Hi, all.
I searched a lot at mailing list, installed EBImage and gtk packages, but I
couldn't make this simple work:
How to add a image file (jpg or bmp ou gif) to an existing plot window (not
plot over the image), like the code below (pseudo function add.image):
Hi, all.
I searched a lot at mailing list, installed EBImage and gtk packages, but I
couldn't make this simple work:
to add a image file (jpg or bmp ou gif) to an existing plot window (not
plot over the image), like the code below (pseudo function add.image):
The test is only an example. The data is an example too. The difference is
not the problem, I think, because we can make the data larger and the
difference will grow.
In my system, the original test points to Windows having the best time, and
points to difference larger than 10% between linux gener
--- Em seg, 29/6/09, I. Soumpasis escreveu:
De: I. Soumpasis
Assunto: Re: [R] (performance) time in Windows vs Linux
Para: "Cézar Freitas"
Data: Segunda-feira, 29 de Junho de 2009, 5:53
Hi Cezar,
I tried your code in a core duo laptop (@2.5Gz) with ubuntu x86_64 with 4GB of
ask them:
Is it possible build the R (under Linux) and force the compilation make it in
32 bits (at a 64 bits machine)?
Thanks to all,
Cezar Freitas
--- Em seg, 29/6/09, I. Soumpasis escreveu:
De: I. Soumpasis
Assunto: Re: [R] (performance) time in Windows vs Linux
Para: "Cézar Fr
Hi, all.
I began to migrate my R codes from Windows to Linux and surprised me
with an old question. I simplified the problem and made a little test to
compare times at same
computer and the Linux time is worse (not so little) than Windows time:
28 vs 53 seconds.
I make an example (below) to faci
Thanks to all.
I summarized (in order to thank the list) the solutions to help future workers
searching subjects like this at R help.
# Number of rows
nr = 10
# Data set
dataf =
Hi. I searched the list and didn't found nothing similar to this. I simplified
my example like below:
#I need calculate correlation (for example) between 2 columns classified by a
third one at a data.frame, like below:
#number of rows
nr = 10
#the third column is to enforce that I need correla
8 matches
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