[R] R and Mt4 trading platform connection

2015-12-30 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi guys , Can anyone suggest how to make a MT4 EA strategy using R code . I had seen many strategy builders online but have no idea about how to build ne using R. THanks and Regards , ASHIS [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ___


2014-08-29 Thread Ashis Deb
Hello , I have a function handler using gWidgets like below ,, i had declared a function inside this function . But dont have the idea how to call the function outside the handler function. addHandlerClicked(AAS,handler=function(h,...) { ga()


2014-05-23 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all, I was doingk-mean clusteringthrough which i could find out each and every clusters and the contents aroundeach cluster centroid likebelow :- x<-read.csv("normalizedata.csv", header = TRUE)#To read the dataset km<- kmeans(


2014-05-23 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all, I have a normalized data set , in which i had done SOM clustering , as we can get clustering results in kmeans like :-k$cluster , we can get which element belongs to which cluster . But in case of SOM , can we g

[R] K-mean Clustering URL's and ranking them according to there recent visit .

2014-05-22 Thread Ashis Deb
some papers related to Web crawling using clustering ,but could not find outhow to proceed in R . is there any package to do so . Any idea would be much helpful . Thank You ASHIS DEB [[alternative HTML

[R] K-mean Clustering in URL's

2014-05-19 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi , I have some URL's like :- 2 facebook http://www.facebook.com http://twitter.com/facebook http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook http://play.google.com/store/apps/developer

[R] Counting number of days my program runs

2014-05-15 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all , I have a package and i want to count the 1st execution day of the package till 30 days afterwards ? I hope I am clear with this question . Please reply if you have anything to share . Thanks ASHIS [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

[R] Getting data s from "Think or Swim " platform through R.

2014-05-13 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all , Is it possible to get datas from "Think or Swim " database like we do in Yahoo.finance through Quantmod package like getSymbol . We know they aretaking money for datas. Than You ASHIS dEB [[alternative HTML versi

[R] Making a trial based Package for 30-days.

2014-05-12 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all , I have a GUI package , which I want to make it work for a certain period,say-30days ,after which it should be self destructive . Could it be possible ?? ASHIS [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

[R] Making a package works on any R version

2014-05-05 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all I had made a package in R-3.0.3 , and its running well , my issue is it is not running in other versions or R like R-3.0.2/3.0.1 it is showing error like --- Error: This is R 3.0.2, package ‘xxx’ needs >= 3.0.3 Does anybody have the solution on how to ma

[R] R Package making error

2014-05-05 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all , I have a GUI package function like below , trader<-function() { install.packages("Rgtk2") install.packages("cluster") install.packages("gWidgets") install.packages("gWidgetsRGtk2") install.packages("scales") install.packages("RGtk2Extras") install.packages("Fuzz

[R] Problem in handling Date format

2014-04-22 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all , I have this data like , ashdata YHOO.Open YHOO.High YHOO.Low YHOO.Close YHOO.Volume YHOO.Adjusted 2007-01-03 25.85 26.2625.26 25.6126352700 25.61 2007-01-04 25.64 26.9225.52 26.8532512200 26.85 2007-01-05 26.

[R] Writing a function in a corrrect way

2014-04-16 Thread Ashis Deb
function 'svalue': Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘.tag’ for signature ‘"", "guiWidgetsToolkitRGtk2"’ Can any body help me with this issue , I am sorry if I had not follwed an


2014-03-24 Thread Ashis Deb
g RDOT NET package , is it possible , if it is then please show me the way , will be greatful. Thank You, ASHIS DEB [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help


2014-03-24 Thread Ashis Deb
HI ALL, I have a package [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and

[R] Wanted to make g widgets GUI a Package

2014-03-22 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all , I know i am asking a silly question , please help me a bit , fun<-function() <<<---I have this function , dont know what to return here. { JUSTGIVING HERE THE MAINWINDOW , AVOIDING GIVING THE WHOLE FUNCTION

[R] Calling a source file from R to C#

2014-03-15 Thread Ashis Deb
expected ')' 1: ) I am using R 2.11.1 and vs2010 . Does anybody have any solution for this ?? ,please help me out with this issue. PS :- ashis deb [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing l

[R] Calling a R function in RDOTNET inside C#.

2014-03-08 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all , I had connected R and C# using RDoTNET, I want to call every packages of R in there and functions ,anybody have a code snippets to help me out , as the coding here is hard to understand. Thank You, PS ASHIS DEB [[alternative HTML

[R] Making a dll in C# using R codes.

2014-03-07 Thread Ashis Deb
Hi all I want to add R with C# and want to call the R functions in C# and do computation . I had used the package Rdotnet package in C# , but cannot call a fuction of R in C# , if any one could help me with this . Thank You, ASHIS DEB

[R] acessing symbols dynamically through a gedit box using getsymbol function

2014-02-27 Thread Ashis Deb
e way how to access this symbols dynamically ,such that the users can specify any symbols and could access those data in a click of a button .. Thanks You. ASHIS DEB [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list http