[R] problem in function specieslevel of bipartite

2015-06-17 Thread Bernardo Santos
Dear all, I have data for an bipartite mutualistic interaction network and I am trying to generate network metrics for this data set. All metrics could be calculated correctly. However, when trying to run specieslevel function of the package "bipartite", I have the following problem: xx <- specie

Re: [R] MLE with parameters restricted to a defined range using bbmle

2014-12-10 Thread Bernardo Santos
to work. cheers, Rolf Turner On 09/12/14 09:04, Bernardo Santos wrote: > Dear all, > I am fitting models to data with mle2 function of the bbmle package.In > specific, I want to fit a power-law distribution model, as defined here > (http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0412004v3.p

[R] MLE with parameters restricted to a defined range using bbmle

2014-12-08 Thread Bernardo Santos
Dear all, I am fitting models to data with mle2 function of the bbmle package.In specific, I want to fit a power-law distribution model, as defined here (http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0412004v3.pdf), to data. However, one of the parameters - xmin -, must be necessarily greater than zero. What ca

[R] accumulation curve for kernel density using adehabitatHR

2014-10-02 Thread Bernardo Santos
Dear all, I am trying to create an accumulation curve for kernel density estimation (KDE) of home range size, with kernel density in the y-axis and number of telemetry fixes in the x-axis. I am using "kernelUD" and "getverticeshr" functions from adehabitatHR package. However, I have a problem:

Re: [R] Help with SEM package - model significance

2014-07-21 Thread Bernardo Santos
Hi John, Thanks for your reply (1 month later lol). In fact maybe the point is that I do not understand exactly the role of latent variables (what they are, and how to define them in R) in SEM. Do you have any suggestion of easy basic literature on SEM that can help me with that? Most things I h

[R] Help with SEM package - model significance

2014-06-15 Thread Bernardo Santos
Dear all,  I used "sem" function from the package SEM to fit a model. However, I cannot say if the model is correspondent to the data or not (chisquare test). I used the commands: model1 <- specifyModel() estadio -> compflora, a1, NA estadio -> compfauna, a2, NA estadio -> interacoesobs, a3, NA

Re: [R] SEM specify RAM model

2014-06-04 Thread Bernardo Santos
Dear George, I am not very used to sem package, but it seems to me that you can use a file as an argument of specifyModel() or specifyEquations() functions, instead of input each line individually on the shell. see the first argument on ?specifyEquations Maybe you could write such matrix insid