Re: [R] R CMD check vs RStudio check

2024-05-09 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-help
e any ideas? Deleting the directory just seems weird and so it's hard to know where to look. Thanks. Ross -Original Message- From: Ivan Krylov Sent: Friday, May 3, 2024 12:52 PM To: Boylan, Ross via R-help Cc: Boylan, Ross Subject: Re: [R] R CMD check vs RStudio check В Fri, 3 M

[R] R CMD check vs RStudio check

2024-05-03 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-help
I am trying to figure out why checking my package is deleting my inst/doc/ directory when I do it in RStudio. Along the way I've hit another puzzle. In RStudio the check runs and is mostly OK, aside from the deletion. But when I try with vanilla R, the check fails almost immediately: --

[R] missing() fails to detect missing

2024-04-17 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-help
When a generic (S4) has an argument with a default followed by ..., missing() doesn't seem to work if the method omits the ... Sample--- foo <- function(x, y=0, ...){ "you are very generic" } # no ... in function arguments setMethod("foo", signatu

[R] Time Zone problems: midnight goes in; 8am comes out

2022-03-01 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-help
I'm having problems with timezones using lubridate, but it's not clear to me the difficulty is in lubridate. - > r2 <- parse_date_time("1970-01-01 00:01:00", "ymd HMS", tz="PST") > r2 [1] "1970-01-01 08:01:00 PST" ## Oops: midnight has turned in 8am > as.numeric(r2

Re: [R] S4 non-virtual class with no slots? [SOLVED]

2016-04-22 Thread Boylan, Ross
that's not the case. Ross From: Martin Morgan [] Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 2:36 PM To: Boylan, Ross; Subject: Re: [R] S4 non-virtual class with no slots? On 04/22/2016 04:38 PM, Boylan, Ross wrote:

[R] S4 non-virtual class with no slots?

2016-04-22 Thread Boylan, Ross
It seems that if an S4 class has no slots it can't be instantiated because it is assumed to be virtual. Is there a way around this other than adding a do-nothing slot? A singleton would be OK, though is not essential. Problem: EmptyFitResult <- setClass("EmptyFitResult", representation=represe