Re: [R] rnoaa library

2019-12-30 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Jeff, You might have better luck posting your question on the R-SIG-Geo mailing list, or perusing their archive. I've found a thread pertaining to the rnoaa package from August 2016, along with a particularly informative reply (reply link below):

Re: [R] [FORGED] Re: rmgarch: source package installation problem

2019-12-30 Thread Rolf Turner
On 31/12/19 12:29 am, Pietro Coretto wrote: On 30/12/2019 12.11, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 30/12/2019 5:59 a.m., Pietro Coretto wrote: [...] You didn't show us the command you used to install it. Duncan Murdoch Sorry for this, I used the following: install.packages("rmgarch") from th

Re: [R] rmgarch: source package installation problem

2019-12-30 Thread Pietro Coretto
On 30/12/2019 12.11, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 30/12/2019 5:59 a.m., Pietro Coretto wrote: [...] You didn't show us the command you used to install it. Duncan Murdoch Sorry for this, I used the following: install.packages("rmgarch") from the linux command line, using both a regular user

Re: [R] rmgarch: source package installation problem

2019-12-30 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 30/12/2019 5:59 a.m., Pietro Coretto wrote: Dear Users I tried to install the package "rmgarch". While installing binaries for Windows and MacOS didn't cause any issue. The source package installation doesn't work. I tried it on three different OS: Linux Ubuntu 18.04 (64bit), Windows 10 Pr

[R] rmgarch: source package installation problem

2019-12-30 Thread Pietro Coretto
Dear Users I tried to install the package "rmgarch". While installing binaries for Windows and MacOS didn't cause any issue. The source package installation doesn't work. I tried it on three different OS: Linux Ubuntu 18.04 (64bit), Windows 10 Pro (64bit) and MacOS Catalina. In all three