Dear Damien
Comments in line
On 03/06/2019 15:50, Damien Zurkinden wrote:
I have results of different surveys (years) for different species that I called
NAMA. I want to combining the results of those different surveys to produce one
overall result by using meta-analysis
I tried to implement
IN addition, you install to Documents\R\win-library\3.3 which suggest
you have updated R but are still suing the old version 3.3.x?
Uwe Ligges
On 04.06.2019 14:47, peter dalgaard wrote:
Looks like you are not equipped to install source packages, so don't
Or, possibly, install from s
Looks like you are not equipped to install source packages, so don't
Or, possibly, install from source has an unstated dependency on package
"stringr" so try install that first.
> On 3 Jun 2019, at 05:38 , Wong David wrote:
> Dear Madam/ Sir,
> After I tried to update the plm pac
I have results of different surveys (years) for different species that I called
NAMA. I want to combining the results of those different surveys to produce one
overall result by using meta-analysis
I tried to implement my data using the R package metaplus. I used as Vector of
observed effect si
I have written an R package to collect some functions to run simulations
for a research project. Main functions are written in C and make use of
BLAS routines, such as dsymm, dgemm, and ddot. I run simulations in
parallel by using mclapply and the problem is that after some point all R
instances co
Hi there,
Using ggplot, I have successfully created a plot that contains 37 separate line
plots that each represent a trend in precipitation over 140 years. However,
what I would like to do is show the curve that is the "median" of these lines.
Is this possible to do?
Here is what I have so far
Hi Abby and Rui!
Thank's by your responses!
His explanations were very illuminating. I had not realized the
paste ('foo', ...)
Thank you!
Prof. D.Sc. Ivan Bezerra Allaman
Laboratório de Estatística Computacional
Departamento de Ciências Exatas e
Dear Madam/ Sir,
After I updated the latest packages in R this afternoon, I found that I cannot
use 'plm' package. The error messages are as follows:
"R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06) -- "Another Canoe"
Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32
Dear list,
I am new to MCMCglmm and I am trying to test in my data whether there is a
significant plot effect (and of which plot) on each treatment per group of
species while accounting for phylogenetic relatedness.
My data is structured as follows:
Species: 100 species
Species type: 3 levels
> Thomas Subia
Could you please explain the difference between:
> any differences in variance between factors.
> variance differences between factors
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