Re: [R] Help on multi-line plot

2018-03-16 Thread Kwesi A. Quagraine
Thanks! I have been able to solve this! Kwesi On 16 March 2018 at 14:49:01, Kwesi Quagraine ( wrote: Hello R-Users I am struggling with this line plot, it might be simple but I am missing something here. First of all I want to make multiple line plots across seasons (D

[R] Help on multi-line plot

2018-03-16 Thread Kwesi Quagraine
Hello R-Users I am struggling with this line plot, it might be simple but I am missing something here. First of all I want to make multiple line plots across seasons (DJF,MAM,JJA,SON) for 12 variables (here, called nodes) and fill them with the node. So that season=x-axis, node=line col and freq

[R] How to save the values of the factors of a CFA analysis in my dataset?

2018-03-16 Thread Lies Henderickx
I performed a CFA using the lavaan package require('lavaan'); HS.model <- 'external_regulation_soc =~ JOBMOTIVATIE_extsoc1 + JOBMOTIVATIE_extsoc2 + JOBMOTIVATIE_extsoc3 external_regulation_mat =~ JOBMOTIVATIE_extmat1 + JOBMOTIVATIE_extmat2 + JOBMOT

[R] R project global options file

2018-03-16 Thread Adrian Friskin
Hello R-help, I currently have R-project 3.4.2 and R-studio 1.1.383 installed on some of our universities computer labs. Since the installation of Visual studio the default version of R installed has changed to the version installed by VS. Users can change the default R