Re: [R] Nonlinear regression

2017-12-20 Thread Timothy Axberg
Thank you! I didn't realize I wasn't linearizing it correctly. This was very helpful. -Timothy On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Berwin A Turlach wrote: > G'day Timothy, > > On Tue, 19 Dec 2017 18:28:00 -0600 > Timothy Axberg wrote: > > > Should I repost the question with reply-all? > > Nope,

Re: [R] [ESS] R window: Text is read only (: Another round :)

2017-12-20 Thread Albrecht Kauffmann
Dear Christian, to leave the read-only state, did you try C-x C-q in the mode line? Cheers, Albrecht -- Albrecht Kauffmann Am Mi, 20. Dez 2017, um 14:26, schrieb Christian: > Dear All > > Working along in R (Emacs {Aquamacs}, ESS ) usually I am getting a long > R buf

Re: [R] outlining (highlighting) pixels in ggplot2

2017-12-20 Thread Eik Vettorazzi
just add limits=c(-zmax1,zmax1) to the scale_fill_gradient2-call hth Am 20.12.2017 um 18:21 schrieb Morway, Eric: > I apprecaite the guidance Eik, that works great!  I'm also wondering if > you have any pointers for how I might stretch the color scale so that > the max and min values are the s

Re: [R] problem in installing "simpleaffy"

2017-12-20 Thread David Winsemius
> On Dec 20, 2017, at 7:55 AM, Rahele Amirkhah > wrote: > > Dear Madam/ Sir, > I am using R version 3.4.2. I want to analyse microarray data. when I want to > install "simpleaffy" package I get this error "package ‘simpleaffy’ is not > available (for R version 3.4.2)". I have the same problem

Re: [R] outlining (highlighting) pixels in ggplot2

2017-12-20 Thread Morway, Eric
I apprecaite the guidance Eik, that works great! I'm also wondering if you have any pointers for how I might stretch the color scale so that the max and min values are the same? Right now, the min is -0.064 and the max is something closer to 0.04. As you can see in what I sent, I tried adding:

[R] problem in installing "simpleaffy"

2017-12-20 Thread Rahele Amirkhah
Dear Madam/ Sir, I am using R version 3.4.2. I want to analyse microarray data. when I want to install "simpleaffy" package I get this error "package ‘simpleaffy’ is not available (for R version 3.4.2)". I have the same problem with R version 3.3.2. Could you please help me to solve it? I am work

Re: [R] offset with a factor

2017-12-20 Thread David Winsemius
> On Dec 20, 2017, at 6:51 AM, Bond, Stephen wrote: > > Knowledgeable useRs, > > Please, advise how to use offset with a factor. I estimate monthly effects > from a much bigger data set as monthly effects seem to be stable, and other > variables are estimated from a small, but recent data set

Re: [R] offset with a factor

2017-12-20 Thread Michael Dewey
The documentation for ?offset states that you can have more than one offset. Michael On 20/12/2017 14:51, Bond, Stephen wrote: Knowledgeable useRs, Please, advise how to use offset with a factor. I estimate monthly effects from a much bigger data set as monthly effects seem to be stable, and

[R] offset with a factor

2017-12-20 Thread Bond, Stephen
Knowledgeable useRs, Please, advise how to use offset with a factor. I estimate monthly effects from a much bigger data set as monthly effects seem to be stable, and other variables are estimated from a small, but recent data set as there is variation in those non-seasonal coefficients. How can

[R] [ESS] R window: Text is read only (: Another round :)

2017-12-20 Thread Christian
Dear All Working along in R (Emacs {Aquamacs}, ESS ) usually I am getting a long R buffer with many rows. To reduce its length, I used to select backwards and delete those unnecessary rows. Now I cannot do that, only C-k allows single lines to be deleted. the mode line says 'Text is read-only

Re: [R] outlining (highlighting) pixels in ggplot2

2017-12-20 Thread Eik Vettorazzi
Hi Eric, you can use an annotate-layer, eg ind<-which(sig>0,arr.ind = T) ggplot(m1.melted, aes(x = Month, y = Site, fill = Concentration), autoscale = FALSE, zmin = -1 * zmax1, zmax = zmax1) + geom_tile() + coord_equal() + scale_fill_gradient2(low = "darkred", m