I was probably a bit obscure and should have written "convert your
0-255 values to 0-1". As Bert notes, you can't get a sensible ternary
plot if your values do not sum to 1. scatterplot3d does a pretty good
job, if you run the example.
On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 3:26 PM Bert Gunter wrote:
When using the geom_ribbon function in gglot2 package, I got the text
"fill" above the legend "A" and "B". How can I get rid of the text "fill"
above the legend?
The code is as follows:
df<-data.frame(x=c(1,2), y=c(1,2), z=c(3,5))
> ggplot(df,
3-d Proportions must sum to 1and are thus actually 2-d and should preferaby
be plotted as a ternary plot. Several r packages will do this for you, e.g.
package Ternary. Search "ternary plots" on rseek.org for others.
-- Bert
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep
... Perhaps worth adding is the use of poly() rather than separately
created terms for (non/orthogonal) polynomials:
lm(y ~ poly(x, degree =2) #orthogonal polyomial of degree 2
see ?poly for details.
-- Bert
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
It is now working.
Thank you very much.
On 12/18/2018 7:10 PM, Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
## This example, with your variable names, works correctly.
z2 <- data.frame(y=1:5, x=c(1,5,2,3,5), x2=c(1,5,2,3,5)^2)
lm(y ~ x + x2, data=z2)
## note that
## This example, with your variable names, works correctly.
z2 <- data.frame(y=1:5, x=c(1,5,2,3,5), x2=c(1,5,2,3,5)^2)
lm(y ~ x + x2, data=z2)
## note that that variable names y, x, x2 are column names of the
## data.frame z2
## please review the definitions and
The values read into z2 came from a CSV file. Please consider this R
> length(x2)
[1] 1632
> length(x)
[1] 1632
> length(z2)
[1] 1632
> head(z2)
[1] 28914.0 28960.5 28994.5 29083.0 29083.0 29083.0
> tail(z2)
[1] 32729.65 32751.85 32386.05 32379.75 32379.15 31977.15
> lm ( y ~ x2 + x, z2
Hi Tasha,
I may be right off the track, but you could plot RGB proportions on a
3D plot. The easiest way I can think if would be to convert your 0-255
values to proportions:
rgb_prop<-read.table(text="Red Green Blue pct
249 158 37 56.311
249 158 68 4.319
249 158 98 0.058
249 128 7 13.965
249 128 3
I can't figure out what message you are hoping to convey in your plot from your
posting... what are you comparing to what? Comments like "I've run into
different examples of people using vegan (an analysis package with some
diagnostic display functionality) or grDevices (a package supporting dif
I am trying to plot specific rgb color proportions of a marine specimen in
a stacked plot using R and I was looking for some help. I have several
rgb proportions per specimen (an example of one is below). I've run into
different examples of people using vegan or grDevices. Can anyone help
Is there any alternative to webshot?
On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 6:23 PM Marc Girondot wrote:
> Hi Christofer,
> I just try on MacOSX and ubuntu and it works on both:
> For ubuntu:
> > Sys.info()
You are calling plot.default with 4 arguments.
The first 2 are x and y.
The 3rd is type.
So MyData$NWorthSm becomes the 4th, xlim.
When you pass xlim a value, MyData$NWorthSm becomes the next one, ylim.
Etc, etc, etc.
It will throw the errors in the order of the arguments you can see in
Dear Eric, Ivan & Rui
Thanks all for your suggestions. FWIW, I've opted to use paste0 and
after a bit of playing around found it formatted the output nicely.
Eric, I wasn't aware of sprintf - seems a handy function to format text
with, so will try to remember that.
Ivan, I'll dig into 'messa
Dear Bob
We do not have your data so it is hard to be sure but plot() takes two
parameters for the data x and y so when you give it three you are
confusing it into thinking one of them is something else.
What exactly were you trying to do with the failed command?
On 18/12/2018 14:17, rsherry
Please consider the following R statements:
> x = seq(1:1632)
> length( MyData$NWorth )
[1] 1632
> length( MyData$NWorthSm )
[1] 1632
> plot( x, MyData$NWorth, type="l" )
> plot( x, MyData$NWorthSm, type="l" )
> plot( x, MyData$NWorth, MyData$NWorthSm, type="l" )
Hi Christofer,
I just try on MacOSX and ubuntu and it works on both:
For ubuntu:
> Sys.info()
Also the Session information.
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/libblas/libblas.so.3.6.0
LAPACK: /usr/lib/lapack/liblapack.so.3.6.0
[1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
I was using webshot package to take snapshot of a webpage as below:
However what I see is a Blank PDF file is saved.
However if I use the same code in my windows machine it
Hello Sir,
It is really great learning for me while discussing with you.
As per your suggestion, I also read the axis function in the graphics
package, and now completely understand your logic. I will apply the same
logic for my rest variable and would like to discuss after the successful
Yet another option is ?cat.
msg <- c("is not between 1 or 15",
"is *not* 6 - 9 inclusive, nor is it 12",
"falls within 6 - 9 inclusively, or is 12",
"is *not* 6 - 9 inclusive, nor is it 12",
"is not between 1 or 15")
nums <- as.numeric(readline("Pleas
Hi Subhamitra,
My apologies, I caught a mistake. To have the first tick in the middle of
the first year, you want half of the _observations_ in a year, not half of
the days. As I now have your data at my fingertips:
[1] 228.8908
Almost exactly what was calculated for the first serie
On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 08:56:23 +
Andrew wrote:
> How do I:
> (a) reduce the gap between the reported number (i.e., 17, 9, 13) in
> each of the lines? and
> (b) ensure that in the case of the second run using 9 as the input,
> the print is not over two lines?
Build a single string from yo
I often use sprintf() to control formatting of text strings. e.g.
sprintf("%s is not between 1 or 15\n",nums)
See ?sprintf for details
On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 10:56 AM Andrew wrote:
> Hi all
> Playing around with some branching using if, if else, and else, I wrote
> the following
Hi all
Playing around with some branching using if, if else, and else, I wrote
the following very basic script:
[code block]
## Take single value input from user:
# Note 'as.integer' to convert character vector to numeric for testing
nums <- (as.numeric(readline("Please enter a number between
24 matches
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