I am trying to calculate Diebold Mariano test statistic (DM) using dm.test
module. I also try to do the same thing with STATA and I get vastly different
results (4.5 vs 25). Does someone have experience with this module?
I tried to calculate the DM statistic manually. If by ādā I define
I am confused by obtaining different results when testing for unit root when
using different packages. I have 2625 price entries for which I want to
determine whether they exhibit unit root. First I test using adf.test from
tseries package by running:
> adf.test(P, k=30)
Augmented Dickey-Fuller
I am estimating daily electricity prices using GARCH (1,1). What I would like
to see is whether there is some kind of daily or seasonal effect in variance of
the price series. For instance, variance of electricity prices might be
different (higher) during weekdays as opposed to during weekend. T
I use fGarch package to estimate AR(1)-ARCH(1) process for a vector of returns.
Then, using the estimated parameters I want to simulate 10 000 sample paths
where each path has the same length as the vector of returns. So the first line
of the code is: spec=garchSpec(model=list(ar= 0.440270860,
I am using fGarch package to estimate and simulate GARCH models. What I would
like to do is to perform Monte Carlo simulation. Unfortunately I cannot figure
how to modify the code to achieve this. I use the following code to run a
single simulation:
spec=garchSpec(model=list(ar= 0.44
5 matches
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