Re: [R] byte coding compiling.....

2022-07-06 Thread akshay kulkarni
Dear Bert, Thanks for your reply... So > cmpfun(mclapply) should do the job right? By the by, how can I give a reprex? Reprex of the code that I am giving to mclapply (as FUN argument)? Yours sincerely, AKSHAY M KULKARNI From: Bert Gunter Sen

[R] Space between axis title and tick labels in persp plot in R (using vis.gam)

2022-07-06 Thread jade.shodan--- via R-help
Dear list, I am making a perspective plot of my generalised additive model (GAM) named a1b, using vis.gam() in mgcv, which in turn makes use of the persp function in base R. Code is as follows: library(mgcv) vis.gam(x = a1b, view = c("wbgt_max", "lag"), plot.type = "persp",

Re: [R] byte coding compiling.....

2022-07-06 Thread Bert Gunter
Unlikely See here: Byte code compilation should be automatic in both cases, as I understand it. Of course, I could be wrong due to special features of parallel programming, etc. A reprex might be helpful here. C