[R] Sales invoice

2018-11-05 Thread Kenn Konstabel
Good day, Your Kenn Konstabel invoice is available Sincerely, Kenn Konstabel T: 0865 102 7899 e-Mail:lebats...@gmail.com We are committed to reducing its impact on the environment. Please don't print this email unless absolutely necessary. __ R-

Re: [R] R command prompt newline treatment

2018-11-05 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Well, you may or may not have ruled out the Putty settings (your hand waving is a bit hard for me to interpret), and there may still be host side terminal settings involved, or if you compiled R yourself you may have setup something wrong. However, in either case the R-sig-fedora mailing list wo

Re: [R] R command prompt newline treatment

2018-11-05 Thread Ben
Hi Jeff - thanks. I forgot to add originally that I use putty as a terminal for the old version of R I mentioned as well as the new, and also I can see the same issue with the new version of R when run in xterm. I’ve messed with some of the options putty offers and it doesnt change the new R beha

Re: [R] R command prompt newline treatment

2018-11-05 Thread Jeff Newmiller
I am pretty sure this is not an R issue (so it is off-topic here)... it sounds like the kind of misconfiguration that was common back when there were dozens of competing terminal manufacturers and the solution was to configure your Linux TERM variable and/or terminfo database to match up with yo

[R] R command prompt newline treatment

2018-11-05 Thread Ben
Hi all - I’m seeing a weird issue. I’m running R v3.3.2 on CentOS 7 Linux. The behavior of the command prompt when entering very long commands on a single line is strange compared to my use in older versions. Specifically, after hitting enter, the prompt continues on the line immediately after the

Re: [R] Encoding issue

2018-11-05 Thread Sebastien Bihorel
Hi Ivan, 0xe2 0x80 0x99 seems to be the UTF-8 hex code for Unicode Character 'RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK', which would make sense in the context. Using the encoding argument for the scan call does not change the outcome. Looking at the server side a bit more, some colleagues pointed out that

Re: [R] Encoding issue

2018-11-05 Thread Ivan Krylov
On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 08:36:13 -0500 (EST) Sebastien Bihorel wrote: > [1] "râs" Interesting. This is what I get if I decode the bytes 72 e2 80 99 73 0a as latin-1 instead of UTF-8. They look like there is only three characters, but, actually, there is more: $ perl -CSD -Mcharnames=:full -MEncode=d

Re: [R] Importing JSON Files

2018-11-05 Thread K. Elo
Hi! Have you tried to use 'fromJSON' with the parameter 'simplifyDataFrame' set to TRUE? See: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/jsonlite/vignettes/json-aaquickstart.html -> Section "Data Frames" explains how this affects the data frame structure. IMHO this should solve your problem... Be

[R] Importing JSON Files

2018-11-05 Thread JEFFERY REICHMAN
r-help Forum Struggling with importing and creating a data.fram from a JSON file. I used the jsonlite package (fromJSON function) and I can see the resulting table but one of the attributes is a list (of lists) So I have something that looks like . favorites (attribute) list(favoriteValue

Re: [R] POS counting number of verbs

2018-11-05 Thread Robert David Burbidge Ltd via R-help
Hi Elahe, First, please post in plain text and make sure the code in your message is properly formatted. Second, please state which libraries you are using. Third, your problem appears to be with empty Messages, this can be resolved as follows. >>> tar <- data.frame(Message=c("","'

Re: [R] potential issue in download.file() help page

2018-11-05 Thread Jeff Newmiller
cc'ing the list for archive thread closure and possible additional comments. My own preference leans toward simple default values as well, but if you are hoping to warn students about alternative interpretations of function signatures then be sure to point out the match.arg [1][2] convention als

Re: [R] spi package

2018-11-05 Thread Sarah Goslee
The authors of the spi package are clearly coming from some other programming language, and did some un-Rish things. Where you are assuming that nargs, the first argument, is the number of months, in fact it is literally the number of arguments you're passing to the function, not counting itself,

[R] Encoding issue

2018-11-05 Thread Sebastien Bihorel
Hi, I am having problems getting similar output when processing the same markdown files on 2 different Linux systems (one is a laptop with Linux Mint 18.3, the other is a production server running on CentOS 7). I think this boils down to an encoding issue but I am not sure if this is a system-w

[R] POS counting number of verbs

2018-11-05 Thread Elahe chalabi via R-help
Hi all, I have 16630 Messages in my data frame and I would like to count number of verbs in each message, to do so I have the following code: > str(tar) 'data.frame': 16630 obs. of  2 variables: $ Message            : Factor w/ 13412 levels "","'alter database  datafile' needs to be executed",..