[R] Changing mu in svyttest for one sample test

2020-03-25 Thread Mavra Ahmed
Hi All, I am doing a one-sample t-test for survey data with replicates (svrepdesign). I was wondering if there is a way to change the mu in svyttest for one sample test? I can't find a way to do this online for svyttest but I was able to do it for ttest. for example; in the following, I can chan

Re: [R] Survey Data - comparing multiple groups

2019-08-16 Thread Mavra Ahmed
this point, I am still exploring R and if I am able to provide additional feedback on this issue, I will post. I really appreciate your help. Thank you. From: Abby Spurdle Sent: July 27, 2019 9:39:49 PM To: Mavra Ahmed Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R

Re: [R] Survey Data - comparing multiple groups

2019-07-25 Thread Mavra Ahmed
rom the survey package, the svyranktest is shown with svydesign only and not with svrepdesign. I could consider using other tests such as svyglm but am also having issues with it. Thank you, Mav From: Abby Spurdle Sent: July 25, 2019 9:48:05 PM To: Ma

[R] Survey Data - comparing multiple groups

2019-07-25 Thread Mavra Ahmed
Hi Everyone, I am trying to assess whether the mean of carbohydrate intake (dependent variable = continuous) is significantly different between five groups (groups = people categorized into five different groups) (independent variable= categorical). This is survey data with replicates and ther

Re: [R] Summary Table for Quantile Regression for Complex Survey

2019-07-16 Thread Mavra Ahmed
ace it here? Thanks for your help, Mavra ____ From: Koenker, Roger W Sent: July 16, 2019 11:37:54 AM To: Mavra Ahmed Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] Summary Table for Quantile Regression for Complex Survey try summary(newer, se = �nid�) Roger Koenker r.koen

[R] Summary Table for Quantile Regression for Complex Survey

2019-07-16 Thread Mavra Ahmed
Hello All, I am running quantile regression for a complex survey design and am running the following code: newdf<-withReplicates(df, quote(coef(rq(api00~api99, tau=0.5, weights=.weights This provides me with the theta and SE but I would really like the p-values and residual degrees of f

[R] Graphic functions in the ade4TKGUI graphic user interface in R

2019-05-28 Thread Ahmed Attia
ls.cex = 1, plabels.boxes.draw = TRUE, : non convenient selection for dfxy (can not be converted to dataframe) Any suggestions. Thanks Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Crop Modeler __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and m

[R] Maximum number of iterations (maxit) does not work in hydroPSO-modFit-optimr in r

2018-10-03 Thread Ahmed Attia
t;spso2011", lower=xmin,upper=xmax,control=list(maxit=3)) res= modFit(my.function,p=xopt,method="Pseudo", lower=xmin,upper=xmax,control=list(numiter=3)) res= optimr(par=xopt,my.function,method="L-BFGS-B", lower=xmin,upper=xmax,contro

Re: [R] r-data partitioning considering two variables (character and numeric)

2018-08-27 Thread Ahmed Attia
Thanks Bert, worked nicely. Yes, genotypes with only one ID will be eliminated before partitioning the data. Best regards Ahmed Attia On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 8:09 PM, Bert Gunter wrote: > Just partition the unique stand_ID's and select on them using %in% , say: > >

[R] r-data partitioning considering two variables (character and numeric)

2018-08-27 Thread Ahmed Attia
not produce the desired output, the data are partitioned within the stand_ID. For example, one row of stand_ID 7 goes to training and two rows of stand_ID 7 go to testing. How can I partition the data by Genotype and stand_ID together?. Ahmed Attia __ R-h

Re: [R] remove rows of a matrix by part of its row name

2018-05-22 Thread Ahmed Serag
Thanks a lot. The code works great. Regards Ahmed ** Ahmed Serag Analytical Chemistry Department Faculty of Pharmacy Al-Azhar University Cairo Egypt From: Rui Barradas Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 2:16 PM To: Ahmed Serag; R-help@r

[R] remove rows of a matrix by part of its row name

2018-05-22 Thread Ahmed Serag
73.1 Any ideas or suggestion please ? Regards ** Ahmed Serag Analytical Chemistry Department Faculty of Pharmacy Al-Azhar University Cairo Egypt [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing

Re: [R] netCDF to GeoTIFF by layer in r

2018-03-28 Thread Ahmed Attia
Hi Ben, Adding 'band' to raster provided what I want; importnetcdf <- raster(file.nc,band=4) writeRaster(importnetcdf,file.tiff,"GTiff",overwrite=FALSE) Thanks for your help. Ahmed Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Soil Scientist On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 11:53 A

[R] Fwd: netCDF to GeoTIFF by layer in r

2018-03-28 Thread Ahmed Attia
6800, 43200, 72576 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.0083, 0.0083 (x, y) extent : -180, 179.9998, -56, 83.5 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 data source : C:\Users\Ahmed\Documents\file.tif names :

Re: [R] LSD-test

2017-12-25 Thread Ahmed Attia
The model should be class aov or lm and my model class is aovlist. tried tidy from broom library but did not work. To make it class aov, I had to remove the error term; model <- aov(Rotationdata_R$`GY(Mg/ha)`~Rep+code*as.factor(Nitrogen),data=Rotationdata_R) Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist &am

[R] LSD-test

2017-12-25 Thread Ahmed Attia
t;c("aovlist", "listof")" to a data.frame What is wrong with this. Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Soil Scientist __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-hel

[R] Using nls.lm to fit a non-continuous dates range

2017-07-25 Thread Ahmed Attia
elfstart model a_start<-8 b_start<-2*log(2)/a_start m<-nls(df$Y~a*exp(-b*df$days),start=list(a=a_start,b=b_start)) Error in nls(df$Y ~ a * exp(-b * df$days), start = list(a = a_start, b = b_start)) : parameters without starting value in 'data': Y, days Could you please

Re: [R] Convert date to continuous variable in R

2017-07-06 Thread Ahmed Attia
ot;) par(new=TRUE) plot(LAI~Date, data=LAI_simulation,xlab="",ylab="", xaxt="n",type="p",cex=0.2,col=1,xaxs="i",yaxs="i",ylim=c(0,6)) axis.Date(side=3, at=seq(min(LAI_simulation$Date), max(LAI_simulation$Date),by="year"), for

[R] Convert date to continuous variable in R

2017-07-05 Thread Ahmed Attia
27;) plot(LAI~Date, data=LAI_simulation) LAI_simulation$Date<- as.numeric(LAI_simulation$Date,origin="2009-10-07") #R does not see the origin axis.Date(side=3,at=LAI_simulation$Date) Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Soil Scientist [[al

Re: [R] Predict

2017-06-30 Thread Ahmed Attia
= 2016, frequency =365) plot(forecast(ets(Stand_Height),10)) a=seq(as.Date("2009-12-01"),by="weeks",length=11) axis(1, at = a, labels = format(a, "%Y %b %d"), cex.axis=0.6) #Error :$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Thanks Ahmed Attia, Ph.

[R] Predict

2017-06-30 Thread Ahmed Attia
ur help. Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Soil Scientist __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] For loop

2017-06-22 Thread Ahmed Attia
GPP_Ahmed13$Date <= "i"])/2) } #Error in charToDate(x) : Thanks for your help Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Soil Scientist __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-

Re: [R] Help/ Mathematics

2017-06-22 Thread Ahmed Attia
LeafBiog[leafbiom97$Date == "2012-02-12"] - leafbiom97$LeafBiog[leafbiom97$Date == "2010-03-15"]+ Litterfall_Ahmed97$littperiod[Litterfall_Ahmed97$Date =="2011-04-08"])/ (sum(GPP_Ahmed13$GPP[GPP_Ahmed13$Date >= "2010-03-12" & GPP_Ahmed13$Date <

[R] Help/ Mathematics

2017-06-21 Thread Ahmed Attia
format. Which library or function Should I use to tell R do these calculations of these variables at different dates. I appreciate your help. Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Soil Scientist __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more,

[R] Variable 'A' is not a factor Error message

2016-11-12 Thread ahmed meftah
I am running a DOE with the following code library(Rcmdr) library(RcmdrMisc) library(RcmdrPlugin.DoE) # Define plackett burman experiment PB.DOE <- pb(nruns= 12 ,n12.taguchi= FALSE ,nfactors= 12 -1, ncenter= 0 , replications= 1 ,repeat.only= FALSE ,randomize= TRUE ,se

[R] PSM With Panel Data

2016-06-12 Thread Ahmed Raza via R-help
that how I can do this. Any help in this regard will be much appreciated With Best Regards,  Ahmed Arif  [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman

[R] R help - "UCL at different levels"

2015-09-30 Thread Syed Abrar Ahmed
Hello Experts, I need your help to understand the how can we calculate the UCL values at different levels dynamically? Customer No Month Sales UCL 100 201501 500 550.75 100 201502 100 550.75 101 201501 400 425.25 101 201502 50 425.25 In the above scenario i need calculate UCL

[R] R packages(maxLik ())‏

2015-07-27 Thread Ahmed Al-deeb
Hi all.. I am currently finish recent research to study master's degree in statistics. And in fact, I faced two problems in the practical side using r packages . In the first, generation of the new distributional data( weibull-lomax dist ) and I've successfully overcame them by the following cod

[R] pch size in a legend

2015-01-30 Thread Ahmed Attia
Hi R users, I would like to adjust the pch size in a legend without changing the text size, pt.cex does not do the job. R 2.15.2 32 bit. legend(0,2100, legend=c("2009","2010","2012","2013","2014"), col = 1,cex=1,lty=NA,pch=c(1,2,6,7,8),lwd=

Re: [R] Specifying strip names in xyplot (strip.custom)

2015-01-17 Thread Ahmed Attia
Hi I attach the data and a xyplot I made using strip.default; # This is my code; trellis.device(col=F) xyplot(GrainM~Nrate|S*Loc, data = Ahmed, layout=c(5,3,1), xlab=expression(bold(paste("N rate (kg ", ha^-1,")"))), #xlab=expression(paste("Herbicide rate (g isoxafluto

[R] Specifying strip names in xyplot (strip.custom)

2015-01-16 Thread Ahmed Attia
. In the code below, factor.levels represent three Loc Thanks for your help. Ahmed trellis.device(col=F) xyplot(GrainM~Nrate|S*Loc, data = Ahmed, layout=c(5,3,1), xlab=expression(bold(paste("N rate (kg ", ha^-1,")"))), ylab=expression(bold(paste("Grain yield (Mg "

[R] Prooblem using RMpi on OSX moutain lion

2014-07-25 Thread Ahmed Nagi
I have posted the following question on stackoverflow (but i didn't get any feedback). I am posting it here, hoping that a more R-focued user group might be able to help me out.. Thank you -

Re: [R] Fwd: Plot the means with simultaneous horizontal and vertical error bars

2014-07-18 Thread Ahmed Attia
Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. of Soil&Crop Sciences Texas A&M University ahmed.at...@ag.tamu.edu Cell phone: 001-979-248-5215 FAX: 001-308-455-4024 On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 3:30 PM, William Dunlap wrote: > Is the original poster having trouble translating the synopsis a

[R] Fwd: Plot the means with simultaneous horizontal and vertical error bars

2014-07-18 Thread Ahmed Attia
e x-axis would be 150, 350, 550, .etc. At each value of the x-axis would be the average response point (y Lint) with vertical and horizontal error bars. Each value of the x-axis (X) represents a range of values that in x Water. The x Water column should be used to draw the horizontal lines. Th

[R] Fwd: Plot the means with simultaneous horizontal and vertical error bars

2014-07-18 Thread Ahmed Attia
to draw the horizontal lines. Thank you so much. AA Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. of Soil&Crop Sciences Texas A&M University ahmed.at...@ag.tamu.edu Cell phone: 001-979-248-5215 FAX: 001-308-455-4024 __ R-help@r-project.org mail

Re: [R] Tick marks at the 0:0 point in a plot ()

2014-05-05 Thread Ahmed Attia
Dear William, Worded beautifully. Yes, I wanted to get the tick marks at the left corner. I had to just add xaxs="i" and yaxs="i" Thanks Ahmed Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. of Soil&Crop Sciences Texas A&M University ahmed.at...@ag.tamu.edu Cell phon

[R] Tick marks at the 0:0 point in a plot ()

2014-05-05 Thread Ahmed Attia
Dear R usres, Sorry to bother you with my basic question. I have a quick question about tick mark in R. A reviewer wants the tick marks of the graph to start at 0:0 point. My current code below produces the tick mark a little far from the corner; plot(Simu2~Irrig, data=Ahmed,pch=17, col=1,subset

[R] Tick marks at the 0:0 point in a plot ()

2014-05-04 Thread Ahmed Attia
Dear R usres, Sorry to bother you with my basic question. I have a quick question about tick mark in R. A reviewer wants the tick marks of the graph to start at 0:0 point. My current code below produces the tick mark a little far from the corner; plot(Simu2~Irrig, data=Ahmed,pch=17, col=1,subset

[R] xyplot y scale label help

2014-04-16 Thread Ahmed Attia
Hi R usres, I would like to specify y label units in xyplot. I tried the yaxp, but it does not work. Following are my codes; trellis.device(col=F) xyplot(GY~N|S,data = Ahmed, layout=c(5,1,1), xlab=expression(paste("N rate (kg ", ha^-1,")")), ylab=expression(paste("B

Re: [R] regsubsets

2014-03-31 Thread Mohammad Ahmed
..etc.) if Best subset regression do not give satisfactory results. I think it's interesting to   compare between all of them.   On Sunday, March 30, 2014 2:54 PM, Mohammad Ahmed wrote: I am not able to find the criterion under which the best subset model for a certain size is chosen fo

[R] regsubsets

2014-03-30 Thread Mohammad Ahmed
I am not able to find the criterion under which the best subset model for a certain size is chosen for the function regsubsets (leaps package in R) . For leaps function, we can determine the method ( cp,r2 or adj r2). For example, x <- predictors y <- response g <- regsubsets(x,y,nvmax=1,nbest=

[R] Help: Split-Split model nested in a nested structure

2014-02-22 Thread Zia Ahmed
year 1 and year 2 separately. We are using the following ANOVA model. We do not know whether we are missing something here. Help will be highly arreciated. Regards Zia Ahmed, CIMMYT model<-aov(YIELD~ENV*SOWING*N_RATE*GEN+Error(FARMERS/N_RATE/GEN), data=mydata) summary(model) # Distri

[R] FW: sourcing scripts

2014-01-29 Thread Ahmed M. El-Kenawy
Hi Barry, Thanks for your reply. Actually, I tried both max=TRUE and min=TRUE. Neither of them works. Ahmed Kenawy From: b.rowling...@gmail.com [b.rowling...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Barry Rowlingson [b.rowling...@lancaster.ac.uk] Sent: Wednesday

Re: [R] sourcing scripts

2014-01-29 Thread Ahmed M. El-Kenawy
Hi Barry, I removed the lines related to memory size from other scripts and kept it only in the master script. Now it works. Cheers Ahmed Kenawy From: b.rowling...@gmail.com [b.rowling...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Barry Rowlingson [b.rowling

[R] sourcing scripts

2014-01-29 Thread Ahmed M. El-Kenawy
: memory.size(max=TRUE) memory.limit() gc() memory.limit(16000) memory.size() gc() rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) source("H:\\HIRAM\\Script_1.R") cheers Ahmed Kenawy __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help

[R] linear line in x, y plot

2013-10-28 Thread Ahmed Attia
NWI, data=Ahmed) NWI <- seq(-0.08, -0.02, len = -0.02) lines(NWI, predict(reg1, list(NWI = NWI)),xlim=c(-0.08,-0.02),ylim=c(0,1),pch=1,col=1,lwd=2, lty=1) When I wrote the following code abline(reg1,pch=2,col=2,lwd=2, lty=2,xlim=c(-0.06,-0.02),ylim=c(0.3,0.8)) the line shows up, but I c

[R] Custom x axis in a boxplot

2013-10-24 Thread Ahmed Attia
Dear R users, How can I customize x axis in a boxplot? xaxt="n" to suppress x axis, but I would like to customize x axis for different groups. Thanks -- Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. Of Soil&Crop Sciences Texas A&M University ahmed.at...@ag.tamu.edu Cell phone

[R] Text in a plot without x axis

2013-10-24 Thread Ahmed Attia
Dear R users, Can I add a text to a plot without x axis? I saw a function that enables placing the text with mouse text(location, "text to place", pos, ...) locator(1) but it did not work out. -- Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. Of Soil&Crop Sciences Texas A&M U

[R] Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient

2013-10-20 Thread Ahmed Attia
Hi Could you please inform how can I get the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient in r? Comparing observed vs. simulated values. Appreciated -- Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. Of Soil&Crop Sciences Texas A&M University ahmed.at...@ag.tamu.edu Cell phone: 001-979-

[R] Fwd: axis lab font in r

2013-09-17 Thread Ahmed Attia
-- Forwarded message -- From: Ahmed Attia Date: Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 11:17 AM Subject: axis lab font in r To: r-help-requ...@r-project.org I have an a question about the axis lab font in r. I use font.lab, but r changes the font of x axis lab only. How I can change the font of

[R] replacing Na's with values on different records

2013-09-09 Thread El-Tahtawy, Ahmed
I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious in the "for loop"... Here is simplified data for 3 patients, we need filling in Na's with same WT for each patient, AUC halved for visit 3, doubled for visit 5 for the same patient, based on visit 4 for(i in unique(u3s$ID)){

[R] Negative page rank values

2013-08-14 Thread Farhan Ahmed
Hello, I'm using igraph for some simple network analysis of a directed graph. When I calculate the page-rank using page.rank(g), the returned vector contains negative values. The vector sums to 1, which tells me that the algorithm working fine. How do I interpret the negative values and is there

Re: [R] Select only rows that don't contain one number

2013-07-30 Thread Farhan Ahmed
x[!apply(x, 1, function (y) any(y==-1)),] -- Original Message -- From: "Dimitri Liakhovitski" To: "r-help" Sent: 7/30/2013 10:06:02 AM Subject: [R] Select only rows that don't contain one number Hello! I have a data frame: x<-data.frame(a=c(-1,1,2,3,4),b=c(1,-1,3,4,5),c=1:5,d=2:6,e=

Re: [R] selection based on dates

2013-07-30 Thread Farhan Ahmed
I'm still a novice at R, so this may be a bit convoluted but it works: colnames(x) = c("date", "id", "value") do.call(rbind, (dlply(as.data.frame(x), .(id), function (y) y[-c(which(as.Date(y$date, "%m/%d/%y") == min(as.Date(y$date, "%m/%d/%y")), arr.ind=T)),]))) - FA -- Original Message

[R] simulating help

2013-07-25 Thread Ahmed Abo-Zaid
Dear all Could you please give me a link to a paper or article that explains how can I calculate type I error and power of a test using my data set by using R ? Also how can I do the same thing on a simulated data? I want this to compare between two tests I will be so grateful if you could help m

[R] Importing data by odbcConnectExcel in 64 bit

2013-07-16 Thread Ahmed Attia
elissa<-sqlFetch(odbcConnectExcel("F:\\Cotton2012\\validation.xlsx"),sqtable = "Sheet3", + na.strings = "NA", as.is = TRUE) Error in odbcConnectExcel("F:\\Cotton2012\\validation.xlsx") : odbcConnectExcel is only usable with 32-bit Windows -- Ahmed M.

Re: [R] kernlab::kkmeans initial centers

2013-04-03 Thread Ahmed Elgohary
7;vgr' not found" --ahmed On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Pascal Oettli wrote: > Hi, > > The output of the provided example shows you which kind of matrix you need > for cluster centers. In the example, 3 centers per variable (4) are > defined. Thus, the initial cluster

Re: [R] kernlab::kkmeans initial centers

2013-04-03 Thread Ahmed Elgohary
number of clusters and lets the method assigns random cluster memberships. I am also wondering about the output centers. Are they the centers in the eigenvectors space? If so, what kind of initial centers I am supposed to pass to the method? --ahmed On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Pascal Oettli

[R] kernlab::kkmeans initial centers

2013-04-02 Thread Ahmed Elgohary
Hi, I am trying to pass initial cluster assignments to the kkmeans method<http://rss.acs.unt.edu/Rdoc/library/kernlab/html/kkmeans.html>of kernlab. It is not clear to me how I can set the parameter *centers* with "initial cluster centers" as stated in the documentation?

[R] Fwd: Help with nonlinear regression

2013-01-14 Thread Ahmed Attia
-- Forwarded message -- From: Ahmed Attia Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:31 AM Subject: Help with nonlinear regression To: r-help@r-project.org Dears- I have a question about nonlinear regression. Asymptotic Regression Model below is the equation of the model (Reference

[R] Fwd: Help with nonlinear regression

2013-01-14 Thread Ahmed Attia
-- Forwarded message -- From: Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 12:31 AM Subject: Help with nonlinear regression To: ahmedati...@gmail.com The message's content type was not explicitly allowed -- Forwarded message -- From: Ahmed Attia To: r-help@r-project.o

[R] Getting the R squared value in asymptotic regression model

2013-01-12 Thread Ahmed Attia
Please help getting the R squared value in asymptotic regression model I use the code below model1<-nls(GN1~SSasymp (nrate,a,b,c), data = data.1 ) and R produced the modell coefficients without the R squared value? -- Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. Of Soil&Crop Sciences

[R] Help

2012-11-29 Thread Mohammad Ahmed
Help Please Hello, I want to find the whole hat matrix not only the hat values. Is there anyway that could be extracted from lm function ?. If not, please suggest something else. Direct computations using chol2inv or solve are not stable if t(X)%*%X has   high determinant. In this case lm is sti

Re: [R] Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe

2012-11-08 Thread Ross Ahmed
ot;, "drat", "gear") IV <- list(c("cyl", "disp", "hp"), c("wt", "qsec"), c("carb")) fits <- vector("list", length(DV)) for(i in seq(DV)) { fit <- lm(formula=paste(DV[i], paste(IV[[i]], collapse="+&

Re: [R] Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe

2012-11-06 Thread Ross Ahmed
Superb Jean, many thanks Ross From: Jean V Adams Date: Tuesday, 6 November 2012 19:20 To: Ross Ahmed Cc: Subject: Re: [R] Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe DV <- c("mpg", "drat", "gear") IV <- list(c("cyl", "disp",

Re: [R] Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe

2012-11-06 Thread Ross Ahmed
Thanks Jean This works for the plots, but it only stores the last lm() computed Ross From: Jean V Adams Date: Tuesday, 6 November 2012 14:12 To: Ross Ahmed Cc: Subject: Re: [R] Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe Ross, Here's one way to condense the code ... DV <

[R] Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe

2012-11-04 Thread Ross Ahmed
esiduals) plotResIV(lm.gear$model[,-1],lm.gear$residuals) Many thanks Ross Ahmed [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www

Re: [R] ROC plot for KNN

2011-10-03 Thread AHmed
Qian Liu gmail.com> writes: > > Hi I need some help with ploting the ROC for K-nearest neighbors. Since KNN > is a non-parametric classification methods, the predicted value will be > either 0 or 1. > It will not be able to test for different cutoff to plot ROC. What is the > package or functio

[R] Problem indexing a factor variable

2011-09-21 Thread Ahmed, Rizwan
Hi, I have a dataframe "gexp_1" with 115 rows of samples and 27000 columns of gene expression measurements with each column corresponding to one gene. I now have a smaller vector of genes "tp" for which I need to pull out the data form the data frame. # first gene from the list with 16 genes

Re: [R] predictive accuracy

2011-05-31 Thread El-Tahtawy, Ahmed
area of using R to solve challenging issues. Best Regards Ahmed -Original Message- From: Mike Marchywka [mailto:marchy...@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 8:55 PM To: gunter.ber...@gene.com; El-Tahtawy, Ahmed Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: RE: [R] predictive accuracy

Re: [R] predictive accuracy

2011-05-26 Thread El-Tahtawy, Ahmed
...@me.com] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 10:54 AM To: El-Tahtawy, Ahmed Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] predictive accuracy On May 26, 2011, at 7:42 AM, El-Tahtawy, Ahmed wrote: > I am trying to develop a prognostic model using logistic regression. I > built a full , approximate model

[R] predictive accuracy

2011-05-26 Thread El-Tahtawy, Ahmed
I am trying to develop a prognostic model using logistic regression. I built a full , approximate models with the use of penalization - design package. Also, I tried Chi-square criteria, step-down techniques. Used BS for model validation. The main purpose is to develop a predictive model for

[R] R help

2010-11-21 Thread Ahmed Attia
Dear All, I'm a beginner user in R and I would like to make a quadratic and plateau model in R. Can you help please with an example? Thanks so much -- Ahmed M. Attia Assistant Lecturer El-Khattara farm Station Agronomy Dept., Zgazig Univ., Egypt Visiting Scientist Haskell Agricul

[R] Help with linear plus plateau fit model

2010-11-21 Thread Ahmed Attia
Dear R users, If you could please provide an example with the data set for the linear plus plateau model in R. I've 5 N rates and I need to make this model between N rates and grain Yield. Thanks so much Ahmed -- Ahmed M. Attia Assistant Lecturer El-Khattara farm Station Agronomy

[R] Fwd: Fwd: R help

2010-11-21 Thread Ahmed Attia
On 11/21/10 11:24, Ahmed Attia wrote: > -- Forwarded message -- > From: Ahmed Attia > Date: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:06 AM > Subject: R help > To: r-help@r-project.org > > > Dear All, > > I'm a beginner user in R and I would like to make a quadra

Re: [R] Ranked Set Sampling

2010-10-04 Thread Ahmed Albatineh
I will share it provided the author agree to that. Thanks again Ahmed On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 3:29 PM, David Winsemius wrote: > > On Oct 3, 2010, at 3:01 PM, David Winsemius wrote: > > >> On Oct 3, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Jeffrey Spies wrote: >> >> This is certainly not m

[R] Ranked Set Sampling

2010-10-03 Thread Ahmed Albatineh
Dear R Users; Are you aware of any package that calculates Ranked Set Sample? If you have a code that you are willing to share, I will acknowledge that in my work. Thanks much Ahmed [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org

[R] Ranked Set Sampling

2010-09-29 Thread Ahmed Albatineh
Ahmed [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained

[R] stratified Wilcoxon's rank sum test with the locally best weights

2010-09-14 Thread El-Tahtawy, Ahmed
he regular ANOVA. I have been directed to use SAS with PROC FREQ with the SCORES=modridit option and CMH2 (SAS only has the locally best weight option??) I will never go back to SAS, and believe a code for the above test already exists?? Thanks in adv

[R] Error in affypdnn package

2010-07-06 Thread Hasan, Ahmed Ryadh - hasar001
oading required package: AnnotationDbi > energy.file <- system.file("exampleData", > "pdnn-energy-parameter_hg-u95av2.txt", package = "affypdnn") > params.chiptype <- pdnn.params.chiptype(energy.file, probes.pack = > "hgu95av2probe") Calculating chip type

[R] duplicating records

2010-02-05 Thread El-Tahtawy, Ahmed
73 1 72.12 45 1 2 2 8 I could not find much help ( R code) to accomplish this duplication. Thanks for your help. Ahmed [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mai

[R] ecdf error

2010-02-05 Thread El-Tahtawy, Ahmed
Dear friends, Ecdf used to work nicely before. e.g. ecdf(df1v[,c(1:6)],group=df1v$trt,q=.5,col=1:2,label.curves=list(keys="l ines"), datadensity="rug") but now it does not work at all, even for a simpler code??? By the way, I used the same libraries. Thanks for

[R] How do I calculate r^2 of "SSasymp" non-linear regression model in R?

2010-01-06 Thread Zia Ahmed
Is it possible to get r^2 value of "SSasymp" non-linear regression model in R. Does anyone have any suggestions ? Thanks Zia __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http:

[R] Resent: colorkey: Placement of labels and ticks in center positions of "color key" of a levelplot ?

2009-12-23 Thread Zia Ahmed
Is it possible to place labels and ticks in center positions of each cut of "color key" of levelplot ? Here is my code that I used to produce a map (see attachment). The two labels and ticks were placed in left sides each segment of the color key. I want to show them center of the cut

[R] colorkey: Placement of labels and ticks in center positions of "color key" of a levelplot ?

2009-12-23 Thread Zia Ahmed
Is it possible to place labels and ticks in center positions of each cut of "color key" of levelplot ? Here is my code that I used to produce a map (see attachment). The two labels and ticks were placed in left sides each segment of the color key. I want to show them center of the cut

[R] putting circles/buffers arround points on a 2D graph/plot

2009-07-16 Thread Ahmed, Sadia
Hi, I'll try to keep my question brief and to the point, to anyone who helps 'THANK YOU!' I want to get a circle/ring/buffer or some other form of drawn line around certain points on a x,y plot, the points usually don't form a circle, often they form a 'wobbly' shape, so ideally I'd like some

Re: [R] plot data with a colour scale - more details!

2009-01-19 Thread Rayhan Ahmed
values ranging from 0.3-0.9). At this point, the discontinous shading would be a polishing step, and I would be just content with the color scale corresponding to the range of hydropahty values. Thanks. -Ray On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Ahmed, Rayhan wrote

[R] plot data with a colour scale - more details!

2009-01-17 Thread Ahmed, Rayhan
Hello again, I am trying to create a color scale plotting the hydroathy index (y-axis) versus residue (x-axis) - each residue (1-100) has a value between 0-1. I've been trying to create a scale where: 0-0.499: increasing intensity of red 0.5- yellow 0.51 - 1 increasing intensity of green. THis

Re: [R] plot data with a colour scale

2009-01-17 Thread Ahmed, Rayhan
Could you please provide further details - I am still still unable to produce this image. Thanks! -ray [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the po

[R] GAM vs. MGCV packages

2007-10-24 Thread Firas Ahmed
Hi all, I am a new R- user and I am going through the R-manuals, but I could not find an answer for my question. I am confused about when to use the GAM package and when to use the MGCV package?? My Model is a GAM model of continuous outcome and many non-linear continuous predictors (using th