[R] read.csv and FileEncoding in Windows version of R 2.13.0

2011-05-19 Thread Alexander Peterhansl
Dear Help List: read.csv() seems to have changed in R version 2.13.0 as compared to version 2.12.2 when reading in simple CSV files. In reading a 2-column CSV file ("test.csv"), say 1, a 2, b If file is encoded as UTF-8 (on Windows 7), then under R 2.13.0 read.csv("test.csv",fileEncoding="UTF-8

[R] strptime(): on Linux system it seems to call system time?

2010-03-18 Thread Alexander Peterhansl
Dear List, For what I understand, strptime() simply converts from one class representation to another; i.e., from character to POSIXct/POSIXlt. One strange feature of this command running on Linux is that there are repeated calls to system time (as was revealed in a trace of system calls),

Re: [R] tapply() and using factor() on a factor

2009-10-16 Thread Alexander Peterhansl
quot; "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" In other words, how do I take a subset which yields "a" as the only level for log2? Alex -Original Message- From: William Dunlap [mailto:wdun...@tibco.com] Sent: Thursday, October 1

[R] tapply() and using factor() on a factor

2009-10-15 Thread Alexander Peterhansl
Dear List, Shouldn't result1 and result2 be equal in the following case? Note that log$RequestID is a factor. That is, is.factor(log$RequestID) yields TRUE. result1 <- tapply(log$Flag,factor(log$RequestID),sum) result2 <- tapply(log$Flag,log$RequestID,sum) Yet, when I summarize th