Re: [R] How to combine the results of different survey?

2019-06-04 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Damien Comments in line On 03/06/2019 15:50, Damien Zurkinden wrote: I have results of different surveys (years) for different species that I called NAMA. I want to combining the results of those different surveys to produce one overall result by using meta-analysis I tried to implement

Re: [R] Problem in using 'plm' package after updating R

2019-06-04 Thread Uwe Ligges
IN addition, you install to Documents\R\win-library\3.3 which suggest you have updated R but are still suing the old version 3.3.x? Best, Uwe Ligges On 04.06.2019 14:47, peter dalgaard wrote: Looks like you are not equipped to install source packages, so don't Or, possibly, install from s

Re: [R] Problem in using 'plm' package after updating R

2019-06-04 Thread peter dalgaard
Looks like you are not equipped to install source packages, so don't Or, possibly, install from source has an unstated dependency on package "stringr" so try install that first. -pd > On 3 Jun 2019, at 05:38 , Wong David wrote: > > Dear Madam/ Sir, > > After I tried to update the plm pac

[R] How to combine the results of different survey?

2019-06-04 Thread Damien Zurkinden
I have results of different surveys (years) for different species that I called NAMA. I want to combining the results of those different surveys to produce one overall result by using meta-analysis I tried to implement my data using the R package metaplus. I used as Vector of observed effect si

[R] Parallel processes collapse into one

2019-06-04 Thread Nicola Lunardon
I have written an R package to collect some functions to run simulations for a research project. Main functions are written in C and make use of BLAS routines, such as dsymm, dgemm, and ddot. I run simulations in parallel by using mclapply and the problem is that after some point all R instances co

[R] Creating a median curve among multiple curvesin ggplot

2019-06-04 Thread rain1290--- via R-help
Hi there, Using ggplot, I have successfully created a plot that contains 37 separate line plots that each represent a trend in precipitation over 140 years. However, what I would like to do is show the curve that is the "median" of these lines. Is this possible to do?  Here is what I have so far

Re: [R] Calling any method within default method!

2019-06-04 Thread Ivan Bezerra Allaman
Hi Abby and Rui! Thank's by your responses! Rui, His explanations were very illuminating. I had not realized the misconception, paste ('foo', ...) Thank you! -- \begin{signature} <<>>= Prof. D.Sc. Ivan Bezerra Allaman Laboratório de Estatística Computacional Departamento de Ciências Exatas e

[R] Problem in using 'plm' package after updating R

2019-06-04 Thread Wong David
Dear Madam/ Sir, After I updated the latest packages in R this afternoon, I found that I cannot use 'plm' package. The error messages are as follows: "R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06) -- "Another Canoe" Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32

[R] MCMCglmm model set-up and interpretation

2019-06-04 Thread Theofania-Sotiria Patsiou , Φαίη Πάτσιου
Dear list, I am new to MCMCglmm and I am trying to test in my data whether there is a significant plot effect (and of which plot) on each treatment per group of species while accounting for phylogenetic relatedness. My data is structured as follows: Species: 100 species Species type: 3 levels

Re: [R] Post Hoc for Homogeneity of variance

2019-06-04 Thread Stephen Ellison
> Thomas Subia Could you please explain the difference between: > any differences in variance between factors. and > variance differences between factors ? *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{drop