Re: [R] saveRDS() and readRDS() Why? [solved, kind of]

2018-11-10 Thread Patrick Connolly
On Thu, 08-Nov-2018 at 11:06AM +0100, Martin Maechler wrote: |> > Patrick Connolly |> > on Thu, 8 Nov 2018 20:27:24 +1300 writes: [...] |> > |> > I still don't know Why, but I know How. |> |> Hmm.. and nobody has been able to reproduce your problem, right? |> |> IIUC, currently y

[R] summary function did not work with multcomp with 27 comparisons

2018-11-10 Thread Friedman, Richard A.
Dear List. I submitted this inquiry on Thursday but it bounced because I wasn;s a memeber under my current e-mail address; I since joined, but did not receive Friday's issue. So please excuse me if you have seen this query before. I ran multcomp with 27 comparisons. The glht command returned an

Re: [R] Read

2018-11-10 Thread Val
Thank you Jeff and all. My data is very messy and it is nice trick suggested by Jeff to handle it On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 8:42 PM Jeff Newmiller wrote: > > Your file has 5 commas in the first data row, but only 4 in the header. R > interprets this to mean your first column is intended to be row n


2018-11-10 Thread Medic
Rui Barradas, thank you for your prompt response, your code will be useful to me in the future! Rick Bilonick ("your data appear to be categorical"), thank you very much for your comment (I would have to more correctly express my task). JIM Lemon, THANKS!!! THIS IS EXACTLY what I needed! ___

Re: [R] Read

2018-11-10 Thread Ista Zahn
readr::read_csv produces the desired result by default: readr::read_csv("x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 12,13,,14,, 22,23,24,25,26 ,33,34,34,") Best, Ista On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 8:40 PM Val wrote: > > HI all, > I am trying to read a csv file, but have a problem in the row names. > After reading, the name of th


2018-11-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Medic, Perhaps this: medic_df<-read.table(text="name number ds6277 lk 24375 ax46049 dd70656 az216544 df 220620 gh641827", header=TRUE) library(plotrix) options(scipen=10) barp(medic_df$number,names.arg=medic_df$name,width=0.5) As others have noted, this is really a