[R] example of geom_contour() with function argument

2017-10-08 Thread Big Floppy Dog
Can someone please point me to an example with geom_contour() that uses a function? The help does not have an example of a function, and also I did not find anything from online searches. TIA, BFD --- H

Re: [R] how to overlay 2d pdf atop scatter plot using ggplot2

2017-10-08 Thread Ulrik Stervbo
How about geom_contour()? Am So., 8. Okt. 2017, 20:52 schrieb Ranjan Maitra : > Hi, > > I am no expert on ggplot2 and I do not know the answer to your question. I > looked around a bit but could not find an answer right away. But one > possibility could be, if a direct approach is not possible, t

Re: [R] how to overlay 2d pdf atop scatter plot using ggplot2

2017-10-08 Thread Ranjan Maitra
Hi, I am no expert on ggplot2 and I do not know the answer to your question. I looked around a bit but could not find an answer right away. But one possibility could be, if a direct approach is not possible, to draw ellipses corresponding to the confidence regions of the multivariate t density

Re: [R] multi variable analysis

2017-10-08 Thread Ranjan Maitra
Arun, I would suggest either getting enrolled in a multivariate statistics class and the pre-requisites for this or going back to your boss and asking him or her to hire a MS-level statistician since this is clearly beyond your current state of knowledge. Don't expect R-help to be a free cons

Re: [R] Manipulations with CO2 dataset on R

2017-10-08 Thread Ranjan Maitra
Hello Ludovico, What is your goal in taking this class? If you are expecting someone else to do your homework for you, you should really consider whether you should waste your time and your funding source's money to take this class. In any case, HW questions are off-topic for this list. So, R

[R] Manipulations with CO2 dataset on R

2017-10-08 Thread Ludovico Piccolo
Hi, I just started a new course this semester on R, I never used it in my life and i'm stuck on these questions from 3 days, it would be really nice if someone could explain me the answers with the relative commands. thanks a lot in advance The following 7 questions are based on the CO2 data

[R] how to overlay 2d pdf atop scatter plot using ggplot2

2017-10-08 Thread Big Floppy Dog
Note: I have posted this on SO also but while the question has been upvoted, there has been no answer yet. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46622243/ggplot-plot-2d-probability-density-function-on-top-of-points-on-ggplot Apologies for those who have seen it there also but I thought that this li

[R] multi variable analysis

2017-10-08 Thread Arun Kumar
Hi All, I have been given three raw data csv files related to an advertising campaign. Impressions, clicks and conversion. They asked me to suggest optimisation suggestions using uni variable and multi variable analysis. The clicks or conversions are spread across various parameters like device, c

Re: [R] load() failed to load .Rdata file in AWS-Ububtu

2017-10-08 Thread Christofer Bogaso
Thanks Eric for your pointer. However I just altered the argument of load() function a little bit to get that loaded. Below is the line what I tried. ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-148:~$ R R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28) -- "Short Summer" Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platfo