Re: [R] Bootstrapped CIs of MSE for (G)AM model

2018-11-22 Thread varin sacha via R-help
Great, many thanks Rui, it perfectly works. Best, Le jeudi 22 novembre 2018 à 23:45:15 UTC+1, Rui Barradas a écrit : Hello, Sorry, there's a close parenthesis too many in the call to boot, the very last one. Delete it and it runs with no errors. Rui Barradas Às 21:55 de 22/11/2

Re: [R] Bootstrapped CIs of MSE for (G)AM model

2018-11-22 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Sorry, there's a close parenthesis too many in the call to boot, the very last one. Delete it and it runs with no errors. Rui Barradas Às 21:55 de 22/11/2018, Rui Barradas escreveu: Hello, There were several errors with your code. The following works but with the other CI types.

Re: [R] detecting measurement of specific id in column in R

2018-11-22 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Vicci, It's very clunky, but I think it will do what you want. rrdf<-read.csv(text="No,date,chamber,d13C,ppm_CO2,ppm_13CO2 1,10.14.2018 10:43 PM,IN,-0.192,439.6908,4.9382 2,10.14.2018 10:47 PM,101,-0.058,440.7646,4.9509 3,10.14.2018 10:50 PM,103,-1.368,535.6602,5.9967 4,10.14.2018 10:53 PM,1

Re: [R] Bootstrapped CIs of MSE for (G)AM model

2018-11-22 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, There were several errors with your code. The following works but with the other CI types. library(ISLR) library(mgcv) library(boot) # function to obtain MSE MSE <- function(data, indices, formula) { d <- data[indices, ] # allows boot to select sample fit <- gam(formula, data = d)

Re: [R] detecting measurement of specific id in column in R

2018-11-22 Thread Romy Rehschuh via R-help
Dear all, if the attachment didn´t arrive, maybe it works now. I would like to substract the "IN" values (= the air which goes into the chambers) for "d13C", "ppm_CO2" and "ppm_13CO2" from the "d13C", "ppm_CO2" and "ppm_13CO2" for every single chamber. I need to substract the "IN" values which wer

[R] Bootstrapped CIs of MSE for (G)AM model

2018-11-22 Thread varin sacha via R-help
Dear R-experts, I am trying to get the bootstrapped confidence intervals of Mean squared error (MSE) for a (G)AM model. I get an error message. Here below the reproducible R code. Many thanks for your response. install.packages("ISLR") library(ISLR) install.packages("mgc

Re: [R] detecting measurement of specific id in column in R

2018-11-22 Thread Bert Gunter
Jeff's advice is sound, but as I have a bit of time on my hand, I'll take a guess at it. If it's wrong, then follow Jeff's advice so that we don't have to continue to guess -- and do as he describes in any future posts, of course. Note also that the mail server strips off attachments (except for a

Re: [R] detecting measurement of specific id in column in R

2018-11-22 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, No attachment arrived. R-help allows only a limited number of file types to be attached, if you file is a text file, change its extension to .txt an try again, please. Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Às 09:33 de 22/11/2018, Romy Rehschuh via R-help escreveu: Dear all, I hope this is t

Re: [R] detecting measurement of specific id in column in R

2018-11-22 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You hope... but no... not really. You need to enhance your question with a (minimal) example of the data just after importing into R, and another example of what you think the result should look like. Also, you should provide your current best guess at what a calculation would include expressed

[R] detecting measurement of specific id in column in R

2018-11-22 Thread Romy Rehschuh via R-help
Dear all, I hope this is the right way to ask questions. I have a problem with R regarding the detection of the measurement of a specific sample_id (see example file attached). I have to substract the "IN" values (means the air which goes into the chambers) from the values of "d13C", "ppm_CO2" and