ David Scott Department of

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